This is a good time to read a book.

(New author. This is my first attempt at writing a book, so there may be some immature writing or a lot of nonsense. Welcome to give me some advice. Thank you.)

(This is not a villain article, nor a Dragon Aotian article. The pace is slow. Students who like this kind of thing please lower your expectations or turn left when you go out. There is also a mind-reading segment. The protagonist eats melons along the development of the plot and "basically" will not actively affect the development of the plot. Please use your brain, don't crowd, and enter in an orderly manner)

On a street in a city on Earth.

A handsome boy strolled on this crowded street.

He was lowering his head and tapping on the screen quickly with his slender fingers.

Even if he focused on the screen, he didn't slow down his walking speed.

He moved among the crowd with ease.

"Your book is so good that even dogs won't read it."

"If you put your book with shit, the dog will eat it."

"How dare you, as an author, put your name in such a book that is so amazing."


Lin Mu, relying on his superb hand speed after being single for 21 years and the bonus of Zaun buff, is carrying out a one-sided crushing massacre in a comment area.


An inconspicuous bump on the ground successfully tripped Lin Mu who had just walked to the zebra crossing.

Although Lin Mu stood firm, his phone slipped and flew out.

It happened to fly to the middle of the road.

Looking at the green light that was about to end in five seconds.

Lin Mu rushed to his phone without hesitation.

"Now it is advocated that cars give way to people, and this wave of advantage is mine."

Lin Mu just picked up the phone, looked at the broken screen and pressed the power button, wanting to check if the phone was broken.


A shrill horn sounded from his left.

But when he turned his head, the dazzling light made him dazed for a moment.

Although he quickly came to his senses, what came into his sight was the front of the car that was already close at hand. Lin Mu didn't even have time to shout "Fuck!"


With the help of the truck, Lin Mu's body successfully completed the great feat of turning 720 degrees in the air.

He even sprayed out a very smooth parabolic blood column in his spare time.

So, what was Lin Mu thinking during the flight?

"Fuck, you ignore the rules of the other world truck and sneak attack me, an outstanding young man. You have no martial ethics!"

In the few seconds of flying in the air, if language could kill, Lin Mu had killed the owner of the car thousands of times with his lifelong vocabulary.

A few seconds later, Lin Mu came into close contact with the ground in a flat position, and even used the concrete floor as a spring bed to bounce.

Finally, he landed on his back and slid three meters on the ground, leaving a red bloodstain. Those who didn't know would think that someone had installed a red tire mark and was drifting with a QQ car.

The wetness and burning sensation from the back of his head expressed Lin Mu's fading vitality.

Lin Mu faced the sky, forcibly holding up his eyelids that wanted to droop.

"Hmm~~~, the starry sky is quite beautiful today..."

"Ah, no, am I going to die?"

"I'm still a virgin, I've lost this life, I've lived in vain."

"Vocal, it hurts, can you die quickly? I have to suffer so much before I die."

Just when Lin Mu decided to accept his fate and wait for death, he suddenly remembered something.

"Wait... wait..."

"My phone..."

"I still have something to do..."

Lin Mu turned his head left and right with difficulty and saw the phone two meters to the right.

Because the right half of his body touched the ground first, his right hand had lost consciousness.

Lin Mu took a deep breath and turned over with his left hand.

He dragged his body towards the phone again and again with his left arm.

The passers-by around him looked at the bloody young man moving his body firmly on the ground, and couldn't help but sigh: What a disabled man with a strong will... uh, young man!

Some people even cheered for Lin Mu.

"Come on, unknown big brother, you can do it..."

It took Lin Mu four minutes to cover just two meters.

He picked up the phone with his trembling left hand, looked at the broken screen, and unlocked it with his fingerprint.

"Fortunately, the phone is not broken."

He skillfully opened the hidden folder, entered the password, and saved a name.

The compressed package of "Tadpole Cultivation Manual" was sent to a group chat.

The name of the group is quite eye-catching: The Handsome Father and His Five Rebellious Sons.

"Ahem, ahem... After all, I promised the rebellious sons. Hey, I am such a great father."

Then he clicked on a group and typed a paragraph: "Rebellious sons, this is my last..."

Before Lin Mu finished writing this last paragraph, he completely lost his strength, but when his left hand fell down, it just touched the send button, and finally sent this half sentence.

Lin Mu kept his left hand pointing forward and his right hand pointing backward on the ground without moving.

Lin Mu's consciousness began to gradually dissipate.

In the haze, it seemed that someone was shouting.

"Don't stop~~~"

(BGM Hope Flower sounded)

Lin Mu - Send!


In a rental house in Donghai City.

A young man gradually woke up from a coma.

The lack of oxygen in the brain gave him a splitting headache.

"Hiss~~~, my head hurts, what happened to me?"

He opened his eyes, and the scene in front of him gradually became clearer from a vast expanse of white.

"I am in... the toilet? How did I fall asleep here?"

"No, wasn't I hit by a truck? Is it a revolving lantern?"

"No, why is the toilet the one I see in the revolving lantern? Damn!"

Suddenly, the young man's brain began to feel severe pain again.

A large number of memory fragments poured into the young man's mind.

Lin Mu, who had recovered from the pain, had beads of sweat on his head, but an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Am I a soul that has traveled through time?"

Lin Mu quickly came to this conclusion by comparing the memory fragments with the differences from the original world.

"I didn't expect it, I actually traveled through time. It seems that handsome people have good luck."

Lin Mu was about to stand up with excitement, but he felt severe pain in his buttocks.

"Fuck, what the hell?"

Lin Mu quickly checked the last memory fragment of the original owner and found out the reason.

"No, others inherited millions of dollars in property after traveling through time, but I inherited hemorrhoids! And they were broken!"

That's right, the original owner slipped on the water on the floor when he was about to leave the toilet after washing his hands, and then sat on the toilet lid.

The pain of the ruptured hemorrhoids sent the original owner away directly.

"Good man, buddy, the way you died is far better than mine."

"Family, who understands, I traveled through time, but became a young man with hemorrhoids."

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