The Lightless Sea67

“Are you ready?”

At nine o’clock in the evening, Ye Chan opened the teleportation channel and came to Kai Xin’s residence.

“It’s been ready a long time ago.” Kui Xin stood up from the sofa, “Go early and come back early, I want to come back soon and rest.”

When she put on the mask, Ye Chan observed her face, “You have really heavy dark circles.”

“When necessary, I work 24 hours a day.” Kai Xin glanced at him.Eyes, “It’s strange if the dark circles are not heavy.”

“Thank you.” Ye Chan stretched out his arms and invited Kai Xin to walk into the transmission channel.

Seeing that Kai Xin had gone in, Yinmian wanted to follow him.

“You stay and look after the house.” Yechan smiled and hugged Yinmian, “Tonight is not a task, the rich woman has to go back to the headquarters to do something.”

“That’s it… goodbye.” Yin waved to Kai Xin’s back.

Kai Xin walked through the passage and came to the silver-white corridor.

The spotless floor reflected the light, and a blue light scanned Kai Xin from head to toe.

“Identity confirmation, ‘rich lady’, welcome back.” Eden said.

“Pfft.” Ye Chan laughed standing behind Kai Xin, “Every time I see someone calling you a rich woman, I want to laugh. Red is the person who calls you the most times, right? How did he manage to call you so serious?” Rich woman’?”

“Do you have any objections to my code name?” Kai Xin turned to look at him.

“How can it be?” Ye Chan grinned and said, “Let’s go, miss, I’ll take you to see the prisoners.”

Although Ye Chan called Kai Xin “Miss” many times, he never really regarded her as Miss, and called her in a very casual tone. These three words are just a mocking name in Ye Chan’s heart, and Kai Xin’s status in the organization is not high enough to be absolutely prioritized.

“Let’s go and see the appetizers first.” Ye Chan said, “Did the boss tell you about the ‘player’?”

“Tell me a little bit.” Kai Xin said.

“Then let me tell you in detail.” Ye Chan walked in front of Kai Xin with her arms folded, leading her in the corridor, “The story will start when I go to Beluga City to perform a mission.”

He didn’t elaborate on what mission he went to Beluga City to carry out, but started to tell the story directly.

“The first person to reveal her secrets was Doreen Sinclairton, a female assistant from the Institute of Biomechanics. She is the so-called player, the first player we contacted. The player took Ms. Doreen’s body and disguised herself as her life, but the player does not seem to have the memory of Ms. Doreen, she can only forcefully disguise herself.”

“Of course it’s easy to detect abnormalities if you don’t have a memory.” Kai Xin said.

Ye Chan nodded: “Yes, she went to work, but she couldn’t remember the password of the duty room when she walked to the door. How could an experimenter of a research institute forget the password of the duty room? Her abnormal behavior attracted the attention of her colleagues, so she Colleagues reported the matter and we began monitoring Ms Doreen.”

“Doreen is Rainier’s assistant?” Kai Xin said.

“Yes. Pull out the radish and bring out the mud. We soon discovered that Rainier’s behavior also appeared abnormal.” Ye Chan said, “Rainier’s response was not reckless. He asked for a few days off first and put himself Stuck in the house, I think he is studying how to live in this world… In short, after a few days of vacation, he had to come to work. During his leave, we did not find any abnormalities in him.”

Kai Xin asked curiously, “How did Rainier expose himself?”

“Elevator.” Ye Chan said lightly, “The elevator in Beluga City is voice-activated. Rainier didn’t know that the elevator was voice-activated. He entered the elevator and stood there blankly, then began to grope around, looking for a floating light screen. Buttons and other things, I finally thought of trying to talk… This scene was captured by the elevator surveillance. He was lucky, he happened to meet his colleague on the way, and entered the door of the laboratory with his colleague, otherwise he would definitely be in the lab. Scratch your ears and cheeks at the door to guess the password.”

“However, his behavior in the elevator has attracted the attention of the organization.” Kai Xin said, “I want you to identify him more than this, right? What other unusual behaviors does he have?”

“After discovering Rainier’s anomaly, we also monitored him and installed a miniature camera in his residence.” Ye Chan sneered, “And guess what? The camera captured him using a projector as a researcher… It’s so funny, he was messing with it for days and couldn’t figure out how the thing works. I think the voice switch in the elevator inspired him, and he guessed that he could control these devices with his voice. But there was an accident , Dr. Rainier Brandenburg of the Institute of Biomechanics set the power-on command of smart home appliances to the name of a cat he raised when he was a child, and the player who replaced Professor Rainier did not know his cat’s name. What, so he still can’t guess the power-on command of the home projector.”

This fellow from the same township was too unlucky, every fellow that Kai Xin met was unlucky one by one.

Chai Jian landed in the psychiatric hospital, Xi Liang was hit and paralyzed by the rich second generation, and Rainier transmigrated to become a researcher of Mechanical Dawn.

“Isn’t something wrong with this guy not found in the laboratory? He has possessed a researcher. Will there be no problem with the experimental operation?” Kai Xin said.

Yechan said: “He seems to have a little foundation. He was very professional in dissecting living things in the laboratory. I suspect that he is a doctor… or a soldier in their world.”

“That’s interesting.” Kai Xin said, “Didn’t Rainier and Doreen meet? Did they hook up?”

“Well, you asked the important question. Players and players don’t seem to know each other’s identities. At first, Doreen and Rainier didn’t have any intersection, until Doreen’s words of insulting a male colleague in the laboratory were caught by Ray. Neil heard it, and the two of them confirmed each other’s identities, I guess Doreen’s swear words should be slang unique to their world…”

Kai Xin said, “What slang?”

“Hmm…it seems to be ‘Donald Trump doesn’t even dare to say such outrageous things’.” Ye Chan frowned and rubbed her chin, “Who is Donald Trump?”Kai Xin: “…”

Suddenly I wanted to laugh.

“So what happened later? Did the two of them recognize each other and become friends?” Kai Xin inquired.

“Yeah, that’s almost how it developed.” Ye Chan said, “An important researcher was replaced by an unknown person with weird means. This is a big event, and this is not an accident. Two people were replaced in a row. , There must be more similar things happening in places where our hands cannot reach. The boss is worried that these two people will conspire against the organization after meeting, so he asked us to arrest them as soon as possible. So we continued to observe and monitor After a few days, they confirmed that they had no special abilities and arrested them.”

“Then during the arrest, Doreen died?” Kai Xin said.

“That’s right, it’s a bit of a pity that an important source of information has been lost.” Ye Chan said, “The arresters were a little more aggressive. Her head hit the ground and she died of intracranial hemorrhage. As for Rainier… The guy is a hard bone, and he can’t get any useful information from torture.”

“Why did players suddenly appear in our lives?” Kai Xin said, “This incident sounds like a story written by a third-rate screenwriter, sending players from another world into another world…”

“But this thing did happen, and we have to find a way to deal with it when it happens.” Ye Chan said, “We still don’t know what purpose those players have come to our world, and we don’t even know how many of them there are. ”

“Tsk, there are more and more troublesome things.” Kui Xin said, “Just dealing with the investigation department is already annoying enough, and now a bunch of inexplicable people have popped up.”

Ye Chan said: “You have to pay attention to the investigation department, maybe you will also be sent to arrest players.”

“I’ll keep an eye out.” Kai Xin said, “By the way, isn’t there a third player?”

“Yes.” Ye Chan said, “The manager of Rick Technology Jijiang Branch is Zhao Hansheng, and he has a son named Zhao Wenyao. Zhao Hansheng and his wife found that Zhao Wenyao suddenly looked like a different person, not only lost his memory , and some behaviors and habits have also changed. Zhao Hansheng felt that his son…was not the original son. After that, Zhao Hansheng began to restrict Zhao Wenyao from going out. Zhao Wenyao noticed the change in his parents’ attitude and wanted to sneak away…”

“It sounds really scary. A relative who has been with us day and night suddenly has a different soul.” Kai Xin sighed flatly, “Just sneaking away? This player doesn’t look very smart.”

“He didn’t make it.” Ye Chan shrugged, “Mr. Zhao reported this, and I went to arrest Zhao Wenyao.”

“The hors d’oeuvres you mentioned to me, couldn’t it be Zhao Wenyao?” Kui Xin said.

Yechan smiled and said: “That’s him. This kid was locked in the isolation room. We didn’t give him food, but gave him a little water. His willpower is far inferior to Rainier, and he was killed after only a few meals.” The torment collapsed, crying loudly in the room, crying terribly…”

“I thought the players were very good…” Kai Xin pretended to think.

“Obviously, Zhao Wenyao is not very powerful. He is an ordinary person—an ordinary person with weak willpower.” Ye Chan said, “We haven’t had time to interrogate him yet. You can be the first to interrogate him.”

“Okay.” Kai Xin nodded without pausing.

They came to the closed door. After scanning, a gap opened in the center of the door and slid open to both sides.

After entering the door, there is a spacious room. The room is divided into two halves by a layer of transparent glass. The part behind the glass is the isolation room, that is, the cell.

There was a young man lying on the floor of the cell. He looked about eighteen or nineteen years old. He had an ordinary appearance, his eyes were swollen, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he had been crying for a long time.

Zhao Wenyao saw Kai Xin and Ye Chan come in, kicked his legs back a few steps, and cried again with a wow.

“Why did you lock me up here? Where are my parents? I want to see them!” Zhao Wenyao burst into tears, trembling with fear, “I want to find a lawyer to sue you, you are illegally detained!”

Kai Xin looked at Ye Chan silently: “Why don’t you come to interrogate… I want to beat him up when I see him crying like that…”

“I’ll interrogate him. When I need to beat him up, I’ll replace you.” Yechan suggested.

“Okay.” Kai Xin agreed.

“Then you can beat him now.” Ye Chan said, “Beat him first, let him know how good it is.”

He snapped his fingers, and the isolation glass lowered automatically. Zhao Wenyao looked at them in horror, and pressed his body against the wall.

“Don’t kill me.” Ye Chan reminded kindly.

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