Zhou Xue didn't expect that all the idols had come under his nose

! He regretted it when he thought about it now, if he had gone out a minute or two earlier, he would definitely have seen the real person!

Thinking of Cao Wenkai's words just now, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Uncle Cao, you said that this He Dong and his entourage were all accidents in my place, and I, the boss, are reasonable, so I should go and visit them, right?"

Cao Wenkai snorted in his heart, when he didn't know what the hell this rabbit cub was doing?

But how come he and Lao Zhou have been friends for many years, and this Zhou Xue can be regarded as something he grew up watching.

If he can really get in touch with an excellent young man like He Shi, maybe Lao Zhou will be able to worry less.

I didn't look at the second young master of the Deng family, they have all transformed from a playboy who can only eat, drink and have fun, to the leader of a big enterprise like Orange Maple! Deng

Wei, who is a father, now praises everyone when he goes out, and even the boss he used to bother to cultivate has been put aside.

If there is no promotion from He Shi, it will be impossible at all.

Although Zhou Xue often does not do his job, he is at least self-motivated, which is not much better than the previous Second Young Master Deng!

Cao Wenkai thought a lot in his heart for a moment, but he didn't show it.

Pretending to be embarrassed, he said: "I don't know this Mr. He very well, and now Mrs. He doesn't know what the situation is, so it's not good to take you over rashly

!" Zhou Xueyi was anxious when he heard this: "Then can you guess which hospital they went to? I can ask a friend to inquire!" "

It should be Shengkang Hospital, after all, it is owned by Nanshi."

Zhou Xue frowned in embarrassment, this Shengkang is the top private hospital in Shencheng, and he really doesn't seem to have any friends there.

Cao Wenkai glanced at him and said, "I can let people inquire, but it may take a little effort......

" Zhou Xue immediately raised his head, at this time he didn't understand what he meant, but in order to see the idol, everything was worth it!

So he gritted his teeth and said: "Really, Uncle Cao, what

do you need me to do, you can mention it!" Cao Wenkai smiled slightly: "I don't need you to do anything, just do more serious things in the future, don't always make your father angry."

Zhou Xue pouted unhappily: "I'm not doing business, my hot spring village is not very good, my dad just doesn't like me."

"This hot spring village looks okay now, but what about the bars and restaurants before?"

Zhou Xue blushed and scratched his cheeks: "I promise you, I will definitely work hard in the future, learn more management experience."

Cao Wenkai nodded: "It's pretty much the same."

"As for Mr. He's side, you just wait for the news first, and I will inform you if you can go to see him."

Zhou Xue immediately smiled: "Okay!"


On He Shi's side, after the helicopter arrived at the hospital, the director had already waited at the door early with a large number of doctors and nurses.

He carefully put Nanxun, whose lips had turned pale, on the cart.

A group of people immediately rushed to the emergency room.

Feeling the man's palm, he was already nervous and full of sweat, and his face was gloomy like she had never seen before.

Nan Xun tried to raise the corners of his mouth, and softly reassured: "Don't worry, I feel much better now......

He Shi tightened the fingers in his palm: "Wife, don't talk, you'll be fine!"

It wasn't until Nan Xun was pushed into the clinic that He Shi slammed his fist against the wall.

Li Tong shouted in surprise: "Mr. He!" He

Shi clenched his fists, his eyes full of coldness.

Li Tong didn't know if he was dazzled, he actually saw a trace of fear in it!

This was something he had never dared to imagine before.

Mr. He, who was like a superman in his heart, was even scared one day!

Li Tong opened his mouth, not knowing how to comfort him.

It was also the first time Dalin had seen a big boss like this, and his body was so cold that it seemed that others would get frostbite if they got closer.

Although he was scared, he still spoke: "Boss, the boss lady must be fine."

He Shi didn't seem to hear his voice, and his eyes were fixed on the door of the emergency room.

There was silence in the hallway.

I don't know how long it took, but the door to the emergency room finally opened.

He Shi immediately rushed over and asked, "Dean Zou, how is Xun Xun?" Dean

Zou showed a smile on his face: "Mrs. He is fine, it's just a normal reaction caused by the early stages of pregnancy, and she may be tired in the past few days, so the fetus is a little unstable, just drink medicine to recuperate."

When He Shi heard this, his head was completely stunned, he never thought that Nanxun would be like this because she was pregnant! Thinking that

he had been pestering her for so long yesterday, he couldn't wait to slap himself.

So, I immediately asked about my worries.

"It's really not appropriate to have sex in the first three months of pregnancy, but Mrs. He is usually in good health and pays attention to exercise, so this time it didn't have a big impact.

"Mrs. He may have realized that she may be pregnant early in the morning, and she will have abdominal pain when she is nervous, so I just gave her an injection to let her sleep well.

He Shi regretted it even more when he heard this.

He and Nan Xun have always taken measures, and the only time was on their wedding day.

Who would have thought that he would win the lottery this time!

When Nanxun woke up, it was already dark.

When she opened her eyes, she found He Shi lying on the side of her bed, still holding her hand tightly.

As soon as she moved, the man was immediately awakened: "Wife, are you okay? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Nan Xun shook his head: "I'm fine, I feel much better after sleeping."

He Shi gently put his hand on her lower abdomen: "I'm sorry wife, it's all my fault, if it weren't for my ...... yesterday

" Nan Xun hurriedly covered his mouth: "It's not your fault, none of us expected to have a baby!"

"If you want to blame it, blame myself, obviously I have given birth to three children, and I don't have any awareness of pregnancy at all."

He Shi directly hugged the person into his arms: "How can I blame you, your period is not very punctual, fortunately the little guy is very tenacious, and he looks like his mother!" Nan

Xun was immediately amused: "By the way, I didn't tell my parents about going to the hospital, right?" She didn't want the old couple to worry.

"Tell me, your pregnancy is a big deal, and I finally stopped them from coming.

Nan Xun immediately said, "Then let's go home tomorrow morning, shall I'm fine."

"No! The doctor said that your fetus is unstable, so you should stay for a few days, otherwise I won't worry

!" Nan Xun's face suddenly became bitter: "Ah, okay!" For the safety of the baby, she can't be willful.

He Shi touched her hair dotingly: "Don't worry, I will accompany you here, I was not by your side before you gave birth to Xiaoyuer, I will definitely guard you well this time." "And watch over their children.

He wants to see the baby be born with his own eyes, feed the baby, change diapers, and accompany him to grow up day by day.

Nanxun's heart was full of warmth when he heard it.

She knew that being absent from Xiao Yu'er for the first three years was a regret in He Shi's heart.

And this regret will finally have a day to make up for it.

Of course, whether it is Xiao Yu'er or Miss Miss, they are irreplaceable in her and He Shi's hearts.

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