The next day, He Shi didn't wake up until the third pole of the sun.

He rubbed his temples uncomfortably, and it took a while for him to fully sober up.

He actually drank very well, and he never got drunk at a party in his four years of college.

But there were too many people toasting last night, and he was in a good mood, so he accidentally overdosed.

In the bedroom, Nanxun was gone.

He Shi looked at his naked upper body and guessed that his wife should have washed him briefly.

He casually picked up the pajamas on the side, put them on his body, and then walked to the bathroom.

After taking a shower and changing clothes.

He Shi didn't expect that the living room was empty.

At this point, Qi Lan and He Youhai had already gone to the store, and the triplets should have followed when they were not at home.

He Shi went straight to the studio again, and sure enough, he saw a beautiful figure.

Wearing a light green dress and a shawl with long hair, he sat quietly in front of the easel.

At his feet are three cute kittens, who are lying on the soft carpet and snoring.

The picture is extremely warm, and He Shi unconsciously showed a smile on his face.

He thought that his wife was painting, but when he got closer, he realized that they were actually watching a video on his mobile phone!

Listening to the familiar voice inside, He Shi instantly felt bad.

He quietly stepped forward and asked, "What kind of wife are you looking at?"

The sudden voice startled Nanxun.

She hurriedly picked up the mobile phone that fell to the ground, and said with a smile: "You're awake! I didn't look at anything

!" "It's really nothing

?" "No!"

He Shi immediately laughed angrily: "Baby, can you turn off the video sound and say this again

?" This ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense is really convincing!

He stepped forward and grabbed the person in the crook of his arm: "Secretly record a video for me, huh?"


, cute!" "What did you say?" He Shi thought he was hallucinating, he was cute?

He directly pinched his upturned nose and threatened: "Isn't it fat?" Nan Xun didn't

care: "Who knew you could be so coquettish when you were drunk!"

He Shi: ......

"Deleted the video.

When Nanxun heard this, he immediately broke away from He Shi's embrace: "I won't delete it!"

The laughter of the silver bells faded away.

He Shi shook his head helplessly and sat quietly for a while before standing up.

It seems that his majestic image in his wife's heart is afraid that he is about to collapse ......

In the restaurant, there is a breakfast specially reserved by Sister Zhang for Heshi.

Millet porridge, steamed buns, eggs, steamed dumplings and pickles she made herself.

Nanxun brought several plates except pickles to the kitchen and simply heated them.

Then he shouted loudly: "Husband, come and eat, you have to drink some porridge first!"


Are you still going to the office today?"

"No, just have a day off."

Nan Xun's eyes lit up: "Then let's wait for the black, right

?" "Well, where is it?"

"Of course it's ......" Nan Xun's voice paused, and he said lightly to the man in front of him: "Hooligans!"

In the end, before the two could discuss the result, He Shi received a call from Qi Lan.

"What time is the high-speed train today?"

"Okay, I'll pick up people later."

Nanxun watched the man hang up the phone, and asked curiously: "Who are you going

to pick up?" "The cousin of the second uncle's family came to Shencheng, and my mother asked us to go to the station to pick it up later." "

My cousin He Han wanted to apply for Shencheng University before, and now she finally got her wish, so she wanted to adapt to the environment in advance.

"Xiaohan is coming, great!"

Nanxun's impression of this cousin is still very good, with a cheerful personality, and although his ideas are a little out of the box, he is very cute.

She grabbed He Shi's arm and shook it coquettishly: "Then I'll go change my clothes first, husband, you eat slowly!"

He Han was on the high-speed train at three o'clock in the afternoon.

He Shi took his wife and inspected the Xinghai Restaurant, which he hadn't been to for a long time.

I changed the route to the station again, and the time was just right.

The husband and wife stood side by side in the bustling crowd, and their dazzling appearance instantly attracted countless eyes.

There were even people who had the audacity to step forward and ask them if they were celebrities!

Nan Xun shook his head amusedly, and the man suddenly felt lost.

And He Han, who had just left the station, naturally saw his cousin and sister-in-law at a glance.

Her eyes lit up, and she rushed directly towards

Nan Xun!"Sister-in-law, I want to kill

you!" Nan Xun was slightly stunned, raised his hand and patted her shoulder: "I miss you too, welcome to Shencheng!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Then he held his hand and turned around and left.

He Shi, who was ignored, consciously pulled up his cousin's suitcase and followed behind the two female comrades.

This is the first time He Han has gone far away, and it is also the first time he has come to Shencheng.

From the moment I got in the car, I was amazed by the scenery outside the window.

She said with yearning in her eyes: "A big city is good, such a tall building, it's the first time I've seen it, I really hope to live in such a high-rise building one day!"

Nan Xun heard this, and immediately smiled: "Then your wish may be about to come true."

He Han immediately leaned over excitedly: "Sister-in-law, what do you mean by this?" "

It means that the place where we live now is the top floor of the community, the 23rd floor!"

"Really?" He Han was a little incredulous: "But don't rich people like my cousin like me like living in villa......s on TV?" Facade, yes, that's the word!" "

When He Shi returned to her hometown, she was very impressed by the fact that she took out two million things as soon as she touched her mouth.

Nan Xun immediately explained: "There is a villa at home, but it is still under renovation, so now I live in a high-rise building."

"The view is very beautiful at night, your cousin also built a flower room on the roof of the building, hung a swing, and you can lie down and watch the stars when you go."

"Wow! Cousin, this is too good at enjoying it!" The

corners of He Shi's mouth, who was driving, raised slightly: "Where is this going......"

Sure enough, as soon as she pushed the door open, He Han was first amazed by the large flat in front of


There are 5 bathrooms alone

, and there are also toy rooms, game halls, and video rooms.

The open-air swimming pool on the roof of the building surprised her even more, and she couldn't wait to go down for a swim right away!

Frightened, Nanxun hurriedly stopped people: "If you want to swim, I will accompany you during the day tomorrow, but now the time is late and the wind is a little strong."

"Hey, hey, good!"

Then He Han was attracted by the three kittens and Xiaobai.

Nanxun originally wanted to lock Xiaobai in the room, but he didn't expect this little guy to be more and more tempered now.

It was "rubbed" and ran away.

When she saw it again, she had already played with He Han!

"Sister-in-law, you're so cool, you even raise snakes!"

The corners of Nanxun's mouth twitched, it seemed that she was worried in vain.

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