Chapter 122 The queen is a ruthless character

   As if he felt Ye Qingge's gaze, the man raised his head and met Ye Qingge's gaze.

  Ye Qingge pretended to look away unintentionally, and the man also turned his head expressionlessly.

   Hey, it seems to be pretty good. Although there is a little bit of conceit, nobility and staidness, but at least it is not very affectionate, which is quite good.

  Men, sometimes you can have other problems, but lustful problems are not allowed.

   But of course, it is also possible that the man doesn't like this one that he likes.

   After all, I am not proud enough.

  Ye Qingge complained to himself.

  Looking at the later position in the first row on the opposite side, there is a man in his thirties sitting there quietly, as if he has drawn a boundary with the singing and dancing in the hall, and the noise stopped at him.

   What a wonderful person.

   It's just that the grade is a bit older, and he looks like a handsome uncle, so who is that uncle?

  Further back, I could still see acquaintances. Zhao Zihao and Zhao Yuanpei were also in the back of the second row. They were probably arranged in the same row, so they both had bad faces.

  But it is obvious that Zhao Zihao's body has become stronger. It seems that he has been practicing a lot recently.

   Both Uncle Jia and Uncle Li Da came, but they were both in the front row.

   You can see how happy they are when they smile.

  As for the others, Ye Qingge didn't know each other.

  However, there are many romantic and suave people, and there are also many elegant and elegant people.

   While Ye Qingge was watching the beautiful scenery, 'Meijing' was also looking at the beautiful woman opposite.

   The most eyes stayed on Ye Suyun, Wang Yuyan, Du Qiuxin and others. They were the first choice among the high school, with beautiful attire and decent manners.

  Of course, there are also people who think that Ye Suyun is beautiful if she is beautiful, but she is too colorful to be controlled, Wang Yuyan is pretty, but a bit less elegant, and Du Qiuxin is elegant but not beautiful enough, after all, there are some shortcomings.

  In fact, to put it bluntly, they are picking the bones, because they also know that these girls like His Highness the Crown Prince, and they have no chance at all, so they are nothing more than saying a few words.

   "Come, come, let's have a drink. Those beauties all want to compete for the position of the princess, after all, it has nothing to do with us. Instead, you can look at other beauties, maybe you will have a good marriage of your own."

   "You can think about it, and we are ordinary people, how can we match such a beautiful girl?"

   "You think about it, there is no woman who doesn't dislike the poor and love the rich. If you want me to say it, it's all like that."

"It doesn't seem to be the case. I think Ye Qingyue of the Ye family seems to have some integrity. A few days ago, I remembered that she said a word in the Qing talk meeting, saying that she didn't see that there was no distinction between the family and the concubines, and only asked about joy. I think it's not bad. .”

"Do you believe this kind of thing? I don't see that there is no distinction between the concubine and the concubine. Even if she really does not distinguish between her parents? After all, she is also the second daughter of the Ye family's concubine, so anyone can match her." on it?"

  During the banquet, the two men were talking loudly, and Mr. Bai, who was sitting behind them, could hear it clearly, and felt extremely depressed.

  So he poured himself a full glass of wine.

  Yes, people go to high places, and water flows to low places. Who would look for a family that is not as good as their own?

   After taking a sip of wine, the man was choked up by himself. Suddenly coughed up.

  His position was not at the front, so the emperor did not pay attention to him and punished him for a crime of disrespect.

  The atmosphere above the main hall is quite good, and many unmarried sons and daughters are looking at the noble lady opposite. After all, there are not many opportunities for this kind of opportunity, and there are not many opportunities for so many people to be in the same place under the constraints of etiquette.

  That must be carefully looked at.

  The princes and ladies are busy looking at each other, and the empress is not idle either.

   "Your Majesty, look, these children have grown up so much before you know it. Time flies so fast, I'm afraid my concubine is getting old too." The queen said with a smile while pouring wine for the emperor.

  Being nostalgic by Ye Qingge this afternoon, the queen's smile today is faint.

  But it was unexpectedly a little cold, different from the past.

  That delicate appearance, fair skin does not show any trace of age at all.

   "The empress still looks the same as when she entered the palace." The emperor looked at the empress and said. Although it maintains the majesty that the supreme position should have. But the eyes are also full of friendship.

  I felt that the queen was different today, but I also felt that the queen was different.

   Today's queen feels a little jealous. I don't know if I feel wrong, but this feeling is not bad.

  Men, they always like women to compete for themselves. If they like it, this is a bad root, and it cannot be changed, and the emperor is no exception.

  The queen still kept smiling, but blushed unconsciously on her face. After so many years, the emperor seldom talked about love, but she just liked it.

  Of course, it's not that the emperor doesn't know how to say love words, but these love words are rarely spoken to her, but to those coquettish bitches.

  Thinking of this, the queen felt unhappy again, but she didn't forget the business.

   After all, she is still a queen.

   "The emperor has a rare opportunity today, how about letting the juniors show off their demeanor, so we can appreciate it?" The queen suggested.

   "Alright." The emperor nodded and agreed with the queen: "However, we still need to wait. The Beimang mission has already entered the palace gate, and it won't be too late when they arrive."

   "Oh? The Beimang mission can arrive today?"

  The queen seems to be ignorant, because the harem cannot participate in politics, so she knows many things but pretends not to know.

  For so many years, even the ministers and workers knew that a mission would definitely use the palace banquet hall when they came, let alone her as the queen.

   "Well, it will be here in a while, and many things will be troublesome for the queen."

  The emperor nodded, looked at the empress and said affectionately.

  Although she knew that the emperor was so affectionate to use her, the queen still felt very useful.

  So he nodded to show that he understood.

   After so many years, she is no longer just entering the palace and doesn't know anything about queens.

   Now that she has the ability, she won't be framed as foolishly as before, and she can't even protect her own children.

  The queen subconsciously looked at the eldest prince's position, which was empty.

  For so many years, he didn't participate in such palace banquets, but it was fine if he didn't participate, he could deliberately forget the sufferings of those years if he didn't come.

  Looking at the crown prince, he saw that his son was imposing, already possessing the air of an emperor, and the queen nodded in satisfaction.

  It is enough to have a prince and a child alone.

   As for whether you are in debt or not, then you don’t have to think about it. Everyone has their own destiny. If you want to blame, you can only blame his bad fate.

  The queen slowly withdrew her light, looked at the people in the hall, and became the wise, sharp and capable queen again.

  Ye Qingge was idle and bored, so he observed the people in the hall, so he observed the queen's expression the whole time.

  This queen is a ruthless character!

  (end of this chapter)

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