After He Shi left the bedroom, he went to the study with Li.

The registration information of the investment company has been submitted, and it will be done in about three working days.

With the ability to analyze the investment of systematic subsidies, all enterprises with high investment potential exist in He Shi's mind.

He handed Li Tong a few pieces of A4 paper, which were the investment analysis reports he had made overnight last night.

The above is a list of all companies headquartered in Shanghai with high investment potential.

He Shi was sure in his heart that these companies would make a lot of money in the future, so he asked Li Tong to talk about it no matter what.

"Like the first few in line, Kuaiyin, Dogtooth, Magnesium Group, Pinxi Xixi, Tianmei are all to focus on, you connect the boss and the second, and how to assign the task is up to you.

As soon as He Shi's words fell, the voice of the system sounded closely.

"Ding! Detect that the host investment business is opened, and subsidize the investment rebate tenfold card, valid for three months, and the rebate amount is not limited. "

Ten times the investment rebate card? There is no upper limit for rebates

? He Shi breathed sluggishly, doesn't that mean that the more enterprises he invests in, the more money he will earn! Without spending a single soldier, he can finally get shares?

This is really a heifer entering the pen -- the bull is at home!

He Shi tried hard to stabilize his mind and said solemnly to Li Tong: "After the company registration is completed, within a week, all the enterprises on it must be won by me!" There is no upper limit to the amount of investment, I just need to get the equity, and the more the better!

" "Understood!" Li Tong was slightly stunned, and immediately agreed.

As for the boss's instructions, he just needs to obey them unconditionally.

He Shi looked satisfied, this kind of employee with few words and high efficiency, it is best to give him a dozen!

After sending Li Tong away, He Shi immediately turned on the computer.

He plans to sort out all the enterprises with high investment potential in the country before tomorrow, and he wants to gain a firm foothold in the entire city of Shencheng in just three months


Nanxun had just finished taking a shower.

She looked at the big bed where she had been lying with He Shi not long ago, hesitated, and went to the children's room.

The children's room that He Shi asked someone to renovate will not be completed until tomorrow, so Xiao Yu'er and her sisters have temporarily stayed elsewhere tonight.

Looking at the three babies lying side by side on the bed, Nanxun felt comfortable for a while.

As long as she sees them, no matter how hard the days are, she feels happy, and now she still has the man she loves by her side.

Nanxun quietly climbed into bed and tucked the corners of the quilt for the children.

After Niannian on the side smelled her mother's smell, her little body rolled into Nanxun's arms, and she smacked her mouth with satisfaction.

Nanxun couldn't help but kiss the little faces of his two daughters, and then raised his body and kissed his son, and then closed his eyes with peace of mind.

By the time He Shi was done, it was already past eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, he touched his pocket, and suddenly remembered the two pills subsidized by the system during the day.

Agile and strong pills and beauty and body improvement pills.

The name is quite easy to understand, so He Shi did not hesitate and threw it directly into his mouth.

He clenched his fists and noticed that his strength seemed to be greater than before.

He Shi didn't explore it anymore, because he couldn't wait to go back and hug his wife!

Thinking of Nanxun's seductive appearance during the day, He Shi couldn't sit still for a second.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the room with an expectant face, he found that the snow-white bed was empty.

He Shi looked confused, what about his eldest wife?

When Nan Xun was sleeping soundly, he suddenly felt that his body was vacated for a moment.

She opened her eyes in a panic and found herself being held in her arms.

She couldn't help but beat the chest in front of her: "What are you doing? I'm scared to death!"

He Shi looked at her pale little face, and hugged the person into his arms again, but the steps under his feet did not stop.

"Why am I? You don't have a room by yourself, and you still run to squeeze with the children, what's the matter? I'm afraid that I won't be able to eat you?"

Nan Xun consciously took the initiative to raise his hand and put his arms around He Shi's neck, and he didn't realize the danger until he was thrown on the bed.

She got up and wanted to run, but He Shi directly grabbed both ankles and dragged her underneath.

I don't know if it's because of the atmosphere or what, Nan Xun suddenly felt that He Shi looked better than before, and he had so much strength, in front of him, he was like a little chicken.

This feeling of being conquered made Nanxun, who had always been strong, blushed directly.

She grabbed He Shi's arm and shook it: "You, you let go of me!" He Shi

was unmoved, he stared at the woman under him tightly, and asked: "Why didn't you say goodbye four years ago, and why haven't you contacted me for the past few years, if you don't explain, don't even think about going anywhere tonight!"

Nan Xun lowered his eyes and was silent for a while before he spoke.

"It's not that I just said goodbye, I was forcibly taken away by my grandmother, it's not that I don't want to contact you, it's that I can't contact you.

He Shi's pupils shrank when he heard this, and the whole person was directly stunned in place.

"You, what does this mean?"

Nan Xun was afraid that He Shi would misunderstand her grandma, so he hurriedly explained: "Actually, my grandma...... It's okay for me. "

Nanxun is a Wu people, and their family has lived in a remote village in the south for generations.

Each generation of the clan will give birth to a special child, and this child will become their future patriarch.

Nanxun's mother is the patriarch of the previous generation.

As a result, when she was eighteen years old, she ran out of the village, and finally came back with a big belly, and disappeared again after giving birth to Nanxun a few months later.

"Four years ago, my grandma took me away because she found my grandma's whereabouts. It

was then that she realized that the reason why her mother disappeared for so many years and left her and her grandmother alone was because of a man.

That man is Nanxun's biological father, but he is also a negative man.

His family is a well-known wealthy family in Yancheng, and marriage is a tool in the hands of their upper class, so the man can give her mother's love, but he can't give her marriage.

"My aunt has been following that man for more than ten years so stupidly, but she turned out to be depressed, and I actually went to see her for the last time when I separated.

"After that, my grandma got sick, and when she learned that I was pregnant, her condition became even more serious, and she was eighteen years old, and she was afraid that I would go down the same path as my grandma.

Nanxun said that tears fell unconsciously: "Then Grandma forced me to beat the child off, I didn't agree...... In the end, it was her old man who compromised.

"She wants me to stay in the village for five years, during which time she is not allowed to have any contact with you, and if you wait for me after five years, she will never interfere again." "

Because five years is enough to prove a person's sincerity.

If He Shi is still waiting for her, then Grandma can rest assured about her granddaughter's future, and if He Shi changes her mind, it can also let Nanxun see his true face, so that he will not end up like her mother and end up with such a tragic end.

The old man can be said to have taken great pains for his granddaughter.

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