After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 10 2 Minutes And 50 Seconds

Chen Bugu felt sorry, but he was really sorry that he couldn't tell. He didn't know there would be a mutant.

Lao Liu greeted You Chen Bugu while flying...

Of course, now is not the time to worry about these things.

"Teacher Lin, it's up to you to summon them quickly, otherwise once those monsters surround the storage room, we won't even have a place to retreat."

Lin Ye understood the seriousness of the matter and quickly activated [Sheep].

At the same time, the stone wall beside Chen Bugu gradually collapsed, revealing several figures.

There were five people in total.

There is also an old face from the No. 64 bus.

Wang Bin!

The boy who played with fire.

The moment he saw Chen Bugu and Lin Ye, he hurried up.

"Are you still alive?" Wang Bin was extremely excited.

Chen Bugu had some impression of this young man. He glanced at him in the car in a daze, but his impression was not deep.

Lin Ye, on the other hand, clearly recognized Wang Bin when he glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, but he was just about to summon him and didn't have time to say hello.

In addition to Wang Bin, there were two men and two women.

Chen Bugu knew both men.

It is even said that the two of them are Chen Bugu's main rescue targets this time.

After all, in the previous life, these two people were the main fighting force in this catastrophe.

Yan Kuan is 175cm tall but weighs 180cm. He wears a blue shirt and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, looking like a workhorse.

He is what Chen Bugu calls the fat man.

But his body shape is actually not that fat, but Chen Bugu is used to it, and it is difficult to change it.

What he awakened was elemental power: [Earth Element].

The first skill you master after awakening should be Rock Barrier.

Rock Barrier: You can create rock barriers at will, and consume corresponding mental power according to the size and number of rock barriers.

Yan Kuan has just awakened and currently does not have enough control over the [Earth Element], so his rock barriers can only be presented in the form of blocks, which look like stone walls.

The stone wall just now was this guy's masterpiece.

It is worth mentioning that the rock barriers he created are very durable. Even if there is no continuous supply of mental power, as long as they are not damaged beyond the endurance limit, they can basically exist independently on the battlefield for more than half an hour.

This is why Chen Bugu is so sure that there are still people alive.

In the last life, Chen Bugu watched them fight and kill the only scarlet hound in the rock barrier where Yan Kuan was born.

For more than half an hour, the rock barrier gave Chen Bugu a huge sense of security.

Another man, named Bai Ting, was wearing a suit and a white tie. He was 1.85 meters tall. Although he didn't want to admit it, this guy's appearance was indeed the type that most girls liked.

But to be honest, Chen Bugu prefers to get along with Yan Kuan than Bai Ting.

This is definitely not because Bai Ting is handsomer than him.

But Chen Bugu felt that Bai Ting always had an unchanging expression of indifference.

He couldn't tell whether this guy was trying to be cool or something, but he always gave people the impression that strangers should not approach him.

In his previous life, Chen Bugu secretly nicknamed him "Facial Paralysis".

However, there is one thing to say, the power awakened by Baiting is definitely the strongest power in this cataclysm.

Mythical power: [Thunder Elf].

Elemental spirits are legendary creatures, the darlings of the gods, and the controllers of the elements.

In the last life, almost every time there was information about elemental elves, strong men from all directions would swarm away.

And Bai Ting's ability [Thunder Elf] not only means that he is almost born with perfect affinity for the thunder element, but he even now has a companion Thunder Elf in his body!

As Baiting continues to grow, the elemental elf will enter a mature stage and fight with him.

Therefore, in the previous life, with the help of the thunder elves, Bai Ting could almost crush the strong men of the same level in the later stage.

Of course, even then, Bai Ting still had this indifferent expression when he saw Chen Bugu.

So Chen Bugu really doesn't like him, and it's definitely not because of jealousy.

But no matter what, Bai Ting was basically the main force in killing the scarlet hound in the catastrophe in the previous life.

Therefore, it is estimated that he will still have to rely on him for output this time.

As for the other two women, Chen Bugu really had no impression of them.

One was wearing a black T-shirt, denim shorts, and a pair of straight white thighs.

The other one was wearing a dark green dress.

The two of them didn't know whether they knew each other from the beginning, or because they were the only women on the field, they subconsciously stood closer to each other.

Among the awakened people who walked out of the Yutan Tunnel alive in the previous life, these two people were not included.

At this moment, Lin Ye also completed the summons.

A pure white six-pointed star magic circle appeared on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a pure white antelope jumped out of the magic circle.

Snow antelope?

The black iron-level low-grade sheep belongs to the magical beast, with red eyes and black horns. Its body is snow-white, its body is light, its body is agile, and it is known for its speed. Racial skills: walking in the snow.

Walking on the snow: You can optimize your body structure and reduce your body weight in a short period of time. Greatly improves one's own speed, making it possible to leave no trace on the snow.

In Chen Bugu's impression, this kind of monster is extremely rare and usually only lives in the snowy mountains.

Although it is only a low-level Black Iron-level monster, its body structure is unique. When it runs, its body is as elegant as a feather, and its speed can even rival some of the medium-level Black Iron-level monsters.

Unfortunately, in exchange for the absolute speed advantage, it has weak attack power and defense power. The destructive power of the Snow Antelope is only slightly stronger than that of an ordinary antelope, and its defense power is at the bottom of the Black Iron level.

The moment Xue Xuanling jumped out of the summoning formation, the five scarlet hounds chasing Lao Liu seemed to feel something. They stopped in unison and turned their heads to look in the direction of Chen Bugu.

Sure enough, compared to newly awakened humans, the energy contained in magical beasts like the Snow Antelope is more attractive to these monsters.

There was no way, they had to do this, they couldn't let Old Liu lead those monsters into the Hengdong.

"Chen Bugu, I'll leave the rest to you."

Lin Ye put on the [Boundary Ring], then climbed onto Xue Xuanling and sat down.

The moment the barrier was activated, Lin Ye felt paralyzed all over his body, and his body fell uncontrollably on the back of Xue Xuanling.

A cover with a shimmering blue light instantly enveloped everyone like an inverted bowl.

All this was as planned by him and Chen Bugu.

The original plan was for Lao Liu to lure the Scarlet Hound away, and they took the opportunity to lead people to escape back to the storage room.

Then, Lin Ye's summoned beast acted as bait, and Lao Liu took the opportunity to run back to the storage room.

However, now that Lao Liu has been so frightened that he ran away, it is difficult to continue the plan...

Just now, Chen Bugu and Lin Ye made a backup plan.

That is to say, when Lao Liu couldn't hold on anymore, Lin Ye activated [Sheep] to summon the monster to attract the scarlet hound, thereby saving Lao Liu.

As for Chen Bugu and his party, they have to rely on the [Boundary Ring].

The cost of activating [Boundary Ring] is that the initiator is paralyzed, but not comatose. This means that even if the initiator loses the ability to maneuver, he will not lose consciousness.

At this moment, Lin Ye was being carried by the Snow Antelope. Although his body was paralyzed, his mobility was well compensated. When he was conscious, he could continue to issue instructions to Xue Xuanling.

It only took seven or eight seconds from the time Bai Ting, Yan Kuan and his team removed the stone wall to the time Lin Ye summoned the Snow Antelope to activate the [Boundary Ring].

"What's going on? What's going on? Why are they back?"

Looking at the rising barrier, Yan Kuan still didn't understand what was going on, and found that the monsters that had left had given up chasing the man in the air, and instead rushed towards them again.

"Run with all your strength before this barrier is broken."

"where are we going?"

Bai Ting spoke concisely and to the point, and asked the question that everyone in the stone wall wanted to know.

Chen Bugu pointed to the horizontal hole not far ahead.

"There, there is a storage room going in from there."

"How long can this barrier last?"

Yan Kuan walked to the barrier and touched the energy cover with his hand.

It was slightly cool to the touch, but seemed to be quite hard.

"Just three minutes."

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, Lin Ye blinked at him repeatedly.

Yan Kuan keenly captured this signal.

"What does he mean?"

"Oh, Teacher Lin was correcting me, he said..."

"2 minutes and 50 seconds..."

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