Artificial Soul 13

The garbage mountain is made up of piles of garbage. Abandoned vehicles, rusty containers, and scrapped construction equipment are piled up in a messy manner, crumbling.

This is a labyrinth made of rubbish. People live in it. The houses made of rusty containers and iron sheets are their homes. What’s more, some people just ripped up a few pieces of plastic sheeting and built a shed to sleep on the ground.

There are different types of bullets in the Kaixin hand cannon. The first and second bullets are armor-piercing bullets, and the third bullet is an explosive bullet.

Because the environment of the garbage mountain is too harsh, most of the residents live in small dwellings. If explosive bombs are used, the steel balls that bounce off rashly will smash her into a sieve. The first two rounds of armor-piercing rounds can’t deal with the enemy, so the explosive rounds are needed.

It’s not enough to hold a handgun, and Kai Xin holds a micro-punch in the other hand. Compared with the hand cannon, the penetrating power of the micro-punch is insufficient, but it is better than the firepower.

Their enemies are people with different blood, and people with different blood usually have super high recovery power, and weapons with low firepower can’t suppress them at all.

“There are a total of 32 residents in the blocked area, of which 29 are adults and three are children.” Adam said, “The information has been marked, please go to the marked point to search.”

A miniature map was displayed on the helmet’s eyepiece, and all the places where people lived were marked with red dots.

Yu Liang and Kai Xin were followed by a few ordinary security guards who were mission assistants.

Yu Liang said to Kai Xin: “Follow me and watch what I do. When approaching the house, scan it first to make sure there are no alien creatures inside. Your helmet eyepiece has a thermal imaging display function. The body temperature of alien creatures is the same as human body temperature. If there is a difference, back off when you see something wrong with the color, and open the door when it is normal. But people with different blood look no different from humans on the surface, and you can’t tell it from their body temperature… Tsk, it’s too complicated to say, so I’ll demonstrate it directly Go ahead. After opening the door, give a warning first, don’t put down the gun, let me show you—”

He walked to a hut made of iron sheets, kicked open the door and shouted, “Don’t move, raise your hands! Put your hands where I can see them!”

The three people in the tin room raised their hands with pale faces, and dared not move.

“Come out,” Yu Liang said slowly, “come to the open space outside.”

The three civilians raised their hands high and walked outside according to Yu Liang’s instructions.

There are several security guards holding guns in the open space outside, but if there is any movement in them, the security guards will shoot with their guns.

Then Yu Liang said: “No matter what method you use, whether you bite your teeth or bang your head against the wall, you can make a hole in your body. The wound should be bigger.”

Kai Xin looked at this scene thoughtfully.

The common feature of people with different blood is that their recovery power is far superior to that of ordinary people. Even if they just take the blood of the gods, the recovery power will take effect immediately. It is the easiest way to let someone make a gash on the body and judge whether the other party has taken the blood by observing the wound.

The three people who were pointed at by the gun quickly bit his arm hard, and the blood oozed out. Yu Liang said again: “Wipe off the blood and let us see the wound.”

The three of them quickly wiped off the blood on the surface of the wound with their clothes, and showed Yu Liang the wound.

Yu Liang stared at the wound for a few seconds, and said, “Okay, the three of you leave the blockade and wait outside the blockade.”

The accompanying security guards immediately pointed their guns at them and escorted them outside the blockade for unified custody.

“Have you understood the process?” Yu Liang glanced at Kai Xin, “If there is any abnormality during the search, you have the right to shoot.”

“Understood.” Kai Xin said.

“It’s fine if you understand it. Come to the next house and I’ll watch it.” Yu Liang raised his chin.

Kai Xin silently walked in front of Yu Liang, came to the next house marked with a red dot on the map, kicked the door coldly, and said in a cold tone, “Hold your hands high!”

There is a child behind the door. The child’s body and face are dirty, and the long hair is tangled together. It looks like a girl, who seems to be only two or three years old. She was taken aback by the intruding Kai Xin, and stood there dumbfounded, while her parents raised their hands very high.

Seeing that her daughter didn’t respond, her mother quickly said, “Niuniu, raise your hands! Raise both hands!”

The little girl’s father was covered with sweat, and he was also saying, “Raise your hands! Raise your hands!”Only then did the little girl named Niuniu raise her hand in a ignorant way. It seems that a child of this age does not know what fear is, nor does she have a concept of Kai Xin’s identity, but is rather curious.

Kai Xin appeared in front of the door in a black combat uniform. While raising her hand, she raised her face and said, “Sister, you are so fierce and terrifying…”

Kai Xin was taken aback.

The little girl’s parents were sweating profusely and looked at Kai Xin in fear.

Kai Xin didn’t say anything. She took a step back and said coldly, “Go outside and don’t let go of your hands.”

When the civilian family came to the wider outdoor, Kai Xin said, “Make a wound on your body, the kind that needs to see blood.”

The little girl’s parents didn’t dare to raise any objections, so they quickly followed suit.

Kai Xin shifted his gaze slightly: “Do you want to do the same, Captain Yu?”

“No need.” Yu Liang frowned, “Why are you looking at me? Do I look like a psychopath who mutilates children? I can tell whether people should die, okay?”

Kai Xin turned his head to stare at the family of three and said, “Follow the escorts to the outside of the blockade.”

After the family left, Yu Liang said, “Children under the age of twelve cannot withstand the blood of the gods and will die on the spot. So that child cannot be a person with abnormal blood. This is the main reason why I don’t let her take the test.”

“Has such a case ever happened?” Kai Xin heard the voice.

“Well, there are more than one cases like this. Some deranged church members will infuse their children with the blood of the gods.” Yu Liang said, “horrible incidents happen all the time, about five years ago, some members of the secret sect poured the blood of the gods Disguised as a new type of drug and sold on the black market, many ordinary people took the blood of the gods without knowing it. It was a disaster. We worked hard for half a year, arresting people with different blood, and finding distribution channels… Finally, it worked Very little. Quite a few people with different blood have been killed, and the distribution channels have not been found.”

“There is such a thing.” Kui Xin said, “This is something only a lunatic can do.”

“Never show mercy to the enemy. They are ruthless, so you have to be even more ruthless than them.” Yu Liang said, “Do you know why you have to go door-to-door to investigate instead of letting everyone gather together?”

Kai Xin said: “Those who are afraid of alien blood will take ordinary people as hostages, right? I can still guess that. Crowd gatherings can easily cause chaos.”

“That’s right, that’s the reason.” Yu Liang gave a thumbs up, “This kind of inspection is relatively inefficient. You know the specific process and operation method. We are divided into two teams. You are in charge of inspecting the east side, and I am in charge of inspecting the west side. .”

“Is there no problem?” Kai Xin said doubtfully, “Aren’t I the newcomer you brought?”

“You are not a child who just learned to walk. You need me to follow you step by step. You are an awakened person.” Yu Liang spread his hands, “Didn’t I tell you the operation process? If you encounter something wrong, shoot it, and if it is normal, let it go.” Their whole wound test, such a simple thing, there is no need for me to escort you?”

Kai Xin was speechless: “…Okay.”

Yu highlighted the three security guards: “You, and the two of you, the three of you follow Kai Xin, and the rest follow me.”

Kui Xin saw that this actual combat training was only basic, and they didn’t need to face battle right away. The difficulty of the task was reflected in the investigation. The alien blood is hiding, and he is hiding in a place like a slum, which shows that his combat effectiveness is not very high, and his own condition may not be very good. If the combat effectiveness is high, there is no need to hide.

“How many people are left unchecked?” Kai Xin asked.

“A total of 32 people, six people have been investigated, and there are 26 people left.” Adam said, “Your search area has been delineated, please go.”

The following work is indeed not technically difficult. Kai Xin mechanically raised his leg and kicked the door to aim, and then called people outside for wound testing.

When she repeated this task, she suddenly had the feeling of returning to the Kraken. At that time, she, the seventh team and the Mechanical Dawn team also performed similar operations, kicking the door, searching, kicking the door, searching.

Similar jobs, different moods. When she was on the Kraken, Kaixin was very nervous and her spirit was in a state of excitement, but now her heartbeat is steady, her eyes are steady, and her hand holding the gun is especially steady. Influenced by one’s own negativity.

Kai Xin was already a real warrior.

The houses on the east side were inspected one by one, and the civilians were escorted out of the blockade one after another.

During the investigation process, Kai Xin never encountered a person with abnormal blood.

After a while, she received a message from Yu Liang.

“I have finished the investigation here, and there is no suspicious object.” Yu Liang said, “What about your side?”

“There’s one last residence left that hasn’t been investigated.” Kai Xin stared at the door not far away, and said in a low voice, “It might be that house…”

After saying this, Kai Xin raised his gun and kicked open the door, and shouted according to the procedure: “Raise your hands! Don’t move!”

A mother and daughter lived in this room. The mother raised her hands, while her daughter hugged her waist tightly, her black eyes full of fear.

The girl is about seven or eight years old, and has reached the sensible age.

“Go out of the room and make a wound on yourself.” Kai Xin pointed at the woman and said, “Let your daughter let you go, don’t get in the way.”

The woman took a quick look at Kai Xin, and then coaxed the little girl. The little girl slowly let go of her waist and raised her hands.

The two of them, mother and daughter, walked out of the room together. The woman bit her arm, blood was seen, and the wound hadn’t healed.

Kai Xin frowned, and lowered his voice to the communicatorSaid: “Captain Yu, the investigation of the last two people is over, a child and an adult are not people with different blood.”

“Both have been checked?” Yu Liang said puzzledly, “Impossible! Our informants clearly…”

“Could the person have already run away?”

“Unless the alien blood man can escape, there is no sewer in the garbage mountain. Everywhere has been scanned, and there are only a few living people.”

Kai Xin thought for a while, then looked at the child next to the woman: “How old are you?”

The little girl looked up at Kai Xin and said timidly, “Seven years old.”

Under the age of twelve, there is no need for a wound test… Kai Xin should have judged this way, but her “absolute prediction” suddenly took effect. Her temples throbbed a few times, and a strange premonition spread in her heart.

Kai Xin lowered his eyes to stare at the little girl, and the muzzle of the gun slowly moved down. Just as she was about to order the little girl to do an additional wound test, the little girl suddenly spoke.

She looked at Kai Xin pitifully and said, “My mother and I didn’t make any mistakes, and we’re not bad guys, sister, I’m so scared! Why do you treat us like this? We didn’t do anything wrong at all…”

The little girl’s clear and immature words struck Kai Xin’s heart with magical power.

She was stunned, and was touched deep in her heart. Suddenly, strong pity and guilt welled up in her heart, her eyes softened, and her tone softened.

“The suspect probably escaped…Take the mother and daughter outside the blockade for temporary custody.” Kai Xin said to the three security guards behind him, “I’ll stay and search again.”

The mother and daughter gradually went away under the escort of two security guards, and Kai Xin watched their backs disappear around the corner.

But at this moment, Adam’s voice appeared in her headset.

“Are you a person with so much sympathy, Kai Xin?” Adam said subtly, “Maybe I shouldn’t look at you with a stereotype, your heart is still soft?”

Kai Xin stopped in his tracks, and he froze in place as if he had been struck by lightning. He didn’t recover for a long time.

After two or three seconds, Kai Xin raised his hand and slapped his helmet, cursing, “Damn! When did my mother become so sympathetic?”

The timing of this emotion is abnormal. She has never been an emotional person, so how could she fall into an emotional emotion? She didn’t even feel like herself just now.

Kai Xin pulled out his consciousness from the inexplicable pity and guilt, his chaotic brain became sober, and he pulled out his weak emotions.

There was a security guard beside Kai Xin. She gestured for him to follow, then took out her weapon and chased after her, and at the same time quickly said in the communication channel: “Captain Yu! The suspect is a young man who looks seven or eight years old. Girl! That little girl may have extraordinary abilities of mind control, and I almost fell for it! Adam, notify all the security guards and let everyone be vigilant!”

Yu Liang: “Crooked sun! Little girl?! This is not in line with common sense!”

“It has been notified.” Adam replied to Kai Xin in a businesslike manner, “Well, it seems that my impression of you does not need to be updated. It is very interesting. The appearance of the child made you let down your vigilance and made an empirical mistake. Because the initial Judging that she has spiritual supernatural powers, so I don’t think she has other supernatural powers that can disguise her appearance. The girl just now may not be a child, it may be a dwarf. The woman next to her is probably not her mother, but A puppet she controls, or her accomplices.”

Kai Xin also came to the same judgment.

“Careless!” She thought to herself.

While she was sprinting at top speed, she heard gunshots not far away, and one gunshot was followed by another!

“One of the security guards died, and the remaining one was injured and is still alive…” Adam just said here, there was another gunshot, it paused, and continued: “Now the remaining one is also dead That’s right. That blood man has extraordinary skills and superb spear skills. This is a rare exception, a man with blood that has other extraordinary abilities besides regeneration of flesh and blood.”

It is indeed a special case.

Kai Xin knew that Fang Zhi had the reincarnation of death, but when he was leading the induction training under the leadership of Shu Xuyao, Shu Xuyao ​​made it clear that from the current records, only the resilience and physical fitness of the alien blood improved, and there was nothing like awakening. developed a variety of extraordinary abilities.

This shows that people with different blood who have awakened extraordinary abilities are extremely rare, and the investigation department has never caught this kind of people with different blood… No, wait, it is possible that they were caught, but they did not disclose this information to the security guards at the bottom. ?

Kai Xin threw off her teammates and took a shortcut at the fastest speed. She jumped onto the garbage mountain, crossed obstacles like a parkour, and arrived at the accident site in less than half a minute.

There were puddles of blood on the muddy ground. Two security guards were lying on the ground. Their weapons disappeared. The “little girl” suspected of being a person with different blood disappeared. The mother of the “little girl” shivered in a corner, nervously. Mumbling to himself, he looked insane.

The maze-like garbage mountain is easy to hide, and there are blind spots everywhere.

Kai Xin quickly searched around: “Adam, scan.”

“The distance is more than ten meters, and the equipment is limited, so it is impossible to scan.” Adam said.

“Damn it.” Kui Xin scolded.

At this moment, the muzzle of the gun in the dark was aimed at Kai Xin.

“Bang!” The bullet was fired.

Kai Xin dodged the bullet with super-high reaction speed. The bullet aimed at her face grazed her helmet, and with a clang, the helmet was sparked by the bullet. The kinetic energy of the bullet made her head tilt.

The security guards’ helmets and combat uniforms are bulletproof.But the helmet is not all-encompassing, and aiming at the unwrapped face can hit the nail on the head and kill someone.

Thanks to this bullet, Kai Xin determined the location of the shooter. She rolled into the bunker and fired the safety catch of the hand gun.

Armor-piercing bullets can penetrate even hard concrete walls, and it shouldn’t be a problem to penetrate mountains of garbage.

Kai Xin calmed down for a few seconds, squatted down and rushed out from behind the cover, using her body as a bait to guide the enemy to shoot. The moment she rushed out of the cover, the enemy who had been paying attention to her movements shot again!

Gunshots rang out. Kui Xin dodged the bullet and pinpointed the position where the enemy fired.

She didn’t hesitate anymore, raised the hand cannon, aimed in that direction and pulled the trigger.


The sound made by the hand cannon is completely different from the sound of the pistol. The sound is more dull and intimidating.

The armor-piercing projectiles pierced through the garbage bunkers and easily passed through the enemy’s body.

“Ah!” The enemy screamed, and Kai Xin took advantage of the gap to quickly rush into the enemy’s hiding place.

The enemy fell to the ground and howled, with a big hole in his abdomen.

Adam stopped with a voice: “Wait, Kai…”

Kai Xin turned a deaf ear, she looked at the enemy with a blank face, did not waste the armor-piercing bullets, but raised the micro punch and pulled the trigger, the tongue of fire spewed out, the bullets poured out, and the man was beaten to flesh in less than three seconds mud.

“…Kai Xin.” Adam finished what he wanted to say, “The alien blood who has awakened extraordinary abilities is a rare sample and is of great research value.”

Kai Xin calmed down: “Why didn’t you say it earlier?”

“You shot before I finished speaking,” Adam said.

“The research is also for the investigation department, so it doesn’t matter.” Kai Xin didn’t bother to think about it.

“Once you hold a gun, it’s hard to control yourself, and you won’t stop until you kill the other party.” Adam said.

Kai Xin’s eyebrows moved.

Adam discovered this during long-term observation. Before Kaixin realized that he had PTSD, it noticed it before her.

That “little girl” was indeed a person with abnormal blood. Her body turned into a puddle of blood. Such a phenomenon would only occur after the death of a person with abnormal blood who highly digested the divine blood.

Yu Liang yelled in the communication channel: “Kai Xin, what’s going on?”

“Two teammates died, and I killed the alien blood.” Kai Xin said.

A light curtain of the game flashed in front of her eyes.

“You killed an unknown person with different blood.”

“You have deprived an unknown person of different blood of his extraordinary ability.”

When Kai Xin killed the ball python, the code name of the ball python was directly displayed on the light screen of the game. She didn’t know the name of the alien blood man she killed, and the light screen of the game did not display the name of the dead man. This is an interesting detail.

“You have acquired the extraordinary ability [Deceit · D-Class].”

“[Fraudulence · D-Level]: You have a certain probability to make the other party believe your lie unconditionally within a limited time, and be induced by your emotions. The probability of deception to take effect is random, and the duration is affected by the opponent’s willpower and the credibility of the lie and other factors.”

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