When Nan Xun opened his eyes, he found that he was already lying on the soft big bed.

The clothes on her body were also changed, a white nightdress she brought from home.

Nanxun moved, and a sore feeling came from her waist, which made her can't help but "hiss".

He Shi, who was lying beside him, immediately opened his eyes: "What's the matter, wife, I'll rub it for you." Then

a large, warm hand came up.

The strength was moderate, so that Nan Xun raised the corners of his mouth comfortably: "What time is my husband, I'm so hungry!"

He Shi took the phone with his other hand and looked at it: "It's almost time for dinner."

When Nan Xun heard this, his cheeks suddenly turned red.

They had been tossing and turning in the pool for so long!

She sat up from the bed, and ran to the suitcase with her bare white feet to rummage through her clothes.

He Shi saw that there was a thick carpet on the ground, so she went.

He also got out of bed, picked up a casual outfit and put it on his body.

Nan Xun looked at the perfect muscle line and swallowed quietly.

Her husband's superb figure with long legs, despite the close contact every day, still makes her can't help but be a nymphomaniac.

After the couple packed up, they went to the public dining hall here, which offered a free buffet.

Nanxun hadn't experienced it yet, and He Shi had no choice but to cancel the candlelight dinner he had booked.

The two held hands and walked slowly all the way.

Naturally, I met all kinds of people on the way, and they all looked at them.

However, He Shi and Nanxun didn't care, they had long been accustomed to this situation.

The two had just found a place to sit down, but they didn't expect to meet an unexpected person.

"Master Cao, Mr. Guan, what a coincidence

!" "Hmm, it turned out to be Mr. He and Mrs. He, and the two of them actually came!" The

person who came was Cao Wenkai and his apprentice Guan Bai.

Unexpectedly, the four of them naturally sat together.

Whether the buffet is eaten or drunk, they need to take it themselves.

This task, of course, fell to the two young men, He Shi and Guan Bai.

And when they came back, Nan Xun and Cao Wenkai had already started chatting!

He Shi looked at his wife suspiciously: "What do you say, so happy."

Nan Xun took the plate in his hand: "It's a painting painted by Master Cao recently, and we had a brief exchange."

Cao Wenkai followed up and said: "But your little girl's opinion is really to make the old man and me suddenly, now paint again, I promise to draw better than before!"

Hearing the words, it didn't look like the first time we met, and the attitude was very unconvinced.

So the four of them also talked happily.

"By the way, how are you thinking about opening an art exhibition?"

Cao Wenkai mentioned this matter more than once, he felt that with Nanxun's current ability, the ability to open a personal exhibition is absolutely enough.

Nanxun nodded: "It's already being prepared."

Cao Wenkai was immediately happy when he heard this: "I thought you would refuse again like before, I have never seen you so lazy girl, old man!" "

The reason why I didn't want to open an art exhibition was that I was too lazy to move!

When Cao Wenkai heard it for the first time, he accidentally brushed off his beard.

Nanxun smiled "hehe": "Isn't this just afraid that you will talk about me all the time, so hurry up and get ready!"

This was playful, so Master Cao, who had only one broken son in the family, immediately laughed.

Although they don't meet often, they often exchange experiences on the Internet.

I have been together for a long time.

Of course, this "division" is sometimes Cao Wenkai, and sometimes it is Nanxun.

Cao Wenkai has rich experience in Chinese painting and can often give good advice to Nanxun.

Nanxun has a high talent and unique insights into paintings.

Just like today, it can often give Cao Wen good inspiration.

"If you don't understand anything about the exhibition, you can ask the old man directly to me when the time comes, and if you want help, don't be polite.

Nan Xun immediately agreed unceremoniously: "Don't worry, I won't let you be as idle as you are now!"

Cao Wenkai was amused and laughed again.

By the time the four of them had eaten and drunk, it was already past seven o'clock.

Nanxun, who had only slept for a short time during the day, began to yawn incessantly, and He Shi had to take the person back to the room.

Cao Wenkai and Guan Bai went for a full body massage.

"Sleepy like this, I'll undress you?"

Nan Xun, who was lying on the bed, forced her eyelids and said, "I don't have to ......"

After barely putting on a nightdress, she rolled up the quilt on her body and fell asleep in a few seconds.

He Shi shook his head amusedly, kissed lightly on the rosy lips, and then went to sort out the suitcase.

Then I had a video conference with the company's management for several hours.

The next morning, when he woke up, it was almost nine o'clock.

What made He Shi strange was that Nanxun was still asleep, and there was no sign of waking up at all.

He panicked and hurriedly touched Nanxun's forehead.

Seeing that the temperature was normal, I was relieved.

But there was no way to sleep like this anymore, so I could only wake people up softly.

Nan Xun opened his eyes leisurely, and was very aggrieved: "Husband, what are you doing, I'm so sleepy!"

He Shi even brought the quilt and hugged him into his arms together: "Good wife, you have slept for more than ten hours, wake up quickly."

Nan Xun, who was yawning, put down his hand in a daze: "It's been so long?" "

No, you're really a real little pig now!"

Nan Xun snorted unhappily, and the whole person was still confused.

Finally, with the help of He Shi, he put on his clothes.

Soon, the waiter at Taoyuanzhuang brought breakfast.

There are porridge and buns, as well as eggs, soy milk, etc., all of which Nanxun likes to eat.

He Shi led her all the way to the dining table, stuffed the spoon into her hand, and almost fed it himself.

"Try this seafood porridge, didn't you keep saying you wanted to try it yesterday

?" Nan Xun picked up the spoon weakly, and just wanted to put it in his mouth, his brows furrowed fiercely: "It's so fishy

!" "Huh?" He Shi took a sip tentatively: "No!" The shrimp inside is smooth and delicious, and the shrimp inside melts in your mouth, which is very delicious.

Nanxun took a small bite, and a feeling of nausea and nausea immediately came up.

This made her, who was already dizzy, and her face immediately became ugly.

He threw down the spoon in his hand and ran to the bathroom.

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