When he returned to the company, he opened the stock market as soon as possible to check the increase in Song's stock price.

The moment someone sells, buy at a low price.

In the end, the scattered ones together also accounted for 5% of Song's shares.

Looking at the bright light on the screen, He Shi suddenly remembered something.

The pleasant sound of the keyboard gradually resounded in the room.

As soon as he withdrew his hands from the computer, Li Tong knocked on the door and came in.

"Song Weicai is in a hurry, and wants our five billion to arrive as soon as possible, although the conditions are mentioned. The corners of

He Shi's mouth curled slightly: "It's finally here......"

"Just say that our funds are not ready, let him wait." "

When the time comes, wait for the bank to come to the door, and everything is not up to him.

He Shi handed over a silver USB flash drive: "When the matter is over, send it to the police." "

This is what he just found in the dark into Hu Biaozi's computer.

Unexpectedly, this guy was quite thoughtful, and he actually left evidence of all his previous cooperation with Song Weicai.

With these, it was definitely enough for the old fox to drink a pot.

At this time, Song Weicai was already anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

The stock price plummeted, the people in the company panicked, and all the shareholders were putting pressure on him.

All ongoing projects have also been suspended, and those companies that have cooperated have come to ask for debts.

Song Weicai was already anxious, and the Qin family came with news at this time, saying that they would terminate the cooperation.

He immediately dropped the teacup in his hand!

"Bastard, I didn't know who came to the Song family to ask for marriage

!" "If you don't cooperate, you won't cooperate, it's rare to be a Laozi!"

He picked up his mobile phone and called Li Tong again.

"Tell me, what conditions do you want?" the tone was obviously a little anxious.

Li Tong's eyes gestured to congratulate him and turned on the speakerphone.

"Dong Song, what do you mean by this, the company can't get so much money at once.

"Mr. Li, everyone is a smart person, and there is no need to beat around the bush at this time. "Don't you really think of him as a little kid who doesn't know anything?"

He Shi picked up a pen and wrote a line on the paper.

Li Tong nodded and said into the phone: "Okay, since Song Dong is so sincere, then I will say it directly."

"I want the piece of land in the old city, but the company really only has two billion now.

Song Wei thought he was hallucinating, he gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you know how much it cost me to photograph this land?"

"Now except for me, I'm afraid that no one will wade into your troubled waters, so it's better to advise you to think about it."

"In addition, in order to express my sincerity, I still have 5% equity in your company, which can be given to Song Dong. Song

Weicai didn't understand that this share must have been robbed by him not long ago.

He tried to calm down and thought carefully about his current situation.

found that there was no other way than to promise him, otherwise the company could only go bankrupt.

And if he has this 5% stake, as long as he gets through this difficulty, he will have a greater say on the board of directors in the future.

It's not all bad to think about.

It's just that this loss is too great!"

"Song Dong, how are you thinking about it?" I still have a lot of things to do here.

Song Weicai took a deep breath: "Okay, you can sign the contract now, but I hope that the two billion will be all received today." He

was afraid that if it was too late, the company would be demolished by these robbers!

The two finally made an appointment to meet, and then they both hung up the phone.

"Mr. He, it was still you thoughtful, and Song Wei agreed.

He Shi sneered: "This old thing has a lot of eyes, if you don't let him take advantage of it, you will never compromise so easily, but fortunately, our goal has been achieved." From

the moment he knew that this old city had been bought by the Song family, He Shi had a plan in mind, so his goal was never to bankrupt the Song family.

And it is Song Weicai's father and son who have an enmity with him, not so many employees in the company who need to live.

"Later, he will find out that the person who bought the land is actually you, and he doesn't know what his expression will be.

He Shi also thought it would be funny: "But if he knew that there was still a prison sentence waiting for him later, he might cry even louder." "

It's surprising that a stumbling block can be solved so easily.

"By the way, how are you guys talking about investment these days?"

Li Tong handed over the folder in his hand: "The twelve companies on it have been negotiated, and the amount of capital contribution and the proportion of equity are on it.

He Shi took a brief look and found that the few companies he had emphasized before had been negotiated, and at least 30% of the shares were owned.

Thinking of the tens of billions of dollars he received from investment rebates in his bank card now, He Shi nodded with satisfaction.

But we still have to keep up the good work! The three-month period is still very tight.

"How long is the rest? "

Two days at most.

"Yes. At

three o'clock in the afternoon, Li and the same person drove to the Song Group.

Song Weicai, who had been looking forward to it, hurriedly invited people into the conference room.

He couldn't wait to open the contract that Li Tong had already prepared, but he was stunned after seeing the familiar two words at Party A's signature.

"He Shi?" he jerked his head up, his eyes full of disbelief.

Li Tong nodded lightly: "Otherwise, who does Song Dong think?"

Song Weicai's expression was struck by lightning, his face was black and white for a while, and finally turned into a heart-rending roar.

"Conspiracy! This is all a conspiracy!"

Li Tong leaned back a little in disgust: "What Song Dong said is not right, we forced you to buy the land? We forced you to borrow the arrears? Of course, if Song Dong does not want the two billion and 5% equity, he can choose not to sign.

Song Weicai's chest rose and fell violently, as if he was about to faint in the next second.

He clenched his fists, and it took all his strength to squeeze out two words from between his teeth: "I'll sign!" He

Shi's methods had already scared him, and now it was no longer a matter of two billion, he was afraid that if he didn't sign, one day the Song Group would change hands.

So he must get back this 5% of the shares!"

Li Tong nodded slightly, and then calmly left with the contract.

There are no fifteen minutes before and after.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the land in the old city, subsidizing the top construction team, and the architectural style and requirements can be decided by the host.

He Shi, who was on his way home, was overjoyed, it seemed that the group headquarters of his dream had been settled!

From the very beginning, he wanted to build the group building there.

As for the shopping mall residential area, it is not considered at all!

The neighborhood is either Central Century City or Xinghai Street, which is known as the "first commercial street".

To go there and build another shopping mall is simply a brain problem.

He asked enthusiastically: "System, is the building what I want to build?"


Then I want to divide that area into a headquarters area, can I build a dozen or twenty buildings?"

"Yes, host."

"So I want to make the main building the tallest building in the world?"

"Yes." "

Yes! Then I want to ......

" The voice of the mechanical tablet finally couldn't be maintained: "Yes, please tell the host your idea directly!" He

Shi rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "Then when will they come?" "

It's coming tomorrow, please keep the host's mobile phone unblocked." "


He Shi, who was in a happy mood, went to the vegetable market and bought a bunch of chicken, duck and fish.

Get those uncles and aunts who sell vegetables, I can't wait for him to come every day.

He Shi is full of heart to hurry home and celebrate with his big babies and little ones!

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