After Escaping from the Marriage, the Crown Prince Started Pampering Me

Chapter 111: The magistrate is useful but not yet

  Chapter 111 The county master is useful but not yet

  Ye Qingge was thinking, and a group of people had already entered the inner courtyard of the palace one after another.

   Today's palace banquet is not so much a palace banquet as it is a triumphal banquet held for the old general Jia Youcai of the Zhanbei General's Mansion.

  According to Princess Tsundere, the process of the palace banquet is that during the day, the queen empress brings concubines and servants' wives to recite poems and paint pictures in the imperial garden, and gossip.

  The emperor led a group of successes to discuss state affairs in the chamber, which was no different from going to court.

  But in the evening, all the female relatives and ministers gathered in the hall to have dinner together.

   It's just that the ministers are on the left and the female relatives are on the right, facing each other far away, just like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl in the Milky Way.

  Of course, singing and dancing, feasting and entertainment are also indispensable during the banquet.

   Even talented scholars and ministers presented poems to the emperor, praising his virtues.

  In Ye Qingge's opinion, this is purely "idle". The names before and after his life are all said by others, and later generations say, no matter how much you say now, it is useless.

  However, the old emperor likes this, so what can I do?

   Of course, besides talented men, there are also talented women.

   There is also a lady from Chen Gong's family who plays the piano and paints to show off her talents, and at the same time finds a good Xu for herself.

  When they arrived at the Imperial Garden, the empress hadn't come yet.

   All the wives and ladies of the ministers are chatting about family affairs in groups of three and at a table of five.

   Really lively.

   Mrs. Ye walked in front and supported Ye Suyun and Ye Qingyue's two granddaughters.

  Ye Qingge chose to walk behind alone, but he didn't feel cramped at all.

   I even had the mood to look around, admiring the flowers in the imperial garden.

   This flower is not good, and there are not many varieties. Compared with the 23rd century, it is really worse. Generally, there are peonies, roses and the like that are not new.

  Although she doesn't like flowers very much, she has a mother who likes flower arrangement, so she still knows a little bit about flowers.

   On the contrary, these ladies from the minister's family are more attractive, and they are all beautiful, even more beautiful than that flower.

   Some ladies who had attended the banquet before saw her nodding slightly towards her as a greeting, and she also smiled sweetly in return.

   Mrs. Ye chose a place to sit down, and sitting opposite was Mrs. Wang from Zuo Xiangfu.

   Really interesting!

   Even though they can't understand each other, they still want to sit together?

  Ye Qingge couldn't help shaking his head in his heart, what he was thinking was that there was excitement again, Kukuku!

   "I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing well recently? Mrs. Wang?"

   Mrs. Ye took the lead in launching the attack.

  Lady Wang caught a cold a few days ago, and was unable to get sick, so she almost went to see King Yama. Now when I ask her how her body is, she secretly says that her body is not as good as mine.

   "Thanks to you, my old body is strong and my children and grandchildren are filial, so I have been doing well recently."

  Mrs. Wang's face froze, and then she smiled and managed it.

   "But I can't compare to you. There is a good granddaughter who was made the county head, and she had to be recognized as a granddaughter by Zhanbei General's Mansion. She is really blessed."

   Mrs. Wang responded with a smile, and there was a flash of swords and swords between them.

  She knew that the Zhanbei General's House and the Zhengxi General's House were at odds, and now that Ye Qingge is the granddaughter of the Zhanbei General's House, it is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Zhengxi General's House.

  So what she said was a compliment.

   Sure enough, Mrs. Ye froze after hearing this.

  Hey, old man, you are very bad, did you bring trouble to me?

  Looks like I haven't impressed you enough, huh?

  Okay, you wait, but right now she should quietly step aside.

  Seeing that a big battle was about to start, Ye Suyun and Ye Qingyue looked at each other.

  Ye Qingyue came to Mrs. Ye gracefully, and bowed to Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Wang.

   "Mistress, Mrs. Wang. My sister thinks it's rare to enter the palace. Thinking of going around, I wonder if it's okay?"

  She was talking about herself and Ye Qingyue, not Ye Qingge.

   Mrs. Ye naturally nodded in agreement. Fortunately, she had fought this old woman for 300 rounds, and it was inconvenient for her granddaughter to play her role here.

  Then the two sisters went away hand in hand, and Ye Qingge also turned towards Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Wang, and after saluting, she quickly followed them.

  I'm such a cute little chicken thief, Ye Qingge gave himself a thumbs up.

   Just kidding, it's not like she's just doing nothing, listening to two old people fighting.

   "Princess Tsundere looked back at Ye Qingge and raised her haughty chin. You are so obedient and know to follow. If you stay where you are, you will suffer."

  Brother Ye Qing smiled sweetly: "Hey, thank you sisters."

  Ye Suyun, who usually didn't pay much attention to anything, also turned around and glanced at Ye Qingge, but didn't say anything.

  After the three sisters left the **** battlefield of the two old ladies. Ye Suyun walked towards the pavilion without saying a word.

  Ye Qingyue turned her head to look at Ye Qingge, and said calmly, "Okay, don't follow."

  Ye Qingge nodded immediately, indicating that he understood.

   She naturally didn't want to follow, it's not that she couldn't find a fun place.

  So Ye Qingge and Ye Qingyue separated and left.

  To be honest, the Royal Garden of the Great Xiao Palace is really quite big.

   It is as big as a Summer Palace in the 23rd century.

   From this we can also see the extravagance of the emperor.

  Ye Qingge likes to look at things in both directions.

  The bigger and more luxurious the royal palace is, the richer the country is.

   But judging from the time she came to this world, the Great Xiao Country is not very rich.

  On the contrary, the government of this country is unclear, miscellaneous taxes are heavy, and many people have no food to eat.

  However, the palace was built so magnificently and on such a grand scale, it can be seen that the emperor is actually extravagant.

  Ye Qingge's perception of the emperor became even worse.

  Ye Qingge was criticizing the old emperor in his heart, when suddenly, three people walked towards him.

  But for a while, she couldn't remember where she had seen it. The people who didn't matter to her were passer-by A, cannon fodder B and the big man.

   So no memory required.

   But apparently, the other three didn't think so.

  The three of them lined up, blocking Ye Qingge's way.

   "Isn't this the county lord? We met here, do we still have to ask the county lord to greet me?"

  The woman headed by asked mockingly.

   "If it is true according to the laws of the Great Xiao Dynasty."

  Ye Qingge nodded, as if you didn't say anything.

   Unexpectedly, Ye Qingge would answer like this, and the faces of the three women froze.

  Especially the leading woman, her complexion turns green and pale.

   "Okay, don't stand still, hurry up and salute me."

  Ye Qingge smiled sweetly, as if what he said was a joke. However, the three people on the opposite side couldn't laugh.

  We were just joking, but you really put on the airs of the county lord.

  The woman headed by it, not to be outdone, glared at Ye Qingge.

   I didn't expect that she would really be able to climb the pole.

   "I don't need to put on the airs of the county lord. The county lord already has airs. I am the county lord personally appointed by the emperor. Don't you all have to salute me when you see me?"

  Ye Qingge continued with a surprised expression, as if the other person had said something interesting.

   "It's fine if you don't know, but you clearly knew it just now, since you know it, you should pay respects, otherwise, I will go to the emperor to ask, is it useful or not for him to seal the county head?"

  (end of this chapter)

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