Xu Ningxiu raised her eyebrows slightly, and said in a low voice: "It's the four major families of Shencheng, Zhang Yi, the eldest son of the Zhang family, do you want to say hello?"

After all, they came to Shencheng to develop this time, and they had to deal with people in this top circle.

Fu Jingcheng has always been conceited, but he didn't refuse when he heard the words.

As soon as he raised his foot to pass, he saw that Zhang Yi shook off the crowd and walked away.

This made Fu Jingcheng's face sink in an instant.

His arrival, he didn't believe that Zhang Yi hadn't noticed.

If you don't take the initiative to say hello, forget it, and now that he has left suddenly, he won't give him face at all, and he won't give face to the Fu family! Fu

Jingcheng saw from a distance that Zhang Yi walked in front of a young man, and his face was still full of smiles.

This made his face even more ugly, and he said coldly: "Let's go!" and

Zhang Yi greeted him naturally.

However, in order not to cause too much trouble, Zhang Yi only whispered "Mr. He".

After all, He Shi's name can now be said to be thunderous in Shencheng.

And his relationship with the old man of the Xiang family is almost well known.

If Zhang Yi called out this "little grandfather" in front of so many people, it would not be an hour before He Shi's identity could be hidden.

The major media will also hear about it.

As the founder and chairman of Nanshi Group, there are still many people looking forward to the true face of He Shi.

Zhang Yi didn't say much, and the two families separated after a simple hello.

can let the eldest young master of the Zhang family take the initiative to greet him, He Shi certainly attracted the attention of many people, but soon these people were attracted by the appearance of their family.

They all suspect that the couple may be in the entertainment industry, and they are not interested in it after watching it.

With such a good opportunity, it is more important to make more big friends.

The triplets dragged their parents all the way to kindergarten.

The venue for the eagles to hold parent-child activities is very large, and even if there are so many parents, they can sit down completely.

As soon as Nian Nian arrived at the door of the activity room, his eyes lit up.

Holding He Shi's hand, he couldn't wait to run to a little boy sitting in the corner.

The boy looked very thin and unaccompanied by adults, and looked lonely.

After hearing Niannian's voice, he immediately raised his head.

He Shi and Nanxun saw the boy's face clearly.

The facial features are delicate, and the skin is sickly pale, but the most striking thing is the eyes.

The pupils turned out to be very beautiful blue-gray!

Nanxun felt that his son was already very good-looking, but the little guy in front of him didn't lose half a point at all.

It's just that she looks so thin, so that she, who is going to be a mother again, can't help but feel distressed when she sees it.

Nian Nian took the little boy's little hand and took the initiative to introduce: "Mom and Dad, this is my tablemate, his name is Jiang Bang, you can call him Jiang Jiang!"

The little boy seemed to be very untalkative, but his eyes were not timid at all.

looked at He Shi and Nanxun, and whispered "Uncle and Auntie".

The little guy is good-looking and has a good voice, which makes Nanxun's heart melt instantly.

Even before coming, he thought about He Shi, who had a lot of words, was suffocated back.

I don't know why, looking at this little boy makes people lose their temper.

Nanxun saw that he was a little withdrawn, and tentatively took his hand.

Jiang Wan was about to pull it back, but the warm touch made him hesitate again.

Nan Xun smiled and said, "Why are you yourself, Jiang Jiang, what about your parents?" Jiang

Wan was quiet for a few seconds and said: "I don't have my parents, grandpa is busy, so I can't come."

He Shi and Nan Xun glanced at each other, and it happened that Tang Xin also came over at this time.

After saying hello to the couple, he said, "Classmate Jiang Wan, if your family can't come, just follow the teacher today, right?"

Jiang Wan heard it but didn't move, Tang Xin sighed, and didn't know what to do with this child.

Since coming to the class, except for missing this tablemate, Jiang Wan has not been in contact with any children, even he, the teacher.

It's just that his health is not good, and there is only one grandfather at home who is busy with work.

It is completely expected that the child will be so withdrawn.

Nian Nian took the hand of the tablemate, very reluctant: "Mom and Dad, is it okay to let Jiang Jiang play with us today?"

Jiang Wan's eyes moved slightly when he heard this, and he didn't have any hope in his heart.

He knew that adults didn't like kids like him.

In the past, many uncles and aunts came to the house, and they were very enthusiastic in front of their grandfather, but they turned around and didn't let their children play with him.

also whispered that he was a freak and would bring bad luck to people, otherwise how would he kill his parents to death.

Later, he told his grandfather that they had never been seen again.

Jiang Wan took Niannian's little hand and tightened it unconsciously.

Is he about to lose, the only friend?

Will Niannian's parents also hate him?

Jiang Wan was so worried for the first time in his heart, but after waiting for a long time, he didn't wait for the expected voice.

He raised his head in a daze, and saw the fairy-like aunt in front of him, gently touched his hair, and said with a smile: "Of course you can!"

Even the uncle, who looked indifferent, did not object.

Nian Nian happily jumped on the spot a few times, kissed her parents on the face, and then took the little table to find a place to sit down.

He Shi and Nanxun pulled Xiaoyuer and Xiangxiang, and also sat next to the two little guys.

Such a good-looking two big and four small ones are just like a family!

Tang Xin smiled slightly.

I didn't expect Mrs. He to be not only beautiful but also so kind-hearted, and she didn't have the frame of a wealthy lady at all.

Mr. He is also very good, such a family really deserves to be rich!

The incident of a few people only happened in the corner, and it did not attract much attention.

Soon the kindergarten principal Gong took the stage and announced the start of the event.

The first is the children's show.

He Shi thought that the chorus organized by his daughter, not to mention that the whole class was in attendance, how could there be ten or eight people, right?

As a result, when the triplets pulled Jiang Bang onto the stage, he realized that there was really no outsider!

A song "Little Star" was sung in four different tones, and it was not easy.

Nanxun in the audience laughed so much that her stomach hurt, and she was so frightened that He Shi hurriedly gave her relief.

"My wife is calm, calm!"

Nanxun fell directly into He Shi's arms, and barely stopped laughing.

"I, I used to only know that the five tones were incomplete, but I didn't expect Xiao Yu'er and think about it to be with you, haha, plus a Jiangjiang

!" "Strange, no wonder there are only four people in this choir, don't, others can't fit in!" He

Shi was also made to cry and laugh by these children, but he didn't want to admit that he was incomplete in five tones.

"And say me, don't you the same!" Nan

Xun covered his mouth, still couldn't help but want to laugh.

Finally, the song ended, and after a moment of silence in the entire activity room, thunderous applause suddenly rang out!

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