"Husband, I have a lot of fans around my neck!" Nan

Xun hurriedly broke into the study with slippers and handed the mobile phone to He Shi.

Since Qi Lan and He Youhai came, the three little ones have been brought every day.

Nanxun put more thought into painting.

She followed Anne's advice and registered a scarf account, posting some works on it from time to time.

Although many passers-by think it looks good, they are not professional after all, so the popularity has been tepid.

Who would have thought that on a whim this time, she drew a cartoon clip of a family getting along, and it exploded all at once!

The content is a puzzle of three children competing with He Shi, and she cheers on the side.

Many people commented below that the babies are very cute, the dad who will take care ......of the children is very handsome, and the family is so loving

The more Nanxun looked at it, the sweeter it became, and she couldn't help but come to share it with her man.

But the focus of the congratulatory period was completely different.

He pulled his wife into his arms and hugged him tightly.

Pointing to the screen and asking, "Why is there no me in your watchlist?"

Nan Xun smiled and clasped his fingers awkwardly: "I'm not ...... Have you forgotten? I just built this number, and you don't know it.

She clicked a few times on the screen and regained her expression: "Look, special attention, it's just you!"

He Shi was slightly satisfied.

Looking at those delicate red lips, he couldn't help but lift Nanxun's chin and put his face up.


a sudden kiss made Nanxun's eyes widen.

After reacting, he immediately responded enthusiastically.

A pair of small hands were still sweeping restlessly across the man's chest.

It's a pity that in the end, Heshi's skills are superior.

After a while, he kissed the baby in his arms softly.

A pair of bright eyes are as bright as stars, rippling waves, and he is restless when he sees it.

was about to kiss Fang Ze again, but Nan Xun suddenly pushed him away with a flushed face.

"Oh, I still brewed coffee! I won't tell you!" The

back of the deserted escape made He Shi bow his head and smile helplessly somewhere.

He sat still for a while before his heart beat back to normal.

Just as I was about to continue reading the documents, my phone rang suddenly.

"Hey, hello, is that Mr. He Shihe? I'm the person in charge of Jiali's wedding planning, Ella.

Hearing the identity of the visitor, He frowned slightly: "Hello." There

had been no movement before, and he thought that the system had forgotten about this subsidy!"

"I'm sorry Mr. He, because the wedding dress design you sent someone to customize is too complicated, so I haven't contacted you until now."

"So how are you preparing now?" Ella

on the other side of the phone heard this, and unconsciously put down his crossed legs.

This new boss's personality seems to be a little cold!"

Mr. He rest assured, the version has already been made, because it is hand-sewn, so it may take some time.

"But now the whole team is working overtime, this contact with you is to hope that you and your wife can come over and have a look if you have time, and we will adjust in time if you are not satisfied."

"In addition, I would like to talk to you in detail about wedding planning.

He Shi pondered for a moment and then said, "That's right, I still owe my wife a romantic proposal, and I want to make it up to her before the wedding, so I have to wait a few days to see the wedding dress."

"However, in terms of marriage proposals

, I don't know if you have any good suggestions?" "Of course there are suggestions, I don't know what Mr. He probably wants

?" "Requirements?" Of course, the grander and memorable the better, and money is not a problem.

Ella was silent for a moment, then continued, "I'll send you the specific plan later. "This time, I don't let this new boss have any blood, I'm sorry for his arrogant words!

Within a few minutes, He Shi received an email with a memory of 3 G.

He nodded silently as he watched, and wrote down what he thought was a good idea.

It is worthy of being a well-known Jiali in the country, although the work efficiency needs to be improved, but the quality is really good!


On this day, He Shi suddenly received news that it was a new chef from Xinghai Restaurant.

So that night, he took his family to Xinghai Street.

As soon as they came out of eating, the three children suddenly had a stomach upset.

Nan Xun hurriedly squatted down worriedly and asked, "Baby, where does it

hurt, tell Mom!" Xiao Yu'er wrinkled her little face and shook her head

slightly: "Mom, I don't hurt, I just want to go to the toilet!" "Mom, too!" "I

want to go to Mom

too!" Nan Xun put down his heart slightly: "It should be that I ate too much ice cream just now!" She was about to take the children to the bathroom, but Qi Lan had already taken a granddaughter away with one hand.

The rest of the little fish were also hugged into He Youhai's arms.

"I'll just go with your mother, maybe we have to wait a while, you two will walk around here first."

Although Nan Xun was still a little worried, her father-in-law had spoken, so she had to nod her head and agree.

He Shi stepped forward to take her hand and comforted: "It's okay, the children's spleen and stomach are a little fragile, let's go and buy some medicine for them nearby."

Nanxun opened the map on his mobile phone and saw that there were indeed pharmacies around, so he left with He Shi.

At eight o'clock in the evening, it was the busiest time on Xinghai Street.

All the shops are brightly lit, and there are quite a few people hanging out here.

At this time, there is one store that is the most exaggerated.

Not only are there a lot of luxury cars parked at the door, but there are also many young men and women in expensive clothes standing next to them.

Zhou Zhicheng rejected the proposals of these rich young masters and young ladies for the umpteenth time.

"I'm sorry, Miss Zhang, Deng Gongzi, those three sets of rare colored diamonds have all buyers, and we have no right to take them out for others to see without permission.

He pointed to the flowers and balloons in the square not far away, and said bitterly: "Have you seen it over there, our staff is arranging the marriage proposal scene!" "

The buyer is about to bring his fiancée, if you really want to see it, you can ask for people's opinions later." "

Then isn't there only one buyer!" Zhang

Yue, who was wearing Dior and carrying Hermes, couldn't help frowning and said: "You show us the other two series!


I forgot to tell you that the buyers of these three collections are the same person. "

What?" Zhang Yue became more and more angry the more he listened.

Today, I just learned that there are three sets of rare colored diamonds, and after arriving at the Shencheng Hairui Winston counter, she and her friends rushed to come non-stop, but she didn't expect it to be a step too late!

Moreover, her Zhang family is already a top wealthy family in Shencheng, and she can still win a set of colored diamonds through gritted teeth.

But someone actually bought three sets at once

? I hadn't heard about it in the circle of friends before, could it be a secret rich man in Shencheng?

She and Deng Wenyao glanced at each other.

Now she had to wait, she wanted to see which guy had robbed her of her things!

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