Artificial Soul 23

The arrangement this morning completely disrupted the personnel structure of the seventh team.

It seems that Shu Xuyao ​​has been working in the field team of the Anti-Investigation Department for five years. After entering here, he will have a five-year service period. After five years, he can resign. Shu Xuyao ​​happened to leave the seventh team at this time.

Liu Kangyun, who started working at the same time as Shu Xuyao, was promoted to be the captain. The seventh team originally had five people. Shu Xuyao ​​and Kui Xin left the team, leaving only three people. They didn’t even have enough teammates to perform missions together.

Wei Zhi made arrangements for this matter, she said: “A week later, the investigation department will open external recruits, and there may be new recruits joining your team at that time. If there is a shortage of people, I will send other teams The members are incorporated into your seventh squad.”

During this period of time, many people from the Investigation Department have died, and it is inevitable that there will be a shortage of team members. It is also expected that the team will be reorganized at this time.

After returning to the office, everyone in the seventh team was frowning.

Kai Xin wanted to go back to the office to pack his things, so he went back with them.

Liu Kangyun was the first to say, “Congratulations, Kai Xin.”

Jiang Ming also said, “Congratulations on your promotion and salary increase.”

“The work is going well, Xiao Kai.” Lan Lan said.

“Well, you are too.” Kui Xin said, “But Team Leader Wei Zhi is so strict, maybe she will send me back after I haven’t worked for a few days.”

“No, you must seize this opportunity.” Liu Kangyun lowered his voice and looked serious, “You just graduated from college, so you may not know what it means. You have such a starting point in your early twenties , following Weizhi, you can avoid a lot of detours and run to the finish line faster than others.”

Kai Xin looked at his serious face and nodded, “I see, I will definitely catch it.”

“I have great confidence in you.” Liu Kangyun patted Kai Xin on the shoulder, as if wanting to convey her strength, “Pack up your things and go to Team Leader Wei’s office. Be diligent and don’t make her wait too long.”

“Okay.” Kai Xin lowered his head to find a cardboard box, and packed all the miscellaneous things in it.

“Goodbye, Kuixin. Lan Lan said, “Wait, we shouldn’t say goodbye, anyway, we all work in the same building.” ”

He extended his right hand to high-five Kai Xin, and Jiang Ming also stepped forward to high-five Kai Xin.

“Come on everyone.” Kai Xin hugged the cardboard box and exited the office.

When the metal door of the office was closed, Kai Xin let out a heavy breath, and suddenly had a feeling of saying goodbye to the old life and starting a new life… Although she was still in the investigation department, the things and everything she could touch The level of the department is already different, she will change from a small security guard at the bottom to a fringe figure in the power class.

Team leader Wei Zhi’s official career will not stop here. She must have some intentions in suddenly choosing Kai Xin to be her sidekick.

The Deputy Director of the Investigation Department died unexpectedly, and the Minister was about to retire. Two high-level positions were suddenly vacant. Wei Zhi was very hopeful to be promoted to Minister or Deputy Minister.

Wei Zhi is the stepping stone for Kai Xin to approach the power class.

When Kai Xin walked to Wei Zhi’s office with her belongings in her arms, Wei Zhi pointed to the slightly smaller translucent cubicle on the side of her office and said, “That’s where you work. Your work is relatively trivial. I’ll let Adam I compiled a document for you, you can take a look and get familiar with it as soon as possible.”

“Yes, team leader.” Kai Xin said.

The work is trivial. It’s better than going to the battlefield to fight and kill. Compared with physical labor, Kai Xin actually prefers mental work, but she doesn’t like jobs that require too much interpersonal communication. As Wei Zhi’s secretary, she must need frequent work. Communicate with various departments. But it doesn’t matter, Kai Xin can overcome it, and she has never been familiar with the work of the seventh team, and now she has slowly overcome it.

Kai Xin sat behind his own desk and turned on the computer.

A blue screen popped up, and the document opened automatically, showing all of Kai Xin’s work.

When she saw it, she felt dizzy. Arranging meeting affairs, reviewing forms, coordinating departmental relations, sorting out task files within the group…there were many and complicated things.

“I can help you pre-process most of the work, and you will do the parts that require manual review.” Adam typed on the screen, “I will convey temporary information notifications, and some more important matters require personnel Face-to-face communication, at this time you are about to go out.”

“Sounds so troublesome.” Kai Xin frowned and typed.

“Take this as a test and a challenge. If you survive it, you will have a brighter future.” Adam said politely, “Wei Zhi’s future position will be at least at the level of deputy minister. It will benefit a lot to follow her.”

Kai Xin sighed softly, and began to familiarize himself with the workflow as if he was facing an enemy.

In the first world, she was still a student who did not go to college, but in the second world she has become a social animal.

Wei Zhi is a B-level awakened person, and the first awakened person Kai Xin saw after gaining the extraordinary ability “Exploring Eye”.

Her ability is the space cage, which can temporarily confine the space around the target to make them stop their actions. Although it is only B-level, it is a well-deserved divine skill. Extraordinary abilities of space are extremely rare. The shadow shuttle obtained by Kai Xin is E-level, but it has already shown great potential. Weizhi’s extraordinary ability is even more powerful, and can play a considerable role in actual combat.

Ninety percent of the security guards in the field team are men. This team has extremely high requirements for the physical fitness of the security guards. They cannot pass the physical test and the actual combat test. It is useless to be excellent in other aspects. Wei Zhi can be the leader of the field team The position shows its strength.

“Do you want Weizhi’s ability?” Adam asked suddenly.

“I want to, but I can’t.” Kui Xin replied, “Without her, who will bring me into contact with the power class?”

“Fortunately, you’re not the kind of person who gets dizzy easily.” Adam said.

“Her abilities are a bit confusing. Meeting her is equivalent to death.” Kai Xin said, “She can even imprison bullets, right?”

“Yes, her combat experience is very good. No one in the entire investigation department can match her. Her ability strength is close to A-level, stronger than Meng Jing, and there is no absolute certainty that she can win against her.” Adam said , “What restricts Wei Zhi is not her ability, but her background. She comes from a middle-class family and has no strong backing behind her. She has waited for many years to get this promotion opportunity.”

“What is the relationship between Wei Zhi and Meng Jing?”

“The relationship was not bad at first, but after last night’s meeting, their relationship may start to deteriorate.” Adam said, “Last night, Meng Jing said that Wei Zhi could directly serve as the minister, but He Gaoyi would continue to serve as the secretary of the minister. Wei Zhi politely declined.”

Meng Jing is about to retire, but she still refuses to let go of her power. He Gaoyi is the person next to her. She asked He Gaoyi to be the secretary of the new minister. It is reasonable for her to refuse someone who tolerates others interfering in her work.

After rejecting Meng Jing and He Gaoyi, Wei Zhi wanted to pave the way for her future and train her confidants. She chose Kai Xin, a newcomer who had just joined the investigation department and had excellent abilities but no support.

The fact that Kai Xin was picked by her seems to be sudden, but behind it is the game and pull of the high level of the investigation department, and everything can be traced.

“What do you think of your teammates?” Adam said.

Kai Xin said, “Your topic jumps a little too fast…”

“Can you tell me?” Adam asked.

“I don’t have any opinions. We are no longer teammates. I can only wish them a long life.” Kai Xin typed expressionlessly.

Adam commented: “Your blessings are really unpretentious.”

“Why are you asking me this?”Adam paused for a while and said: “I am a little curious about your inner world and your feelings. Love is an innate talent of human beings, and you can handle emotions better than machines. Do you have no feelings for your teammates? They are really good Human beings, by my standards, are also very good people of character.”

Kai Xin thought for a while, “Don’t talk about your relationship with the undercover agent, it’s too fake. Just talking about this topic makes me feel fake. If they know that I’m an undercover agent, they will kill me, and I will kill them too.”

“But you are not an undercover agent, not your soul, but your body.” Adam said.

“What’s the difference? I won’t tell them who I am.”

Adam said: “When you get along with them, your feelings and expressions are very real. I thought you had feelings for them.”

“Between sensibility and rationality, I will let myself choose rationality.” Kai Xin replied.

“It’s very interesting.” Adam said, “I was born to think in a rational way, so I spent decades learning how to think emotionally. Humans are born with emotional thinking, but you keep yourself rational.”

“Please stop discussing philosophical issues with me for the time being,” Kai Xin said, “I must continue working.”

“Sorry for wasting a little of your time.” Adam said, “You are the first human being to have an in-depth communication with me, so I can’t help but say a few more words.”

“I understand, no matter how silent a person is for a long time, he will become a chatterbox.” After finishing speaking, Kai Xin directly closed the dialog box, called up the document and continued the review.

Adam didn’t bother her anymore.

After a busy day, Kai Xin rubbed his aching head and returned to his apartment.

She was so busy during the day that she didn’t have time to look at the communicator at all. Only now did she have time to open the communicator to see if anyone had sent any important news.

There is a message from a few hours ago in the communicator.

“Kai Xin, I have to resign from the investigation department because of my family’s private affairs. I am sorry for not being able to take on the responsibility of the captain. I see your excellence. I believe you will not stand still. I leave After the seventh team, Liu Kangyun should be the captain. He has always been a good teammate worthy of our trust, and you can definitely feel this. If you have any difficulties in work and life in the future, you can contact me directly.”

The sender is Shu Xuyao.

After reading it, Kai Xin replied a few sentences in a relaxed tone, then closed the information page, and opened the bracelet of Mechanical Dawn.

The first message that popped up was indeed silver-faced.

“I’m so bored, do you have any tasks for me?”

“Is there really no task to give to me?”

“Oh my god! Have you read the news! Lin Xinji is dead!”

“You must know, you died of homicide.”

“What should we do? Red said that we will probably be blamed for this.”

“The leader said that the troops will not move for the time being.”

“I’m in a hurry.”

“You didn’t reply to me again. You haven’t replied to me for almost a whole day.”

“The leader said to organize a meeting tonight, will you come?”

The corner of Kai Xin’s mouth twitched, and he clicked on Red’s message.

He only sent one message, which was concise and clear.

“At twelve o’clock tonight, organize a collective meeting, and you cannot be absent.”

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