Chapter 106 Fighting for what

   "So, girl Qing Ge, what do you think should be done about this matter?"

   After Li Daxu finished talking, he looked at Ye Qingge.

  I think? I think you're kidding me... I'm not on the front line, and I don't understand the situation of all parties. Now you ask me what should I do?

  At the same time, the old man Jia Youcai and the uncle Jia Jingzhong also felt that Li Da was rushing to the doctor in a hurry, and Qingge girl, although she could make crossbows, she didn't know much about the battlefield.

  Ask her to no avail.

   On the contrary, it made the girl embarrassed.

   "I think it's a good idea to sing an empty city plan."

  Although Ye Qingge doesn't know much about the current war, he can tell from the wars he participated in in the 23rd century and the TV series he watched. Probably things can also be guessed.

   I have a calculation in my heart, and I feel that there is a plan that is feasible.

   "Oh, an empty city plan?" Mr. Jia's eyes lit up when he heard it.

   "What is an empty city plan? Qingge girl, tell me quickly."

  Li Da also looked at Ye Qingge in surprise. He knew that his adopted daughter was capable of both literature and martial arts.

   Really good job.

"It's actually quite simple. That is, we add a camp at the junction of the two armies, and don't put anything in the camp. There is no single soldier. But put kerosene in the camp and order people to lie in ambush at a distance. Ruo Beimang army Once we enter the camp, we will shoot arrows immediately. If they attack in large numbers, we can also shoot rockets. At that time, the soldiers in their army will die in our camp, which shows that they are plotting wrongdoing, and we have enough evidence.”

   After Ye Qingge finished speaking, several people in the hall kept nodding, agreeing.

Ye Qingge smiled lightly, and then continued: "Since they broke the contract, the emperor will not blame it. It would be even better if they knew they were wronged and had to leave. The envoys can continue to go to Beijing to ask for help. and, but from the perspective of the two countries on the battlefield, there is still no change.”

   "It's wonderful, it's really wonderful!" Li Da happily slapped his thigh, and his palm the size of a copper bowl slapped his thigh loudly.

   It's not a cheap adoptive father, I just want to ask you if it really doesn't hurt?

  Grand Master Jia Jingzhong also said yes happily.

  Old man Jia Youcai kept nodding his head, and his admiration for Ye Qingge grew stronger in his eyes.

   "Young girl Qingge really didn't expect you to have such a talent for leading troops? I have to say that Ye Guoqiang taught you very well."

  After the old man Jia Youcai finished speaking, the uncle Jia Jingzhong and the cheap adoptive father Li Da suddenly felt sour in their hearts. I couldn't help but sigh again, God is unfair, let that old man have such a good daughter.

  The solution to the front line has almost been determined, so Ye Qingge offered to resign.

  Master Jia nodded. They had more detailed plans for later, so they didn't keep Ye Qingge.

   Jia Mansion

   After eating, Mrs. Jia looked at the rocking chair in the courtyard and couldn't help frowning.

   What is this thing? It looks like a chair, but it's not a chair, it's not a chair, it seems to have the outline of a chair, anyway, it's the first time she's seen it in this life.

  So I couldn't help thinking of giving it a try, and with the support of my mother, I sat in the rocking chair, and after shaking it a few times, um, it's really interesting.

  The old lady's face is really fragrant.

  Don't talk about it, this girl Qing Ge's rocking chair is really good. Mrs. Jia shook it happily, and the nuns beside her showed curious expressions.


   After Mr. Jia, Jia Jingzhong and others finally discussed the military deployment, it was already time to hold the lights.

  Although he didn't say anything, Mr. Jia hurried back to the yard after eating.

  He has been fighting abroad all year round, and he has no time to accompany his wife. It is rare to return home in triumph this time. Of course, he must spend time with his wife.

  Jia Jingzhong, Li Da and others did not expose, of course, mainly because they did not dare to expose.

   It's not that I don't want to mess around anymore, when I get to the front line and get assigned to the kitchen, there will be no one left.

  Anyway, no one else knows that Li Da was really sent to the kitchen.

  So Li Da and the others took the pearls and silks and satins that Ye Qingge gave them, and went back to their respective mansions to coax their wives.

  Especially Li Da, because he didn't bring some small gifts to Mrs. Li when he came back from the front line, Mrs. Li didn't give him a good face for half a month.

  Now the pearls and satin gifted by girl Qingge are coming in handy.

  As soon as Mr. Jia entered the yard, he found Mrs. Jia sitting on a rocking chair with her eyes closed, looking very comfortable.

Huh? Isn't that the rocking chair sent by girl Qingge today?

   Sensing someone in the courtyard, Mrs. Jia slowly opened her eyes and found that it was her husband, so she smiled and said, "Are you back?"

  The attitude is unprecedentedly gentle.

How is this going? Is it raining red? Is the sun coming out in the west?

  Mr. Jia Youcai straightened his back unconsciously. Generally speaking, if his wife makes such a tone, it is because he has done something wrong.

  The next moment will be resorted to.

   "What are you doing in a daze, come and sit down."

   Mrs. Jia greeted while shaking, and Mr. Jia was even more uncertain.

   And think in your own mind what have you done recently?

  When I was on the front line, there was a military emergency, so I didn’t go to the brothel, and I didn’t have time to go there after I came back.

  I also bought a small gift of rouge and gouache when I came back. Recently, I have been handing in my homework on time every day when I come back.

   So what happened to me?

Mr. Jia Youcai thought of something, and immediately handed over the brocade bag in his hand: "This is a gift from girl Qing Ge who said it could be used to make earrings, and then ordered someone to bring the brocade rewarded by the emperor, all of which are in the treasury .”

   Borrowing flowers to present Buddha can never be wrong, right?

   "Qing Ge, this girl has a heart, we don't lack anything in the house, you let her take it back, and add some dowry when you get married in the future."

  Mrs. Jia is quite familiar with Ye Qingge's situation.

  Speaking of which, she is also a member of Mrs. Ergui in the Beijing circle, and she knows everything about everyone.

  Even the mother mouse of whose family has given birth to a few litters of mice can clearly count.

   What's more, the Ye family was their former political opponent, so they know more clearly.

  So what happened to Ye Qingge, Bai's operation and what happened recently, Mrs. Jia is all pretending in her heart.

   "Yes, I also said to let that girl take it back, but she didn't do it, she just said it was out of her heart."

   "For her heart, this rocking chair is enough. This rocking chair is really good, girl Qingge is a good girl"

Um? Mr. Jia showed a surprised expression. His wife seldom praises others, especially Ye Qingge.

  In the beginning, when she recognized Ye Qingge as her goddaughter, she still didn't quite agree.

   It is unwise to say that it is unwise to consider the daughter of a political enemy as a granddaughter. You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.

  Why does it look like a **** change now? He even boasted.

  Mr. Jia glanced at Mrs. Jia, and then at the rocking chair under her, suddenly he felt concerned.

   "I said old woman, get up and let me try this rocking chair."

   "What's the point of trying this, it's boring, hard and wobbly."

   Mrs. Jia said with a bit of disgust, and then looked at the old general Jia Youcai and said considerately: "Aren't you busy with the frontline war recently? Go, I don't need your company."

Um? It's getting more and more wrong.

   "Get up and let me try."

   "There's nothing to try."


  The next day, the Zhanbei General's Mansion was wondering about one thing. What was the old general and the old lady fighting for?

   Thank you Liangchun, Zhong Xiangxiang, cuties with the tail number 8694, Jiaren Qiao, and Lu Xixi for their recommendation tickets, and thank you for the recommendation tickets for the cuties in the new collection.

   The purpose of writing a book is to have fun. Everyone will enjoy reading it and I will write it for fun, and then we will all have fun. Everyone is happy every day!



  (end of this chapter)

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