Chapter 11: Not Dead

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Laws? Wan Xiaosu, let me remind you of something. What I say goes. Remember?”

Qin Fu forcefully pinched her chin with his slender fingers.

He pinched her very hard. It felt like he was trying to rip her chin off. His sharp eyes were dangerous.

Wan Xiaosu’s tears were streaming down her face. “Please let me go. Our child is already gone.”

“The Bai family owes the Qin family a life. Don’t you understand that?” Qin Fu narrowed his eyes. The dangerous aura emanating from him became more potent.

Wan Xiaosu knew…

Whatever the Bai family owed, the Qin family would hold it against her no matter what.

She couldn’t run away.

Qin Fu shoved her into the backseat. Then, he sat beside her and stared at her.

It felt like a surveillance camera was on her.

“Young Master Qin, Zhou Wei is innocent. He has nothing to do with this. Can you let him go?” Wan Xiaosu gently tugged at his sleeve.

A wave of frustration rose in Qin Fu when he saw how she was groveling for that man. “Wan Xiaosu! What’s your relationship with that man? Is he worth that much to you?”

Wan Xiaosu bit her lip. “We’ve known each other since we were young…”

“Oh? So, you two are childhood sweethearts. That’s why you’re begging me, right?” Qin Fu inched forward.

Their faces were very close, so close that she could see the anger in his eyes very clearly.

Initially, Qin Fu was only angry at Wan Xiaosu for running away, but now…

That wasn’t all.

Wan Xiaosu had been dragged back to the Qin residence. Now, she stood to one side, looking like a zombie.

“Wan Xiaosu, weren’t you very arrogant earlier? Why are you acting like a block of wood now?” Qin Ya had received the news earlier that morning and purposefully went to mock her.

Wan Xiaosu still did not move. She just stood there quietly.

Qin Fu did not stop Qin Ya, and that made Qin Ya more courageous.

Qin Ya walked up to Wan Xiaosu slowly.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

Three consecutive slaps landed on Wan Xiaosu’s face, and her cheek turned red.

Her cheeks became swollen.

Wan Xiaosu still didn’t move. This made Qin Ya’s arrogance dissipate a little. “What’s the point of pretending? Wan Xiaosu, don’t think your little scheme to get the Qin family’s money is lost on me.”

“As expected, country bumpkins are all the same. There were reports of you having questionable relationships. All of that must be true then.”

“Why are you so shameless and dirty? Aren’t you afraid that you’ll get a disease? Why don’t you just die, Wan Xiaosu?”

Wan Xiaosu hated every word Qin Ya said. She always hated hearing things like that.

However, at this moment, she was numb. She only lowered her head in a daze.

Qin Ya wanted to reach out again, but Qin Fu grabbed her wrist. “Qin Ya, that’s enough!”

“Cousin, this woman is cuckolding you. How can you tolerate it? Don’t forget that the Bai family’s blood still flows through her veins. The Bai family is to blame for hurting Grandma!”

Qin Ya stomped her feet anxiously.

Bai Qiangwei, on the other hand, was still lying in the hospital. All the socialites knew about this.

Wan Xiaosu was a sinner sent by the Bai Family to atone for their sins.

In Qin Ya’s world, she did not belong in the Qin family’s home. On top of that, she shouldn’t be given superior treatment!

Qin Fu just stared at Qin Ya coldly. The originally arrogant Qin Ya instantly deflated like a balloon.

“Mu Cheng, send Qin Ya back.”

“Ms. Qin Ya, please!” Mu Cheng made an inviting gesture.

Qin Ya could only leave unwillingly. Before she left, she glared at Wan Xiaosu.

It was finally quiet.

Qin Fu walked up to Wan Xiaosu slowly. He pushed her hair out of her face and looked at the bright red palm print on her face.

He only smiled contemptuously. “Wan Xiaosu, are you planning to continue pretending to be dead?”

“Do I have the right to resist, Young Master Qin? I’m just a sinner sent by the Bai family to atone for their sins. What can I do?” Everything was futile.

Wan Xiaosu behaved like a doll, and there was no color in her eyes.

Seeing Wan Xiaosu like this made Qin Fu’s heart ache.

“I don’t want your childhood sweetheart to die so quickly. But it’s best that you act like a human in our house.” Qin Fu flicked a strand of her hair onto her face.

Her dead eyes came to life at that. She looked at Qin Fu in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

“Yes.” There was a hint of danger hidden in Qin Fu’s eyes. Why did she care so much about her childhood sweetheart?

It seemed that it was time to investigate.

Wan Xiaosu took a deep breath. “I hope you will keep your word, Young Master Qin.”

“I always keep my word.” Qin Fu left after saying this.

This time, no one restrained her.

Wan Xiaosu slumped to the ground, her eyes dimming as she looked at the Qin residence.

She knew very well that this was a golden cage.

It was not that easy to escape.

It was not that easy to see Grandma.

Qin Fu had even poisoned her. She could only endure this. She could only turn a blind eye to the abortion.

She understood the humiliation Qin Fu had given her.

This was a punishment.

Bai Qiangwei killed the butler and injured Mrs. Qin. But what did all of this have to do with her?

That night…

After Qin Fu finished his work at the company, he returned home. The food on the table caught his attention.

The servants at home usually cooked Western food, but today, they were all making simple Chinese food.

It seemed like homey dishes.

Wan Xiaosu was wearing an apron when she walked out with a plate of food.

She tugged at the corner of her apron nervously. “Young Master Qin, I don’t know what you like to eat, so I made some of my signature dishes. Do you want to try them?”

“I didn’t know that you can cook.” Qin Fu walked to the dining table, picked up his chopsticks, and took a small bite.

It wasn’t bad. The texture wasn’t bad either.

Wan Xiaosu stood beside him and looked at him quietly. When he was almost done eating, she asked, “Young Master Qin, do you like it?”

“Not bad.” Qin Fu picked up a hot towel and wiped his hands.

“Young Master Qin, may I see Zhou Wei? I want to make sure that he’s safe. I don’t mean anything else by it. I just want to know if he…”

“He’s not dead.” Qin Fu’s cold words interrupted Wan Xiaosu’s speech.

Initially, he thought that the food was not bad, but now it tasted terrible to him!

He threw the hot towel on the table and gently massaged his temples with his fingertips. “Wan Xiaosu, if you want to please me, you don’t have to cook. You can please me in bed. Do you understand?”

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