Chapter 17: Injured Again

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Cousin, what did Bai Qiangwei do wrong? Moreover, wasn’t Wan Xiaosu already punished? Why can’t you forgive her?”

“No way!”

“Grandma isn’t dead, so I have no problem with Bai Qiangwei.” Qin Ya hooked her arm around Bai Qiangwei’s. They looked like best friends.

It was a stark contrast to the way Bai Qiangwei treated Wan Xiaosu.

At that moment, Qin Fu finally understood that his uncle’s family had long been colluding with the outsiders. “I’m warning you, don’t even think about the Qin family’s business, Qin Ya! The same goes for all the people who are backing you. Over my dead body! Try me if you dare.”

“Cousin…” Qin Ya stomped her feet angrily, and her dislike for Wan Xiaosu only grew more potent.

The sight of Qin Fu defending Wan Xiaosu made Bai Qiangwei a little jealous. She could not help but clench her fists.

In Bai Qiangwei’s eyes, all of this should’ve been hers.

But Wan Xiaosu had stolen it from her.

“Yaya, it seems that we really shouldn’t keep Wan Xiaosu.” Bai Qiangwei’s expression was ruthless. These two had been as close as sisters for many years. Their personalities were very similar.

Qin Ya nodded in agreement. She understood. “Qiangwei, if Wan Xiaosu isn’t eliminated, it will be very difficult for you to marry into our family. But if we do something to her, will Madam Bai be angry?”

“She won’t!” Bai Qiangwei’s answer was very sure. Madam Bai did not care for Wan Xiaosu. ” Yaya, she’s just a sl*t from the countryside. Who knows how many men she has wrapped around her finger? My mother would not love a daughter like that.”

Qin Ya nodded in agreement. She was enlightened. That was true. A powerful family could not tolerate any scandals.

She wondered why Qin Fu was treating such a dirty woman like treasure.

At this moment, Qin Fu urged Mu Cheng anxiously, “Drive as fast as you can. Hurry!”

“I’m driving as fast as I can, young master!” Beads of sweat appeared on Mu Cheng’s forehead. He drove in a panic.

If he were to go any faster, they might get into an accident.

Wan Xiaosu’s face was pale and bloodless. Her head wound was still bleeding, and Qin Fu was covered in her blood.

It looked a little embarrassing.

Qin Fu covered her wound with one hand and stared at her, panicked. He really wanted to stop the bleeding.

He really wanted to…

“Wan Xiaosu, nothing can happen to you without my permission! Do you understand? You haven’t atoned for your sins yet. Are you going to ignore Zhou Wei?” Qin Fu’s heart was beating very fast. He didn’t know why.

He was just very worried about Wan Xiaosu. This reminded him of something that happened when he was young. He failed to save someone.

After that, he blamed himself and fell seriously ill. He even forgot who that person was.

The fact that Wan Xiaosu was bleeding out reminded him of that period of his life. He was really afraid…

“Wan Xiaosu, you can’t… You can’t…” Qin Fu put pressure on her wound helplessly and continued to shout at Mu Cheng, “Quick! Go as fast as you can!”

“I will!” Mu Cheng gritted his teeth and accelerated.

The Qin family’s car had special privileges in Beijing. When others saw their license plate, they would give way. They often got through the city without encountering traffic issues.

They quickly arrived at the best hospital in Beijing.

Song Lianming looked at the disheveled Qin Fu and could not help but frown. He did not expect Wan Xiaosu to make him so emotional.

He was indeed a little surprised.

“Lianming, pull out all the stops. You must save Wan Xiaosu!” Qin Fu grabbed Song Lianming’s sleeve tightly.

When he was young, he went through something similar. Song Lianming patted the back of his hand comfortingly. “You’re practically my brother. Of course, I’ll do my best.”

“Thank you!” Qin Fu believed him.

The lights in the operating theater were still on.

Throughout the entire process, Qin Fu felt uneasy. The Bai family…

Mu Cheng stood guard beside him. This was the first time he had seen his boss so worried about someone else.

He must love the young madam very much!

The lights in the operating theater went out.

Song Lianming wheeled Wan Xiaosu out. Qin Fu hurried forward. “How is Wan Xiaosu?”

“Brother, shouldn’t you be concerned about the child? Or do you really like her?” Song Lianming teased, raising his eyebrows.

“I just…”

“Alright, I won’t tease you anymore. We almost lost the child. She needs to be very careful.” Song Lianming interrupted Qin Fu and patted his brother’s shoulder.

Wan Xiaosu was just a weak girl. She could not withstand so much torment indefinitely.

The fetus was still young, and a miscarriage could occur at any time.

If they didn’t take good care of her, even the best doctors could not save the baby.

Qin Fu nodded. “I didn’t expect the Bai family to be so cruel and unfair to Wan Xiaosu. ”

“Maybe Wan Xiaosu isn’t Madam Bai’s child?” Song Lianming didn’t believe that a mother would kill her daughter just because she was raised in the countryside.

So much had happened to her. She was poisoned as well.

It couldn’t all be coincidences. Everything was probably strategically planned.

“I feel the same way. Madam Bai is too protective of her adopted daughter.” Qin Fu had to investigate this thoroughly and keep Wan Xiaosu from dying.

He could not let her die, no matter what!

He sat beside Wan Xiaosu and silently watched over her until exhaustion overcame him.

Song Lianming switched places with him and promised Qin Fu again and again that she would be fine. Only then was Qin Fu willing to rest.

As he was preparing the IV drip for Wan Xiaosu, she slowly opened her eyes. Wan Xiaosu recognized his familiar face.

“Young Master Song…” Because of the blood loss, Wan Xiaosu’s lips were dry and cracked. Her voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible.

Song Lianming smiled when he saw that she was awake. “Sister-in-law, you’re awake. Do you still feel ill?”

“No. I’m fine. Thank you. Sorry for bothering you again.” Wan Xiaosu harbored little animosity for Song Lianming.

Perhaps it was because she was there every time she needed medical attention!

“Sister-in-law, why so serious? Just be grateful for Qin Fu!” Song Lianming still wanted their relationship to work out.

Upon hearing Qin Fu’s name, Wan Xiaosu subconsciously pursed her lips and fell silent.

She stopped talking.

Song Lianming realized that she was still under that misunderstanding. “Sister-in-law, Qin Fu isn’t as bad as you think. Really. ”

“Maybe!” He just wanted her dead.

Maybe other people thought highly of him, but she did not.

Song Lianming shook his head. Perhaps, she would understand in the future!

When he heard that Wan Xiaosu had woken up, Qin Fu came to see her. His face was haggard.

The moment he walked into the ward, Wan Xiaosu turned away, unwilling to face him.

There was even a hint of rejection in her eyes.

“Wan Xiaosu, is this how you should treat me?” Qin Fu pinched her chin and forced her to look at him. He had spent all night praying for her recovery.

However, now, Wan Xiaosu was acting like this. Bitterness filled his heart.

“Young Master Qin, please have some dignity!”

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