It took Yu Qingtang a while to calm down.

She was afraid that Cheng Zhanxi would wait impatiently to hang up the video, but no, Cheng Zhanxi was brushing her teeth, her mouth was full of white foam, and she said vaguely, "It will be fine right away."

Yu Qingtang admired the whole process of brushing her teeth and rinsing her mouth.


Cheng Zhanxi spit out the last sip of water, wiped his mouth with the hanging towel, smiled at her, showing his freshly brushed white teeth, and said, "I'm fine."

Yu Qingtang rolled her eyes involuntarily.

Cheng Zhanxi held his mobile phone, the camera was always aimed at his face, the background wall of the starry sky behind him was moving, and the picture returned to normal after a bump, and Cheng Zhanxi was lifted up and sat on the bed.

"The screen of the mobile phone is too small, can I change the Ipad?"


"Don't take my video, or I'll cry for you."

Because he could see Cheng Zhanxi's face, Yu Qingtang also saw her expression when she was speaking, which was very vivid and cute.

Yu Qingtang couldn't help laughing: "Okay."

After switching to an Ipad, the screen shows Cheng Zhanxi's entire upper body sitting cross-legged on the bed, in navy blue pajamas, with a calm temperament, a little mature, and a little sexy.

But unlike the **** wearing a skirt and an open back during the day, Yu Qingtang didn't have enough vocabulary in her mind, otherwise she would now have a suitable word to describe it: boring.

What can't be questioned is that she looks good in her clothes, her pajamas, her face, her hands, and everywhere.

Yu Qingtang wanted to get into the phone, into her arms, and...let her kiss him.

"Why did you go to bed so early today?"

An inquiry recalled Yu Qingtang's reverie.

Yu Qingtang in the video had nothing to hide, and said obediently, "Nothing to do."

"What did they do?"

"watch fireworks."

"I... don't want to watch it alone." Yu Qingtang lowered her head.

"Who said you were alone?"

Yu Qingtang raised her eyes and looked at her puzzled.

Cheng Zhanxi said, "You took a picture of the fireworks and sent them to me, didn't we just watch the fireworks together?" She sighed and said, "It's banned in my house, and I may not be able to see fireworks this year. Now, he pointed to you to show me."

Yu Qingtang opened her eyes slightly, and bluntly digested the message Cheng Zhanxi passed to her.

After ten seconds, Yu Qingtang jumped off the bed.

"I'll shoot for you!"

Cheng Zhanxi stopped her: "Stop!"

She was a bit dumbfounded, Yu Qingtang's action was a little too quick. Yu Qingtang pursed her lips and said, "Don't you want to watch it again?"

Cheng Zhanxi said softly: "It's too late, I want to see it tomorrow, can you take a picture for me tomorrow?"

Yu Qingtang murmured: "But..."

What if Cheng Zhanxi changed his mind tomorrow? It's hard to find something that I can do for her, not to mention it's only eleven o'clock, she will go out to take pictures for her at one in the morning.

Cheng Zhanxi coaxed softly, "Be good."

Yu Qingtang pursed her lips again, and made a soft "um".

She still thought fireworks were boring at night, but now she can't wait, just because of Cheng Zhanxi's words. Of course, it was great satisfaction for Cheng Zhanxi, which showed that Yu Qingtang cared about her, but she seemed to care too much. Looking back on this period, except for Xiang Tianyou, I didn't hear her take the initiative to mention anything Cooking in a daze was the same, as if waiting was all that was left in her life.

Wait for Cheng Zhanxi to come back.

Cheng Zhanxi thought about it and said, "Is there an ancient town near your house?"


"Is it fun? I haven't been there yet." In fact, Cheng Zhanxi has been there a long time ago. She has been in Sicheng for so long, and she has a temperament who likes to travel thousands of miles. Basically, she has traveled all over the place.

Yu Qingtang wanted to say that he didn't know, but he changed his mind and said, "I'll go take a look tomorrow?"

"Okay, you will be my tour guide when you come back."

Yu Qingtang's eyes narrowed a little, and nodded earnestly in agreement: "Okay."

"The last time I went there to sketch, there are many scenes that are good. Do you have any other places to recommend?"

"I'll take a look." Yu Qingtang's words became much more fluent.

"Remember to take a picture and send it to me, don't save it all and I'll come back and talk about it after the New Year."

"I..." Yu Qingtang bit her lower lip and said, "Okay."

Cheng Zhanxi lay down on her side and propped her Ipad on the bedside table. On the screen, her quilt was pulled to her shoulders, revealing only a furry head. Her long hair was pinned behind one ear, and the light in the bedroom made her ears pink and cute and small. You can hold it in one bite.

Yu Qingtang wanted to learn from her, but she didn't have a mobile phone stand, so she held it in her hands and looked at Cheng Zhanxi across the screen.

No one said a word, the smile in his eyes was shallow.

A quiet and soft atmosphere spread silently in the room of the two of them.

Later, Yu Qingtang often recalled this night.

For Cheng Zhanxi, the New Year's Eve they spent together in a real sense should be after they were officially together. The two listened to the New Year's bell in the distance, rubbed their ears in front of the window, and whispered love words that only each other could hear. For Yu Qingtang, it was a video call that she suddenly made while she was in hopeless waiting.

There is also a rather dramatic one. Five minutes before midnight, Cheng Zhanxi couldn't hold back his sleepiness, and fell asleep with a crooked head, without even having time to say Happy New Year.

A second before she fell asleep, she still swore to Yu Qingtang that she would not fall asleep.

The next second, Yu Qingtang called her softly, "Xixi?"

Only the woman's slightly closed eyes and the sound of shallow breathing responded to her.

Yu Qingtang smiled with curved eyebrows.

The video didn't hang up, Yu Qingtang raised her hand, her fingertips hung above the screen, and stroked Cheng Zhanxi's face in the air.

She is thousands of miles away, but she is so close at the moment, so close to the screen that she can clearly see the ups and downs of her heart, and it exists so vividly in her world.

Yu Qingtang looked at her in a daze, tracing her delicate eyebrows with her eyes.

At zero o'clock, there was a crackling sound of firecrackers outside, far and near, making a sound. The splendid fireworks burst into the sky one after another, releasing dazzling brilliance, and the sky was as bright as day.

Downstairs, Fang Wenjiao put on her coat and got up, picked up a set of firecrackers prepared in advance, set it on fire, and threw it into the yard.

The sound of firecrackers rang in his ears, and Yu Qingtang looked out the window.

In the sound of firecrackers, one year old is removed, and the spring breeze brings warmth to Tu Su.

Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, the new year has officially begun.

Cheng Zhanxi frowned in his sleep, as if he was about to be awakened by the sound of firecrackers. Yu Qingtang held down the microphone for speaking, blocking the outside world.

Cheng Zhanxi stretched his brows again, rubbed the goose down quilt covering half of his face with the tip of his nose, and his cheeks were red with sleep.

"New Year, New Year, Happy, Happy." Yu Qingtang whispered to Cheng Zhanxi's sleeping face word by word, and then there was no sound, only mouth shape: I like you, Cheng Zhanxi.

Yu Qingtang tried to fix the phone on the bedside table, facing his bed, and connected the charger.

The lights in the room were on all night.


At six in the morning on the first day of the new year, Cheng Zhanxi's biological clock woke her up on time.

The Ipad automatically shuts down when it runs out of power. Cheng Zhanxi remembered that he had fallen asleep last night, jumped up in a jerky manner, and quickly turned on the phone.

Yu Qingtang sent her a Happy New Year at one minute past zero.

Say goodnight to her at four in the morning.

Cheng Zhanxi pinched his face hard, punishing himself for being taken away by Duke Zhou too quickly last night.

She sent a message to Yu Qingtang: [I woke up, happy new year]

She charged up the iPad, went to the bathroom to wash up, and took her phone with her.

As soon as the toothpaste was squeezed, news of Yu Qingtang came.

【Good morning】

Cheng Zhanxi sent out a video invitation.


The sound effect played again, but Yu Qingtang refused and replied: [I'm going downstairs to make breakfast, I'll make the video later]

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Are you angry?

[Yu Qingtang]: No

The proposition of giving away to other couples, in Yu Qingtang's case, means literally.

She was inexplicable and didn't know why she was angry. Could it be because Cheng Zhanxi accidentally fell asleep during the video chat with her and didn't wait until midnight? Everyone has to sleep. She stayed with her family all night, and it was normal to be sleepy.

[Cheng Zhanxi]: Then when you're done, send me a message. I'm going downstairs too. Today I'm going to my grandparents' house to say New Year's greetings.

[Yu Qingtang]: Good


Yu Qingtang made breakfast. Tingting and Xuanxuan from their uncle's house were just woken up by their aunt. They both yawned and yawned. Aunt walked behind them, nagging that they would need more clothes when they went out. When my aunt turned around, she saw Yu Qingtang standing at the door of the kitchen, looking at her silently with deep eyes.

The aunt was startled and smiled at her uncomfortably.

Yu Qingtang nodded at her.

At the dining table, Xuanxuan was arguing and asking for a drink, but his uncle made a stern face, and the grandfather's speech was not easy to make. The atmosphere was a little stiff, and the table was quiet for a while.

"Are there any fireworks tonight? Where? What time?"

In the silence, a cold voice reached the ears of everyone on the table.

Everyone looked at Yu Qingtang at the same time, with disbelief written in their eyes.

Did she just speak?

Yu Qingtang is a person who is easy to be ignored, especially when he doesn't speak, he is as quiet as a transparent person.

Yu Qingtang repeated it with a calm expression.

Old people and children like to watch fireworks. Fang Wenjiao said: "In the square on the other side of Xingnan, there are also on the other side of the river."

Tingting said: "There were two waves last night, at eight ten o'clock, I heard that there is another wave at twelve o'clock."

Yu Qingtang hummed and added, "Thank you."


The family sitting at the same table for breakfast on the morning of the first day of the new year felt a little weird when they heard such unfamiliar words.

Tingting and Xuanxuan said thank you to Yu Qingtang several times yesterday, but they didn't think there was anything wrong. Now that it was their turn, they felt extremely uncomfortable.

Their father and Yu Qingtang's mother are siblings, which is how close the two of them are now. They and Yu Qingtang don't see each other very little, they are not close, and they are also cousins/brothers of their direct relatives.

After breakfast, the siblings muttered in the living room and looked in the direction of the kitchen from time to time.

Yu Qingtang was washing dishes when she heard the sound of the door being opened behind her.

She turned around.

Tingting took a step in, not daring to look into Yu Qingtang's eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Xuanxuan and I are going to watch fireworks at night, will my cousin come with us?"

The air was quiet for a long time.

Just when Tingting thought that this cousin would not answer, there was a quiet and peaceful voice in front of her.


Tingting raised her head, her eyes still stunned.

Yu Qingtang was actually surprised, Tingting would take the initiative to talk to her, but she concealed it well.

Tingting: "We called you that night?"

Yu Qingtang nodded gently: "Yes."

Tingting said in surprise: "Thank you cousin, no, no, I mean..."

Just when she was incoherent, she saw her always cold cousin smile, not laughing, but gently raised the corners of her lips, fleeting, like a flash in the pan, beautiful beyond description.

Tingting came out of the kitchen reluctantly, and her brother stepped forward and asked, "Did she agree?"

Tingting said dumbly, "Yes."

The younger brother asked, "Then why are you doing this?"

Tingting sat on the sofa, her eyes were dazed, and she said slowly, "Let's not go anywhere today, just stay at home, and my cousin doesn't go out anyway." Is my cousin a fairy? How can she look so good.

younger brother:"???"

Yu Qingtang changed her clothes and went downstairs, with a bag on her shoulders, dressed to go out.

Tingting, who was watching TV in the living room, stood up and blurted out, "Are you going out?"

Yu Qingtang: "?"

Tingting asked in a hurry, "Where are you going?"

Yu Qingtang: "...Go out for a walk."

Tingting bit the tip of her tongue and continued, "Is it convenient to take us with you?"

The younger brother on the side: "???"

Yu Qingtang: "..."

Five minutes later, Yu Qingtang took her cousin and cousin out. Fang Wenjiao told her to take good care of her younger brother and sister, while her aunt told her two children not to cause trouble to her sister.

Yu Qingtang nodded silently, feeling strange in her heart.

Brother and sister?

Uncle and Yu Ci looked a bit similar, and his children could vaguely see the shadow of the Yu family, especially his daughter Tingting, who was a little like Yu Qingtang.

When they went out to meet the neighbors, when the neighbors saw them, they said to Yu Qingtang, "Is this my sister?"

Yu Qingtang said, "Cousin."

The neighbor laughed and said, "I can see it."


Yu Qingtang also looked at Tingting, but Tingting was embarrassed by her and lowered her head.

[I went out with my uncle's two children today, and the neighbor said that my uncle's daughter and I look alike]

Cheng Zhanxi was at his grandparents' house, took time to look at his phone, typed and replied: [Cousins, they look normal]

When Yu Qingtang received the news, she was buying sugar-fried chestnuts for her two children by the roadside.

Yu Qingtang was a little confused.

Except for grandfather and grandmother, Wei Tingyu, other titles such as uncle, aunt, cousin, cousin, etc. are just a code name. Leng Buding followed two stalkers, one cousin at a time, giving her a strange emotion that gradually accumulated.

The sweet smell of fried sugar burst out from the pot.

"Cousin Yu." Tingting turned to ask her, "Don't you eat chestnuts?"

In order to distinguish her mother's cousin from her father's cousin, she also added a specific surname.

Yu Qingtang looked a little unnatural, and said, "No need, let's eat."

The two children each served a portion of fried chestnuts in sugar, and they were arranged around Yu Qingtang, like two Dharma protectors. The chestnuts were very hot, Tingting blew it cold and peeled one to taste, it was sweet and delicious.

She peeled off the second one and handed it to Yu Qingtang.

Yu Qingtang reached out and took it.

"Is it delicious?" The girl looked at her with clear eyes.

The fragrance and sweetness melt together on the tip of the tongue.

Yu Qingtang said, "It's delicious."

After that, Yu Qingtang was fed one after another, and the last time was at Cheng Zhanxi's house.

Yu Qingtang came out to visit the ancient town for Cheng Zhanxi, and planned to make a preliminary travel strategy after visiting. After entering, the two children saw everything novel, and asked Yu Qingtang, but Yu Qingtang didn’t know, so they were forced to get to know each other and threw themselves into the activities of visiting the ancient town with sincerity. .

Tingting pointed at the amphora in the center, and said happily, "Cousin Yu can play with that?"

Cousin Yu shook her head.

Tingting said, "Then why don't you try it out?"

Yu Qingtang: "You can play."

Tingting took her hand and shook it up and down: "Cousin Yu~"

The younger brother looked terrified next to him. He didn't even know what medicine his sister took the wrong medicine today. Not only did he take the initiative to go out with the cold Yu Qingtang, but he also dared to act like a spoiled child at her. Are you impatient?

Yu Qingtang was defeated: "...Okay."

The younger brother was stunned.

Yu Qingtang paid the money and took eight arrows.

It was the first time she played pot throwing, and she didn't expect that the accurate head was not bad. Except for the first time I was inexperienced and went too far, I gradually adjusted it and hit the third arrow. After that, I saw her flexible wrist flicked lightly, and an arrow was lightly thrown into the pot. The sound of the collision was crisp.

The crowd cheered loudly: "Okay!"

Tingting clapped her hands hard at the front of the crowd, and Yu Qingtang's eyes swept across her flushed face, slightly dazed.

After watching the fireworks at night, Yu Qingtang and Cheng Zhanxi video.

Cheng Zhanxi asked her, "what did you do today?"

Yu Qingtang replied, "I went to the ancient town with my cousin and cousin during the day, and went to watch the fireworks by the river at night."

Cheng Zhanxi raised his eyebrows.

Not the two children of my uncle's family?

"Is there anything fun in the ancient town?"

"I played pot throwing, and it's... ok."

"Why did you stutter suddenly?" Cheng Zhanxi smiled.

Yu Qingtang didn't know either, but she stammered suddenly, and she smiled with her hand on her forehead.

Cheng Zhanxi was keenly aware that she was in a good mood today and laughed.

One day was crossed out on the calendar, a cross was made, and there were still eight days left until the day we met.

Yu Qingtang had nothing to do at home. Xiang Tianyou, who often came to accompany her before the Spring Festival, would also accompany Xiang Kang to visit relatives. However, one follower fell and two followers stood up. After a day's trip to the ancient town, Tingting and Xuanxuan found that Yu Qingtang was not as unfriendly as she seemed on the surface, but a beautiful sister with a good temper, and they fell in love with being close to her.

Yu Qingtang would occasionally take them with him when he went out, then have lunch together, and come back in the evening. In the evening, what fruit was cut downstairs, Xuanxuan, under the support of his sister, carried a tray upstairs, knocked on Yu Qingtang's door and sent it to her.

The children liked Yu Qingtang, and my aunt changed her attitude, followed by my uncle, my grandfather and grandmother. Although they didn't ask her for help, they would ask her more if there was anything to eat, and I thought I would give her a share of it. In this family, for the first time, Yu Qingtang didn't look like an outsider, always watching their family carnival silently.

In fact, my uncle's family comes back every year for the Chinese New Year. This is the case every year, but this year is different. Yu Qingtang knows that all these changes are because of Cheng Zhanxi.

She is not fireworks, but the sun that never sets.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, my uncle's family left Sicheng.

Yu Qingtang gave gifts to Tingting and Xuanxuan. Unexpectedly, Tingting also prepared a gift for her, a gift from the little girl's house - a stuffed doll.

Cheng Zhanxi said at the other end of the video, "Oh, I wanted to send you off, but I'm a step late!"

Yu Qingtang seemed to like this doll very much and said, "What should I do then?"

Cheng Zhanxi said, "Then I can only promise myself."

Yu Qingtang looked at her after hearing the words.

Cheng Zhanxi looked back at her seriously.

Yu Qingtang skipped this topic for some reason and said, "Are you busy tomorrow?"

In addition to visiting relatives, Cheng Zhanxi's arrangement after the new year is a gathering of friends. She has too many friends and everyone invites her. She really can't get together. tomorrow night.

Cheng Zhanxi replied: "Dinner with friends, it should be all night."

Yu Qingtang: "Is there no time for video?"

Cheng Zhanxi pondered: "There is still time."


"Well, are you showing my friends to meet?"

The screen suddenly went black, and Yu Qingtang blocked the camera.

Cheng Zhanxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I said it casually."

The camera shakes twice, Yu Qingtang's face reappears on the screen, his eyes are calm, and he doesn't say a word.

Cheng Zhanxi was not sure what she was thinking, so she stopped talking about letting her see her friends.

After a long time.

"There are still three days." Cheng Zhanxi looked at the woman on the screen and sighed sincerely. The thoughts in her heart did not lessen with the video call, but became stronger.

"Four days." Yu Qingtang corrected her.

It's not past twelve tonight, so it's still the sixth day.

"Yu Qingtang."


"Do you miss me?"

The video is different from the phone. Yu Qingtang can say that calmly when he can't see Cheng Zhanxi's face, but at this moment, the heat can't stop pouring on his face, and his ears are instantly red.

"Do you miss me?" Cheng Zhanxi was still asking.

Yu Qingtang buried her face in the pillow, Xuebai's neck turned red, and she didn't answer.

Cheng Zhanxi softened his voice: "I miss you."

The wind in the bamboo forest calmed down for a while, and then blew again. The invisible wind passed through the window lattice and wrinkled Yu Qingtang's heart lake, which could not calm down for a long time.

The wind blew all night.

Yu Qingtang got up in the morning, walked to the desk, and crossed out yesterday's date on the calendar with a pen.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, cold air hit the coast, the temperature in Sicheng plummeted to below 0°C, the lake was frozen, and the weather was freezing cold. There were hardly any people on the streets except for social animals and sanitation workers who had to go to work.

At the same time, there are blizzards in Beijing and bad weather, and flights from Beijing Capital Airport may be delayed or cancelled.

Cheng Zhanxi bought the air ticket in the morning and is expected to arrive in Sicheng at 12 noon.

Yu Qingtang went out at 6:30 and took the earliest bus to the airport. Because of the cloudy sky, the sky that should have been bright could not even see the shadow of the sun, and it was pitch black outside the window, like a deep night.

The light of the street lamp reflected on Yu Qingtang's face through the car window, flickering on and off.

Her hands clenched her bag on her lap.

At 7:30, Yu Qingtang arrived at the airport pick-up gate, and the column for more than half of the flight time on the electronic sign turned bright red, showing "Delay".

Cheng Zhanxi's flight information has not been updated for the time being because it is still early before the departure time.

At the same time, Cheng Zhanxi arrived at the Capital Airport.

Cheng Zhanxi pushed the suitcase in one hand, walked quickly in the airport hall, and called Yu Qingtang: "I'm here, now go to change the boarding pass."

Yu Qingtang gave a low "um".

Cheng Zhanxi asked, "Have you left?"

Sitting on the bench at the airport, Yu Qingtang looked at the flight information scrolling on the screen in front of her, and said inaudibly, "Not yet, I just finished breakfast."

Cheng Zhanxi glanced out the glass window of the airport lobby, the sky was gloomy, the snow was flying, and his eyebrows were slightly frowning.

Cheng Zhanxi said softly: "I received a text message from the airline this morning, saying that there may be a delay. You don't have to rush out. I'll tell you when I board the plane, and you can come out from home again."

Yu Qingtang was silent: "I know."

Cheng Zhanxi queued into the long queue of checked luggage and asked, "How is the weather at home? Is it cold?"

at home?

Yu Qingtang felt a little warm in her heart for her natural words, dispelling the coldness of her hands and feet, and the stagnant blood flowed slowly.

"A little." Yu Qingtang answered her in a soft voice.

"Remember to wear earmuffs, scarves, gloves, and thicker clothes when you go out. You are so thin, and you won't look fat if you wear too much. If I see you wearing less, I'll be angry."

"I know." Yu Qingtang responded obediently, tightening the collar of his coat.

Cheng Zhanxi's heart melted when she heard her words, and she wished she could immediately put on a pair of wings and fly over. But she has no wings and can only go back on the iron knot.

Cheng Zhanxi clenched the phone tightly.

Someone urged behind him, Cheng Zhanxi looked at the team ahead who did not know when, took a few steps forward, and said in a low judo, "I'll be back soon, wait for me."


Cheng Zhanxi didn't hang up until he entered the security checkpoint.

Cheng Zhanxi entered the VIP waiting room. Two uniformed airport staff stood at the door. There was no delay information for Cheng Zhanxi's flight on the innermost electronic screen, so he was relieved.

Cheng Zhanxi sat down on the sofa and sent a message to Yu Qingtang.

【I am in the waiting room】


Cheng Zhanxi poured a cup of coffee, returned with a plate of dessert, and chatted with Yu Qingtang.

The closer we get to the meeting, the less we have to talk about. It's not that we don't have anything to say, but we don't want to say it easily, and we want to keep it until that moment.

An hour before takeoff, Cheng Zhanxi looked down at the boarding pass on the table, and held the cloth on his knees with both hands. She flew back and forth so many times that she felt nervous and anxious for the first time.

"Please note for travelers to Sicheng..."

Cheng Zhanxi's heart jumped and his ears perked up.

"The XXXX flight you took could not take off on time due to the weather, and the departure time is to be determined. We apologize here, please rest in the waiting hall and wait for the notification."

Cheng Zhanxi accurately matched the flight numbers that appeared on the radio, number by number, and frowned.

【Flight delayed】

Before Yu Qingtang received the news from Cheng Zhanxi, she saw the word "Delay" suddenly jumped out from behind the XXXX flight from the capital to Sicheng on the electronic information screen scrolling at the airport.

Yu Qingtang lowered her head and typed: [It's okay, then I'll go out later, tell me when you board]

Cheng Zhanxi: [OK]


The estimated boarding time had passed, and it was close to the departure time. Cheng Zhanxi stood up, walked to the gate of the terminal, and asked the staff guarding there: "When will flight XXXX take off, can you confirm the approximate time?"

The staff naturally did not know, and politely apologized.

Cheng Zhanxi went back inside. In order not to hinder others, she chose to sit down and pinch the other knuckles one by one with her fingertips.

It's exactly ten o'clock.

Someone in the VIP waiting room couldn't sit still, and walked around anxiously, calling with their mobile phones.

"It's delayed, I can't fly."

"Are you in a hurry? I'm not in a hurry? I made an appointment with someone for an afternoon meeting!"

"Do you know how long I have been talking about this client? The contract is about to be signed!" His voice became louder and louder, exaggerating the impatience in the waiting room.

A lady also stood up, her high heels knocked on the ground, da da da, da da da, walked to the door of the waiting hall and came back, asked the same question as Cheng Zhanxi, and got the same answer.

The rest of the people looked at their watches frequently, and their faces were full of anxiety.

"Dear passengers, please note..."

The people walking around stopped to meet the broadcasts one after another.

"The XXXX flight you took could not take off on time due to the weather, and the departure time is to be determined. We apologize here, please rest in the waiting hall and wait for the notification."

This is a flight that takes off at half past eleven.

Snowflakes were fluttering on the runway outside the airport.

The electronic screen has all been occupied, and the red "Delay" in the column of the take-off time.

Anyway, everyone couldn't fly, and it was useless to be anxious. Under such a situation, the waiting room became quiet, everyone went back to their respective positions, and cursed their mother behind their backs.

Cheng Zhanxi held the boarding pass and waited from ten to eleven, and from eleven to twelve.

Cheng Zhanxi picked up a buffet in the waiting room, placed it in front of the table, with a small cake in the upper right corner, took a photo of Yu Qingtang and sent it.

Yu Qingtang clicked on the photo and typed in confusion: [Does the airport have so much food? 】

She remembered that the last time she was delayed, only instant noodles and drinks were issued.

Cheng Zhanxi: [Have you been in economy class before? 】

Yu Qingtang was slightly stunned: [En]

Cheng Zhanxi: [Next time you fly in business class, you are a rich woman with a building]

Yu Qingtang twitched the corners of his lips meaninglessly, looking at the empty pick-up exit.

Cheng Zhanxi should have arrived by now.

The phone vibrated.

Cheng Zhanxi: [Have you had lunch? 】

Yu Qingtang's face did not change color: [about to eat]

Cheng Zhanxi: [What do you eat? 】

Yu Qingtang: [braised pork, steamed pork ribs with black bean and pepper, stewed eggplant and melon, scrambled eggs with tomatoes]

Cheng Zhanxi: [I'm hungry, take a picture for me? 】

Yu Qingtang: [I went to eat]

Cheng Zhanxi smiled, scooped up the fried rice on the plate with a spoon, and filled his stomach one bite at a time.

Two in the afternoon.

Cheng Zhanxi's flight from the capital to Sicheng was unable to take off due to weather and was eventually cancelled, and the flight information disappeared from the scrolling electronic display.

Cheng Zhanxi changed the flight to the same flight with the same airline tomorrow, and the driver of Cheng's family took her home at the airport.

It was the first time Song Qingrou saw her daughter entering the house listless and preoccupied, she couldn't say any words of comfort, she just patted her on the shoulder and asked the servant to bring her a warm glass of milk.

Cheng's family has a private plane, but the special plane needs to be reported in advance, and according to the current weather, it is estimated that their own plane will not be able to fly.

Cheng Zhanxi reluctantly smiled at Song Qingrou.

Song Qingrou stroked her long hair and said softly, "Drink the milk and go to sleep. The weather forecast says that the snow will stop tonight, and you will definitely be able to fly tomorrow, and it's not a bad day."

Cheng Zhanxi nodded, took a sip of milk, and said, "I know."

Song Qing Ju said: "Don't frown, my mother is distressed."

Cheng Zhanxi took a deep breath and smiled again.

Song Qingrou: "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something else?"

Cheng Zhanxi shook his head, put down the empty milk glass, and stood up on his knees: "No need, mom, I'm a little tired and want to go back to the room to rest."

Cheng Zhanxi's suitcase was still in the living room. She walked upstairs with heavy steps, entered the bedroom on the third floor, and closed the door.

Sicheng is a small place. It shares the same airport with the next city. The flight from the capital to Sicheng is the same. The same is true for the high-speed rail. They all leave in the morning. Wings, otherwise it cannot fly over a distance of a thousand kilometers.

Although it was only delayed by a day, the disappointment of expectations made Cheng Zhanxi feel an unprecedented low, followed by physical exhaustion.

Cheng Zhanxi: [I want to sleep]

Yu Qingtang sat on the bench at the airport, kept the previous posture, did not move, and replied to Cheng Zhanxi: [Go to sleep, good afternoon]

Cheng Zhanxi raised the quilt and covered his face together.

Yu Qingtang raised his head, stared quietly at the electronic display screen high above, and waited calmly for Cheng Zhanxi's flight information to appear again tomorrow.

In the evening, Cheng Zhanxi looked for a video of Yu Qingtang, but Yu Qingtang refused.

Cheng Zhanxi called her, but she also refused.

Cheng Zhanxi was worried and texted her: "what's the matter?"

Yu Qingtang replied: [Nothing, I want to go to bed earlier today]

Cheng Zhanxi couldn't figure out why she refused to chat by video and phone, but since we will meet tomorrow, it's better to put everything into the meet and greet. Before going to bed, she confirmed with Yu Qingtang, "Will you come to pick me up?" The thing she was most afraid of was that Yu Qingtang suddenly disappeared without giving a reason.

Yu Qingtang affirmed: [Yes]

Cheng Zhanxi: "Good night."

Yu Qingtang: [Good night]

The airport at night is quieter than during the day. The cleaning aunt driving the cleaning car passed by the woman sitting on the bench one after another. She lowered her head and did not move, as if she had become a statue.

The night is getting darker.

When the sky was white, Yu Qingtang raised his head, the joints of his hands and feet were rusted, and his back was so numb that it didn't look like it was his own.

She bit her pale lower lip tightly, took a light breath, and stood up struggling with the back of the chair, slowly moving her hands and feet.

At half past nine, Cheng Zhanxi's flight took off from the capital on time.

The plane landed at twelve o'clock, and ten minutes later, Yu Qingtang received a call from Cheng Zhanxi, saying that she was waiting for her luggage.

Twenty minutes later, the figure of Cheng Zhanxi pushing the suitcase appeared in her sight.

Yu Qingtang's vision gradually blurred, she lowered her eyes and quickly blinked away the tears, showing a shallow smile towards the front.

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