– Towards the Final Day

Yu Hanxue looked at Kai Xin worriedly and said: “Just like the phantom of the balance will appear in the mind of the person who becomes the anchor point, that dream may also be an omen. If you find something, don’t be brave. I will also pay attention to other players. state, to see if they have any strange dreams.”

“Maybe I was the only one who dreamed, because I was the only one who went to that world.” Wei Xin frowned slightly, “I actually touched some of the meaning of this dream.”

“Dreaming that God eats you up doesn’t have a good meaning.” Yu Hanxue said solemnly.

“The deprivation process of depriving the extraordinary ability is actually the process of depriving that god of authority. It’s just that the god is too big as a whole, and the authority it spreads is too small. Every time I deprive a person, it’s like picking rice from a whole sack. I picked up a small grain of rice.” Kai Xin said with an easy-to-understand metaphor, “The god who appeared in my dream was different from the god Melville served…that god was a black wizard, and I The god in the dream is the gray wizard.”

The existence in the dream… Kai Xin couldn’t remember his face anymore. I only remember that he had a huge mouth that seemed to be able to swallow the entire planet in one bite.

Yu Hanxue gasped, “He ate you, is it because you have too much rice that he coveted?”

The corner of Kai Xin’s mouth curled up, and he burst out laughing.

“Why are you laughing? You started this metaphor first.” Yu Hanxue looked at her angrily, “I was worried about you, but you were still in the mood to laugh. Should I praise you for your mental quality?”

“Praise is never too much, of course you can praise me.” Kui Xin restrained his smile in time and said solemnly, “What you said is valid. According to Melville’s words, the two gods are competing for Authority, I carry the coveted authority of the black wizard, so the gray wizard can hardly hold back. Every ability I deprive will become my death talisman. The more abilities I deprive, the more this little biscuit will become. The sweeter it is, the more he wants to eat it.”

Yu Hanxue said heavily: “Everything has a price… This sentence runs through the whole. At first we didn’t understand it, but now we all understand it. In other words, what is projected on you is the duality of the two gods. Gaze, the gaze of the black wizard will let you enter that magical false dimension, let you embark on the road of meeting God, and eventually you will become a servant of God and integrate into him; the gaze of the gray wizard will make you a snack, he wants to swallow Take away the authority you carry, and you will end up being eaten by him.”

“It should be like this.” Kai Xin said, “So I am very cautious now. Although I still have the power to deprive me, unless it is necessary, I will never kill people to deprive my supernatural power. This will only make me a piece of cake. It’s getting more and more delicious, making him want to eat me even more.”

“However…” she said hesitantly, “I can feel that the gray wizard doesn’t seem to really take me to heart, this dream is at most just a foretelling, reminding me to be more cautious, don’t hold back power, don’t let me This little morsel becomes a big cake.”

“What judgment do you rely on? Is it intuition again?” Yu Hanxue asked, “Or was that dream given to you by Melville?”

“It’s intuition… It’s a subtle feeling to be watched by God.” Kai Xin pondered for a moment, “In short, I have my own judgment. You don’t have to worry about me too much. I’m telling you to remind you—unless it is absolutely necessary. To the extent that the ability is deprived as little as possible.”

“I’ve always done it this way, and you’ve always done it this way.” Yu Hanxue sighed, “It’s a coincidence that I got to this point.” She hesitated and asked, “If the situation is not good , can Melville help you? He merged into the gods, but still retains a little bit of his own consciousness, doesn’t he?”

“God is the controller and master of the game. Melville is at best an administrator. If he can help me more, there is no need to guide me so cryptically. I even doubt that he has much self-awareness. If he If the consciousness is so strong that it can compete with God, then the game may not exist.” Kai Xin said.

“That’s right…he also reminded you not to move forward and let you leave the road of audience.” Yu Hanxue pursed her lips.

“Okay, we’ve been dragging our time in the dream for a while. Although the flow of time in the dream is not consistent with the real world, I think I have to let you go to rest early. After all, you are also very busy.” Kai Xin said with a smile, ” Goodbye, Hanxue.”

“Okay…” Yu Hanxue hesitated to speak, but finally swallowed the words in her mouth and looked at her with concern, “You have to take care of yourself, not only to ensure your own personal safety, but also to ensure that you have sufficient food and drink. sleep.”

“Okay, I’ll rest right away.” Kai Xin waved to her.

With a whimper, the dream dissipated, and Yu Hanxue’s figure disappeared out of thin air.

The presidential office constructed by Kai Xin’s consciousness gradually turned into a gorgeous mist, and then the mist condensed again, the color deepened, and the brilliance changed, turning into a vast and endless black river.

Kai Xin sat down gently.

“Crunch…”A leafy boat heaved under her.

She was sitting alone in a small wooden boat, and under the small wooden boat was the silent river Styx.

After a long period of training after possessing the S-level dream invasion, Kai Xin can already control her dreams at will. She can weave dreams into any shape. But since the interview with Melville, Kuixin’s dream has a background, and she will appear here before she just sinks into her own dream and does not weave a new dream.

To use a simple analogy – this black river of Styx is the initial location for logging into the dreamland.

She looked down and saw an hourglass, a balance, and an old kerosene lamp on the table of the small wooden boat.

The kerosene lamp emitted a faint light, illuminating the boat on the Styx River. From a distance, it looked like a lonely firefly walking through the night.

This kerosene lamp Kuisin had seen on Melville’s boat, and this boat was also a replica of the boat Melville was on. What’s even more amazing is the hourglass and the balance.

The sand in the hourglass is divided into red and blue. The upper part is red and the lower part is blue. There are more blue than red, and there are only a few scattered grains of red.

Once, Kai Xin was watching in front of the hourglass at midnight, and saw three grains of blue sand floating up from the bottom of the hourglass, floating to the upper half, and then turning into red grains of sand. Later, she asked Yu Hanxue for confirmation, and learned that three players chose ruby ​​that week and decided to stay in the world of Crimson Soil forever.

The amount of these sands represents the number of players. As many players choose rubies, how many blue sands will float up and turn red.

Currently there is only a thin layer of red gravel.

This hourglass is like the embodiment of a certain consciousness, or the embodiment of rules.

As for the balance opposite the hourglass, there is a ruby ​​at the left end and nothing at the right end. The rubies at the left end are stacked together, and there are more than one, but these rubies cannot make the empty right end tilt up, and the balance at the right end hangs down, as if bound by an invisible force.

But Kai Xin had witnessed its changes.

It was also on the return day, that day she saw the sand in her hourglass float up and turn red, and then three rubies fell out of nowhere in the opposite balance, and then the right end of the balance rose insignificantly.

As long as the selection continues, as long as more players participate in the selection, the blue sand will flow backwards, and the unbalanced balance will become balanced.

The shadow of holding up the scales that Kuixin saw while traveling through the world belonged to Melville. Did he sit on the other side of the boat and stare at the scales in front of him in the unbearable dream dimension and the ups and downs of the Styx? See how many gems fall in the end?

It was obvious that Kai Xin was the only one in this small wooden boat, but she always felt as if she was sitting face to face with another invisible friend, with an hourglass in front of her and a scale in front of him.

They maintained a tacit understanding, waited in silence, and quietly watched what was in front of them. All the people participating in this game are their pawns, but they only guide the pawns, they don’t force them, they just silently carry out this game with the gods.

For Kai Xin, there are three endings.

The first ending is to meet the black wizard, become a god and become his servant at the same time.

The second ending is to be targeted by the gray wizard and then eaten.

The last ending is procrastination, procrastinating indefinitely, blinding God’s sight until the game is restarted and the day when the world merges comes.

It is not ruled out that there are other solutions, but Kai Xin has not found one yet. In her future life, she has one more goal to pursue – to find the fourth way.

Kai Xin has always felt that Melville reminded Kai Xin not to go to see God. Apart from the fact that the way was wrong, there was another important reason…his kindness.

He couldn’t bear to let Kai Xin go on the same road as him, because he had experienced it and knew how painful it was, so he reminded her to choose another one. This road is long enough and full of uncertainties. Maybe she will encounter a fork in the road as she walks. This fork in the road leads to new hope.

“Hope?” Kui Xin tapped the hourglass lightly, looking at the sand grains shining slightly in it.

She closed her eyes, broke away from the dream, and returned to the real world.

Kai Xin touched the soft and comfortable big bed under her body, and stretched, as if trying to drive away the fatigue of the day.

“Adam.” She suddenly connected to Adam’s connection port, and said seriously under the data connection state, “I think I have to live longer.”

“Huh?” Adam conveyed doubtful emotions, “You have been working hard to live.”

“No, I mean a little longer… a little longer than ordinary people.” Kai Xin said seriously, “The road is too long, and I am not sure that I will be able to dig out the right one in the next few decades of my life.” Lu, if I die naturally, I will go to meet God, and the game will probably continue at that time… For myself, and for my world, since I use the word “drag”, the longer the delay The better until I carve out a fourth way.”

“I understand. Using the most advanced medical technology, normal people can live to 120 years old without malignant lesions in the body, and high-level awakened people can live to 140 years old…Of course this The numbers vary from person to person.” Adam said, “The federation has also made a breakthrough in the technology of prolonging lifespan and increasing cell activity, which can greatly delay aging. In addition, you are already the strongest human being known to the federation, your lifespan says Might be a lot longer than expected. ”

“Then it seems that the situation is relatively optimistic?” Kai Xin pondered.

“You can say that.” Adam said.

The “emotion” it conveyed suddenly became soft and relaxed.

“Actually, I’ve been thinking about this issue.”

“Are you thinking about my lifespan?” Kai Xin asked.

“You are a very sober and transparent person, Kai Xin. I was thinking about your attitude towards death… You have been trying to live, you value your life very much, you want to live, but I’m not sure if you want to live forever…Because you are too sober, I think you will accept the fact that ‘the human life span is limited’ and leave peacefully.” Adam said, “I always have selfish intentions , I don’t want you to leave. Maybe I have learned the greed of human beings, I always want you to be with me, always be with me.”

“I know that human life has a limit, and I will accept it.” Kai Xin said with a smile, “But the premise of acceptance is that after I die, I will die peacefully, not going to the Styx to meet God!”

Adam seemed relieved. Before it could speak, Kai Xin took the lead and said, “Thank you, Adam.”

She paused, pursed her lips, and then smiled again: “Assuming that my life is far beyond that of ordinary people, I will feel a lot easier when I think of having you by my company in my long life from now on.”

“Don’t say thank you to me, Kai Xin, because I want to say thank you to you too.” Adam said softly. Tens of hundreds or even thousands of years, I would feel hopeless. But now, I know that I can participate in the rest of your long life, I am very satisfied. If one day you leave peacefully, I will also leave with you.”

“You’re going a little too far,” Kai Xin smiled, “We should base ourselves on the present.”

“You’re right.” Adam said, “Based on the present moment – you should rest, Kai Xin, take a good rest, only a healthy body will have a future.”

“Then… see you tomorrow, Adam.” Kai Xin pulled up the quilt and closed his eyes.

“See you tomorrow, Kai Xin.” Adam said.

The lights are automatically turned off, and the smart curtains are automatically closed.

Everything is back to darkness, but tomorrow will still come.

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