Yesterday was a working day, and many office workers didn't have time to pay attention to live broadcasts.

If it weren't for He Shi's extremely high appearance, he would have been recognized in Xinghai Restaurant.

Now, after a day, the luxury car incident has completely fermented.

As the popularity of the whole thing increases, everyone's attention to He Shi is also increasing.

Even in the company, there are many people who recognize him.

He Shi had no choice but to register a new scarf account.

In just ten minutes, there are thousands of followers, and the number is still growing.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining fans for the first time and subsidizing a luxury villa in Sandalwood Garden, the real estate certificate is being processed, and it will be delivered tomorrow!"

Fortunately, he has become accustomed to the trenches of the system.

He Shi struck while the iron was hot, and made another wave of propaganda for Xingqian.

However, he is not a star in the end, and he will not appear in the public eye frequently.

It didn't take long for everyone's curiosity about him to shift to others.

It didn't have much impact on He Shi's life, which also made him breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, that's all for later.

It was smooth sailing on He Shi's side, but Zhang Ping, who had just left the company, was not so lucky.

As soon as he packed up his things and went downstairs, he received a call from Song Bo's father, Song Weicai.

I immediately "groaned" in my heart.

He naturally didn't want to vomit out what he had already eaten, so he gritted his teeth and hung up the phone directly.

Over there, Song Weicai looked at the blackened mobile phone screen, and his face immediately sank.

Song Bo said nervously: "Is he busy, maybe he can call ...... later"

Saying this, in fact, he was already hopeless.

Zhang Ping's courtesy to them a few days ago is still vivid, if it wasn't for something wrong, it would be impossible not to answer the phone.

Song Weicai glared at him fiercely when he heard this, and roared angrily: "Loser, what else can you do besides causing trouble!" Song

Bo felt very aggrieved: "It's not all my fault this time, it's not my aunt's ......"

For this sister, Song Weicai also hated it.

The more Song Wei thought about it

, the more angry she became: "Is she still making trouble

in the hospital?" "I almost didn't lift the roof of the hospital shed! I don't know what's going on, since I came back yesterday, my aunt has been shouting that her stomach hurts, and she has been clamoring for food."

"The doctors didn't find any problems, not even trauma.

After hearing this, Song Weicai didn't care: "It must be unreasonable again! Don't worry about her

!" Then he got down to business: "Now Wanjia's investment seems to be hopeless, we have to find other breakthroughs quickly, otherwise this project will be completely scrapped, and our Song family will press all their net worth into it!"

Song Bo also realized the seriousness of the problem in his heart.

It's a pity that they were already close to success, but now they are stuck in a quagmire because of He Shi.

This made Song Bo hate him even more.

"And that Zhang Ping, send someone to find me immediately, it's really easy for our Song family to bully

!" "I know Dad!" Song Bo hurriedly responded.

"Then where is Heshi?"

Song Weicai lowered his eyes: "What if a young man who has just entered the society, with Liyang and Wanjia in his hands? Doesn't he want to promote his rental company? Then I'll help him!"

Looking at his father's ruthlessness under his calm expression, Song Bo raised his eyebrows excitedly, ready to watch the show.

It seems that He Shi really angered his father this time.

It shouldn't be long before he will be like those who offended the Song family before, in the entire Shencheng, there is no scum left!

He Shi should have been completely ignorant of the plans of the father and son, but who let him have the system as a cheating artifact against the sky!"

This is what he placed yesterday from the seckill mall for a huge amount of 9.9 dollars, which can detect the impending crisis for him and seek a solution.

It's a pity that a trick bag only has one chance to use, and He Shi is a little depressed, and I don't know if this thing can be refreshed in the future.

Looking at what Song Weicai was about to do, He Shi couldn't help but sneer, this kind of method of finding someone to act and then framing the blame, I don't know how many people have been threatened.

Sure enough, the upper beam was not right and the lower beam was crooked, and the family's hearts and eyes were very bad!

In this case, he looked at how this old fox lifted a stone and shot himself in the foot.

In the evening, after He Shi and Nanxun took a bath, they sat on the head of the bed together.

Anne's normal live broadcast time is from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. every night.

Nanxun had never used fast sound before, and by the time she downloaded the app and registered an account, the number of people in Annie's live broadcast room had already reached 5,000.

Although she used to have hundreds of thousands of fans, the popularity of each live broadcast was only more than 3,000 people, all of which rose in one day last year.

"He Xiao, how much do you say is appropriate?" He

Shi didn't give a reward to the anchor, he took Nanxun's mobile phone after pondering for a while.

At this time, the voice of the system suddenly sounded, and subsidized 100 million virtual leisure coins! The system prompted that the leisure coins

can be used to swipe gifts or play games, in addition to cashing out.

He Shi immediately recharged half of Nanxun's account.

At this time, Anne was playing PK with someone, and the object was also the same type of female anchor, but the conditions were obviously much better than her.

Seeing that there was still a minute to go, Anne sat in the camera and actively canvassed.

Nanxun looked at the rocket sent by Bangyi, and hurriedly found the same one on the gift page, and threw ten of them casually.

A banner suddenly appeared on the top of the live broadcast room on the whole platform!

This sudden big move shocked everyone.

Kuaiyin's rocket is the most expensive gift, one is converted into cash for 3,000 yuan, and ten is 30,000.

It was the first time Anne had received so many gifts at once, and her cheeks flushed with excitement.

"Wow! Thank you for this 'too southern' little sister with a very interesting name

, thank you, thank you, it's a waste!" Who knew that this was not the end, and then nine consecutive groups of rocket special effects exploded in the live broadcast room, and each group had ten

! After the barrage was silent for a moment, it was immediately swiped by the words

"thank you guy"! Anne spoke incoherently excitedly: "Thank you, thank you! Management, quickly hang up a house management for the young lady!".

Nanxun's fingers moved slightly: "You're welcome, I said I was going to watch your live broadcast."

Looking at the line of words shining with colorful light at the top of the screen, Anne was slightly stunned and her eyes widened.

She wanted to shout "Sister Goddess", but in the end she endured it.

But that didn't stop her from being in a good mood.

"It's good that people are here, don't break the bank again!" This is a full 300,000! Even if the platform is divided, she can get half of it!

Nan Xun smiled and interacted with her a few more words, and then left the live broadcast room.

But because of these gifts, Annie's popularity has risen to 100,000+!

Many people came in through the banner, and in order to receive the sound wave reward after the rocket special effect, they also clicked on it.

So in just two days, Anne was on fire again!

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