Biquge, the fastest update after part-time impermanence I red the latest chapter!

Wang Ligang was also stunned by Lao Bai's saucy operation, "No, you guys... what's the matter with you as a dad to admit your father, do you have logic?"

Just now I said that it was Xiao Lai's earliest partner who led him into the business, and this recognized my father.

Lao Bai was floating high, his tongue spitting out, and it was extremely dark with a dead face. He was also anxious. This injured the enemy by 1,000 yuan and 10,000, and still stuck in his neck and said: "I am happy."

Wang Ligang was very disdainful, and Lao Bai tried to suppress him with height and complexion.

Not to mention, the more Lao Bai is like this, the more he will be dissatisfied. As a policeman, he is still wearing a uniform, and he is very brave enough. What's the matter? You are impermanent at the grassroots level. I am also a grassroots policeman. I also rated the top ten outstanding policemen last month!

Wang Lijing raised his head and pointed at Laobai, showing the roaring rogue's momentum: "Come on you, don't think I'm scared of being a ghost!"

Lan He couldn't listen anymore...

And why is Lao Bai still floating higher and higher, really think who stands tall and who is reasonable, Lan He dragged Lao Bai's hook, pull him down, a little back to him.

Hu Seventy-nine only felt that this scene was very familiar. After thinking about it for a long time, would I fly a kite?

"Okay, don't be too strong, to say that everyone is sincerely cooperating, it's not that you have to give him the Golden Gate Pier..." Lan He held Lao Bai, so that he would not float again, , His colleague should be back."

Lao Bai reluctantly handed Jinmendun into Wang Jingli's hands and warned: "Don't grab the underworld if you have colleagues."

Wang Jingli took over the Golden Gate Pier, "cut..."

Just said a word, and squatted on the ground-the golden threshold was made of yellow lacquered wood, but the golden gate pier was hit by real gold. He was red and red, and he had to straighten his back in the squat position, forcing it naturally: "We It works well."

Lao Bai showed a long-expected smile, and flicked his long tongue.

"Okay, okay." Lan He pulled the two apart, otherwise he was afraid that the old white tongue would stick Wang Jingli's face, "Police officer Wang, your colleague is back."

A colleague of Wang Jingli drove the car over, and he could not see the ghost or the fox. He parked the car next to Wang Jingli, "What are you doing here?"

The light was dim, and Wang Ligu struggled to hug the door, "This... hurry down and help lift it."

"Why." The colleague got out of the car, and after a closer look, they recognized it, and all of them had seen the photos. "I'm leaning, I'm leaning! Isn't this, Golden Gate Pier!!"

It didn't take long for Wang Lijun to retrieve the Jinmenkan. Before that, the Jingcheng police system knew that he was the number one, and he also went to the newspaper. Now Jinmendun has also recovered it.

"Yes, Golden Gate Pier." Wang Lili said.

"Where did you come?" The colleague was almost excited.

Wang Grane glanced at Lan He, who nodded at him next to him, and Lao Bai, who was on his hips, said hardly, "Just, just picked it up."


Colleagues collapsed and said, "What did you say you picked it last time!!!"

If it weren’t for Wang Ligang’s ridiculous statement, he didn’t question it. Last time my colleague didn’t want to believe it. How come again, all the lost cultural relics in the world have to be picked up by Wang Jingli.

"Really, hey, let's take it home and inform the owner." Wang Li-Je got in the car with his colleagues and drove to the police station.

Lan He watched in situ, and was relieved.

"I have to go back. I won't enjoy the joy of the world." Lan He looked at Laobai with a smile.

Lao Bai: "..."

Laobai, with his stubborn stamina, made the voice of unfilial son: "Give me money and equipment!"

"...Go back to make up for you." Lan He said, since the equipment is useful, then stack it up.

Hu seventy-nine sighed in the heart, this is more than the father, this is the father king.


When Lan He went back, the soul had not yet arrived in Song Futan's car. From a distance, he saw many people outside the car. They were all the staff of the program team. When they heard it in the past, they were persuading Song Futan to open the door:

"How come Lan He is so old..."

"Teacher Xuanguang, please open the door, we will go to the hospital with you."

"Neither of us are professional. Although you said nothing, let the doctor see it."

Song Futan: "Yes, I will take him to the hospital now."

Director: "Then I will go, you open the door."

Song Futan: "..."

After Chen Xingyang finished filming, he slipped away, but the director kept staring, asking questions about whether he wanted to see Lan He or not, if he was taken to the hospital, he had a bad feeling.

Song Futan couldn't, Lan He was in a hurry, went hurriedly, and as soon as he left his soul, he was noticed by the director. Otherwise, he directly agreed to take his body outside Lan He's house and wait.

The director is also out of concern, plus fear of something in the group.

Lan He heard two sentences and found it dangerous. Fortunately, he hadn't left for long. He quickly got in, returned to his body, and turned over.

"Lan He?" The director looked at him, relieved. "You finally woke up!"

"Hey, director? Sorry, did you worry everyone. I'm much better now. I just fell asleep and was too tired to sleep." Lan He quickly got out of the car and said to the director.

"Just asleep?" the director suspiciously, "what's uncomfortable?"

"It's okay, it's a little uncomfortable to catch a cold on the stomach. Please ask Teacher Xuanguang to sleep quietly and warmly in his car. Thank you Teacher Xuanguang." Lan He quickly rectified Song Futan's name.

"That's it," the director was relieved. "Then Zhou quickly sent Lan He back to take a good rest. Teacher Xuanguang was also sorry, and delayed your return home."

"?" Song Futan was busy, "It's okay, he..."

Before Lan He waited until the end of the work, let Song Futan go home, and at most they knew Chen Xingyu. Now, it can't help but say that the staff has taken him to the crew of the crew.

Lan He had to bite his face and say goodbye to Song Futan: "Goodbye Teacher Xuanguang, today I will disturb you."

Song Futan: "............"

The director and the others looked cold. Why did Lan He talk to Xuan Guang, his face was so ugly.

I went. I didn’t let them watch Lan He before, wouldn’t I just have opinions about Lan He? Obviously, the previous relationship is still normal, and there is no intersection. Is it because he is unhappy to delay his work? Literati's thoughts are too deep!


Lan He didn't know that the crew had secretly spread strange gossip. He paid attention to the news the next day. Sure enough, he said that after the Golden Gate, the Golden Gate Pier was also recovered. The magic is that the same policeman picked up Come back, it's fate...

In addition, there are news and discussions online about the inexplicable ringing of the ancient clock at Juehui Temple. What was the first inspection and maintenance? Is this also an inspection? No, there must be something strange.

The bloggers and forums related to Spirituality are very popular, and the ideas are very broad:

Centennial Zhenxie ancient bell suddenly sounded, is it evil or evil, or senior officials praying for blessings? Does it have anything to do with this year’s law meeting?

However, the rumors were quickly dispelled, that is, a patient became ill, rushed into Juehui Temple and struck the clock, and all the hospital pictures came out.

Those bloggers who have been analyzing for a long time are embarrassed and reopen the topic: how hard is a person's brain?

There are too many strange talks in Beijing, and this one really can't turn a big wave.

In addition to running with the crew, Lan He folded the papers at home, and suddenly passed in half a month, and then came to the premiere of "Chasing".

The premiere was held before the official release of the Spring Festival. It was located in a theater in a large shopping mall in Beijing. Some audiences, media, and stars were invited to attend. The scene was quite lively.

Although Lan He's brokerage company was a bit small and inexperienced, it was still possible to borrow dresses for styling, and tidy up Lan He in a tidy manner.

At the scene, Chen Xingyang had become famous for a long time. Needless to say, he had no girlfriend and brought his sister Chen Xingyu. Most of the other characters used by Liu Liuyang were old faces, screaming again and again while walking the red carpet.

Song Futan also came, he not only came to support himself, but also brought Song Qiyun together.

Song Qiyun was very puzzled. He had originally refused to take a good rest and went to see his father-in-law with his wife, but was inexplicably rushed out by his father-in-law to participate in the event...

Whatever the reason, the appearance of Song Qiyun made the media very excited. When did the relationship between the two directors become so good? Song Qiyun doesn't show up so much, she came to the premiere?

Lan He's mood was not calm when he woke up in the morning. When he was ready to enter the venue, he was more excited. It was like the answer sheet submitted was finally about to score, waiting anxiously.

Song Futan did not walk the red carpet, but patted Lan He's shoulder before going up. He saw Lan He a little anxious.

Smelling the seemingly woody fragrance of Song Futan made Lan He's mood calm down unconsciously, looking at his eyes. Song Futan's eyes are dark and dark like jade, just like stepping in and he will fall. He murmured unconsciously: "Thank you..."

Song Futan noticed that after staring at his own eyes, he couldn't look away, and was looked at by Lan He, making him a little nervous and unwilling to look away.

"Let's go! Go on the red carpet!" Liu Yanyang suddenly appeared, laughing wildly, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha, you are with me, I can't wait to scam the audience!"

Lan He: "..."

Song Futan: "..."

Liu Chunyang pulled Lan He away, and he struggled to turn back and waved at Song Futan, smiling a little at the convenience.


Zhou Huiqin was a lucky audience and won the ticket for the premiere of "Chasing" issued by Guan Bo. She is usually busy with work, and there is no time for travel, so she will watch movies as a pastime.

Recently I watched the trailer of "Chasing". To be honest, the reason why she chose to pay attention at first was not the same as other audiences.

Others either rushed to Liu's word of mouth, or liked Chen Xingyang, or even thought Lan He was amazing, and she first thought Lan He's eyes made her a bit familiar.

But a friend needs to ask why she is familiar with it, and she is not easy to say.

Because she couldn’t tell others, she felt that the actor’s eyes were vaguely like a ghost difference she had encountered. The ghost difference left a deep impression on her, on the bus tied with paper... Probably be regarded as a lunatic.

Of course, this was the impression from the beginning. Later, I watched a few more trailers, and Lan He’s program, Zhou Huiqin thought that Lan He was more lovely and smart, and the gentleman who came here also brought some gentleness. Not the same.

People in the world are always alike, but it is impossible to be exactly the same.

While watching the red carpet, Zhou Huiqin also took a poster and a camera and asked the stars to sign while taking pictures. When Lan He and Liu Chunyang appeared together, she waved and shouted with the audience nearby: "Brother Lan He!!! Brother look here!"

When Lan He watched it, she showed a slightly green smile, and when she saw the pear vortex on the lips of a real person, Zhou Huiqin was even more enchanted, "Ah, sweet!"

Watching videos, pictures and real people is really different. Real people are more three-dimensional and more vivid. Zhou Huiqin used to watch movies instead of chasing stars. On the red carpet this time, I just felt that Chen Xingyu in reality would shine beautifully, and Lan He smiled at her. Jumping wildly, unable to look away, the mood is getting higher and higher, and I look forward to the next screening.

Not long after, the event went to the film screening.

Everyone took their seats, the lights in the auditorium dimmed, the scene gradually became quieter, Zhou Huiqin also adjusted his breathing, waiting excitedly.

Finally, the familiar Panlong Logo of Kunlun Pictures appeared on the big screen—

The film naturally starts from the actor, Liu Chunyang's film narrative rhythm has always been commendable, the mirror and editing are very unique, so that the audience has a hearty pleasure.

As soon as the actor Meng Jing played by Chen Xingyang appeared, he caught people's attention and opened up a suspicious case.

Different audience groups at the scene all have similar ideas: the level of salicylol is quite stable and stable.

It wasn't until the 20th minute that Zhang Xunchun played by Lan He appeared. Before he appeared, there was a wonderful pigeon scene.

Under the direction of Meng Jing, his pigeons collided with each other. The pigeon whistle was used as a BGM. The five-tone pigeon whistle formed a piece of music that melodiously entered the sky and changed with the fighting movements of the pigeons. The pigeon whistle is getting more and more heated, and the screen switches quickly, which makes the audience nervous.

Zhou Huiqin also watched this movie before she knew what the pigeon whistle was through the characters' words. She didn't expect that the pigeon scene could be shot like this. Obviously, the pigeons collided. After the special effects were processed, it was shot by Liu Liuyang. The momentum of the two armies against each other!

Moreover, the details are rich and natural, and the fusion arrangement of the pigeon whistle is also very good, which makes Zhou Huiqin look good.

Then, in the bright angle of the scene, Zhang Xunchun appeared over the wall. He was clean and energetic, and the lens was advancing. The close-up was full of aura. Zhou Huiqin even heard a low sigh from many people around him. It is with a wonderful admiration. Including herself, she also feels that she has gradually become a fan...

The audiences who could come have basically paid attention to the promotion of the film, and deeply feel that Liu Liuyang is right, sweet, Zhang Xunchun is really sweet, and it is natural and particularly smart. It’s not just the trailer’s glimpse of the trailer that is the most stunning, and the feature film has also made it exciting.

However, as the story progressed, some keen viewers and film critics had noticed that Zhang Xunchun's identity might not be right.

Sure enough, his beautiful fingers that flexibly carved pigeon whistle did not tremble when he pinched the knife into the throat of others, and at this time the face appeared again close-up, his eyes cold and fierce and hiding a thick malicious, Even brought a little morbidity, and the warmth of the previous two.

Zhou Huiqin: "!!"

It was just a look, which made Zhou Huiqin feel a bit cold, and got goose bumps, which also made the performance of the actors' tremors appear more real.

She also heard the girl next to her groaning in a terrified voice, "Mother..."

Many audiences are split: this is not what they imagined, who are you? ?

The story tells them that "Zhang Xunchun" is a villain, but the previous performance of the character, the impression given in the trailer, and even Liu Liuyang's publicity, is a sweet brother.

Those who are concerned also know that the actor itself is still a "child care blogger", and this impression is completely different from the villains.

It’s not that I haven’t seen the reversal, nor how unrelenting this reversal is. In fact, it is quite logical. Many details of the previous pigeon whistle, knife, and lines are hints now.

But this to say, mainly on the big screen, "Zhang Xunchun"'s eyes are too impactful, and even make people scared, like being stared at by some evil ghost, cold and uncomfortable.

I wanted to discuss it with my companions, but the rapid development of the plot made the audience watching the movie for the first time have no time to speak. At most, I had a big barrage in my heart: Liu Xiaoyang, you big liar! !

Many media representatives saw the focus of the manuscript when they saw this. With their keen sense of smell, they noticed that this lens would become a hot topic for the audience.

But what surprised them was that what was more shocking was still the final, Zhang Xunchun's ending.

After revealing his identity, Zhang Xunchun has the momentum of a big boss. At this time, the lighting and atmosphere given to it also highlight his temperament. Every move is full of aura. The beautiful face is still a little sweet. , Only makes people feel handsome and ruthless.

However, after being defeated by the protagonist, he ended his life with silver on the chair. Before his death, he was expressionless, but his eyes revealed complex emotions, unwillingness, hatred, and even a little bit. Fear, I see the audience's heart empty, like really facing a checkmate.

After he committed suicide, the audience rejoiced that the crisis was finally over, and he did not want to leave this bright and charming villain, just to stay and fight for a while, how good it looks...

Zhou Huiqin even came up with a somewhat ridiculous idea, she felt that Lan He's performance still existed after the character died!

Because after his death, it was the long, protagonist Meng Jing holding his lens, Zhang Xunchun gradually lost his blood, no life, with the light, even let people feel the kind of cold illusion ...

Acting corpses also requires acting skills.

Until the end of the film, Zhou Huiqin still recalled several key shots of Lan He. Based on her reading volume, I have to say that the overall performance and details presented by Lan He made her very amazing, and brought her to life with a unique temperament.

The media at the scene also discussed in a low voice. Chen Xingyang's performance has been very stable. He also devoted a very good performance. The two players are very tense. However, Lan He is a raw face, and there is a reversal, which naturally impresses everyone. Some of the sick eyes and death scenes even make people wonder whether Lan He went to prison and hospital for a long time to experience life.

Some reporters have been thinking about it, and they are still thinking about their homework. They shouted: I leaned on. When casting, Liu Liuyang said that because Lan He would pretend to be dead, he chose him. The truth intensifies! !

As for the feelings of ordinary viewers who have more thoughts that are not so delicate, they are more straightforward:

Lying! The movie looks good and the rhythm is cool!

Lying! Chen Xingyang is still handsome! Zhang Xunchun is also sweet!

...Lie trough! Is Zhang Xunchun actually an abnormal villain? ! !

Lying trough, pretty handsome~~

I’m dead, I’m so reluctant, I can’t really resurrect to shoot the second part and continue to be a boss...

The host has come to the stage, and the discussion is still underneath. It can be seen that the response is enthusiastic. "From the warm applause, you know that you are enjoying the movie. Have you invited the creator to come on stage and communicate with you?"

There was another can't wait for applause, the main creator was welcome to take the stage, and the flash light also kept on.

Reappearing in front of everyone again, Lan He was still in the same clever way, sitting beside Liu Chunyang, but now everyone can't look directly at him...

If it’s not spoiled for immorality, they simply want to yell on Weibo now, and Zhang Xunchun is reversed behind the movie so scary! !

"Now ask the media and the audience to ask a few questions first, I think everyone can't wait any longer." The host first ordered people, and the first two asked naturally the actor and the director.

Some praised Chen Xingyang, and of course there were also angers to guide the scams. Liu Liuyang was also deceived in the Lan He comment area before, saying that the feature films are sweeter, "Zhang Xunchun is actually a villain!!! You deceive!!!"

Liu Yanyang said shamelessly: "I only say that the positive is sweeter, isn't it sweet in front?"

Audience: "..."

Woo... sweet to sweet, Zhang Xunchun in front is really cute...

And later it was really handsome. Even the villains were so handsome that they had a feeling of compassion and had nothing to do with their behavior. It was a sigh for Yan.

The host then ordered a female audience to ask Lan He.

This female audience was the one who had also shouted "Brother Lan He" before. She took the microphone and said excitedly: "Brother Lan He..." It felt wrong to call here and shouted humblely, "Brother Xunchun!"

A burst of laughter suddenly sounded at the scene.

How to say, they fully understand this girl.

Including Zhou Huiqin, she doesn't want to call her brother anymore. When I saw Lan He at the beginning, I also felt like a very smart boy, but anyone who had just watched the full movie and enjoyed the performance behind him would be called "Zhang Xunchun" brother without any obstacles!

Lan He's mood at this time can be said to be excited, he is watching the audience's reaction throughout the journey, feeling that everyone has enjoyed the film, and his performance, "You are welcome, you can call it whatever."

The female audience said, "I'm still calling my brother... that, I just feel that Zhang Xunchun's eyes before his death are very deep, and at the end of the death, it seems like... there is a breath of death. The death is too realistic. I was shocked, and it was even more shocking than Zhang Xunchun’s face change before! I want to ask, have you deliberately practiced?"

Lan He glanced at Liuxianyang, but fortunately Liuxianyang was not crazy enough to let him die on the spot, "Yes, I did related exercises, yoga and the like, so I can adjust the long breath and look more like death. status……"

He did tutoring in advance, pulled some nouns and performance skills, and heard everyone nodding his head, and there was a sense of unreasonable reason. This bland but shocking performance was made by others.

The host again ordered a male audience with cows, big horses and tattooed arms. This buddy stood up and said to Lan He: "Brother Xunchun, the look in your face really scares me! I'm in a mixed society I’ll see you like this later, and I’m sure I’ll quit the rivers and lakes..."

Lan He: "........."

Everyone laughed again, this **** audience, he shouted out of the water and smells, and Brother looks like a story.

"Really! Acting well, Zhang Xunchun is not a younger brother, and he is also shocked behind him," Brother Hua arm sincerely gave a thumbs up to Lan He, and the golden sentence was frequent, "How about, brother Xunchun, You will die too much!"

In the laughter, Lan He couldn't help crying: "Thank you."

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