After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 110 Liu Chengfeng And \"Unjust Hall\"

Dongcheng Xiuwu just watched Liu Chengfeng kill invincibly all the way.

The several seven-star monsters he originally planned to use to trap and kill the two people behind him had all died under Liu Chengfeng's sword at this moment.

The two Chinese people behind him shouted loudly as if they had seen the savior.

"Mr. Liu! Mr. Liu!"

"Help me! Help me!"

Liu Chengfeng, who lost the control of the nine-star monster, quickly killed several people like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep.

"Hidego Tosei, what are you doing?"

Liu Chengfeng was covered in blood, his eyes were extremely ferocious, and his powerful aura made him resemble a humanoid monster.

"Mr. Liu, I'm sorry. We tried our best, but we still haven't found the brainworm."

Showing his spirit as a craftsman, Hideo Higashikawa bowed with a sincere tone.

"Yes, Mr. Liu, we tried our best. There are too many monsters, too many, and we don't want to die."

"We are all Chinese, please save us, please save us."

The two surviving team members behind him were obviously not as calm as Dongcheng Xiuwu. They quickly walked to Liu Chengfeng's side and begged Liu Chengfeng to take them back.

The two of them are not stupid. Dongcheng Shuugo's previous actions did not take their lives seriously at all. Otherwise, the 20-man team with an average level of Black Iron Six Stars would not have been killed in just ten minutes. There were only three of them left.

This endless tide of beasts at first glance was like the ocean with huge waves, and Liu Chengfeng was like the driftwood that stood still despite the weather. Only by hugging it tightly could they have a chance of survival.

"Is there any monitor between the two of you?"

Liu Chengfeng asked.

The monitor is the person with special abilities who is responsible for searching for brainworms in the beast tide.

This type of person with awakened powers generally does not have very strong combat effectiveness, so it is necessary to form a suicide squad to protect the monitors from entering the beast tide to find brainworms.

However, Liu Chengfeng did not expect that this suicide squad only lasted for ten minutes in the beast wave and almost all of them were killed or injured.

If no one finds and kills the brain worms, even if they can win the victory in the end, the casualties in Obsidian Town will exceed 70%.

In desperation, Liu Chengfeng risked backlash and used that stunt in advance to kill the nine-star monster he was facing, and then rushed to rescue the team.

He can ignore Hidego Higashikata. Although this warrior from the Neon Kingdom has just entered the Black Iron Eight Stars, he has mastered Japanese sword skills and can definitely go back when all the nine-star monsters are contained.

But the two Chinese people behind him looked obviously weak. It was difficult for them to keep up with Hidego Higashikata's speed in the beast wave.

They were both Chinese, so Liu Chengfeng couldn't leave them alone.

What's more, if they are monitors, they can't just die here.

"No, Mr. Liu, we are all five-star awakened ones with combat powers."

"The monitor...the monitor has been killed by the monster."

The two men did not dare to look at Liu Chengfeng, but when they mentioned the monitor, they unconsciously glanced at Dongcheng Xiuwu.

In fact, they all knew where the monitor came from.

Dong Cheng Xiuwuyi's words to the team members at the beginning were that he would look for the brainworms by himself, and the others only needed to cooperate with him to kill them.

But now, they have all figured out that this is not a "death squad", it is clearly a "death squad"!

Even so, they still dare not speak out in anger, after all, their families are still in the cross streets.

"What? Five stars?"

Liu Chengfeng was slightly startled.

"Hidego Tosei, is this the suicide squad you selected? A five-star suicide squad, when did you fall to this point?"

At this moment, Liu Chengfeng already understood what trick Alek was playing, but it was a little too late.

He did not expect that at such a critical moment, Alek, as the leader of Cross Street, would do such a short-sighted thing.

"Mr. Liu, you have misunderstood. It is these two Chinese brothers who are determined to participate in this operation."

"They are not strong enough, and we have tried to dissuade them. But these two brothers insist on contributing to Obsidian Town. Their fearless spirit is so touching that we cannot refuse."

"As for the other brothers in the death squad, they are at least as strong as the Black Iron Six Stars. It's a pity that this task is really difficult, and they all died gloriously."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask your Chinese compatriots."

Dongcheng Xiuwu was not afraid of the pressure brought by Liu Chengfeng at all. He understood very well that in the current situation, even if he broke up with him, this man would not fight him here.

Liu Chengfeng looked at the two five-star awakened people and saw that they clenched their fists and lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at him.

He understood instantly that these two people might have a weakness that fell into the hands of Hidego Higashikata.

Huh, what a "cross street"!

"Let's go back to the city with me. We will settle the other accounts slowly after the war."

Liu Chengfeng turned around, smashed a seven-star monster that was attacking with a knife, and led the three of them back toward the east city wall.

Dongcheng Xiuwu followed. He looked at Liu Chengfeng's back and smiled contemptuously.

This so-called first person in Obsidian has a fatal flaw.

It is said that before the end of the world, Liu Chengfeng lived in an ancient martial arts family in Kyoto.

The education he received since childhood was to "establish a heart for the heaven and earth, establish a destiny for the living and the people, carry on the unique knowledge for the next life, and create peace for all generations."

The "Unjust Hall" he founded is not unjust, but on the contrary, it is righteous.

The motto of "Unjust Hall" is: "Heaven and earth are unkind, and the people are unjust."

Awakening In this cruel apocalypse, the human race was almost struggling at the beginning.

The human race in the early stages of awakening suddenly entered the cruel apocalypse from the civilized era. Facing various ferocious monsters, most people did not even dare to resist and could only accept ruthless slaughter.

In various "catastrophes", the survival rate of awakened human beings is almost non-existent.

Even if they left the "Catastrophe" alive, the human race was limited by their mental power and abilities in the early days, and their strength was often not as good as other races and Warcraft.

The Forest of Beginning has become a cemetery for many humans.

From the "Catastrophe" to Obsidian Town, it would be good if only one of the 10,000 awakened human beings could survive in the end.

But even after leaving the Forest of Beginning, the human race is often bullied by other races in the cities of Zero Realm.

It seems that from the beginning of this apocalyptic game, the gods have not been kind to the human race.

Therefore, Liu Chengfeng founded the "Unjust Hall" more than a year ago.

Since God is unkind, don't blame the common people for being unrighteous.

Liu Chengfeng no longer tolerated it.

During that time, all those who bullied the human race in Obsidian Town were always on guard against a lunatic named "Liu Chengfeng". They didn't know when he would come knocking on their doorstep with a single blow.

Liu Chengfeng used the [Sword God] superpower and combined with the ancient martial arts of China to kill ninety-seven aliens in a row, including two clan leaders, single-handedly establishing the status of the awakened human race in Obsidian Town.

The "Injustice Hall" initially only recruited awakened human beings. Later, as the power of the human race grew, "Cross Street" and other forces appeared one after another.

In order to take care of the development of other human forces, and in order to streamline the size and improve the quality of "Unjust Hall", Liu Chengfeng changed to only recruit those who had awakened from the Chinese nation.

Even though he could have left Obsidian Town long ago, he still stayed here and implemented his own ideas.

This kind of person has an extremely powerful personality.

He attracted countless strong men like Hong Ziyu and Zhou Lao to join the "Injustice Hall".

However, this kind of person also has fatal flaws.

Those who work for the common people and take the overall situation into consideration will be hindered by others everywhere.

Now that the beasts are sieging the city, no matter what he has done, Liu Chengfeng cannot take action against him for the sake of the overall situation...

Dongcheng Xiuwu looked at Liu Chengfeng's back. Although he admired him from the bottom of his heart, he also looked down upon him.

At this moment, every move Liu Chengfeng made was within Alek's expectation.

According to Liu Chengfeng's temperament, even if he knew the truth about the death squads early on, he would still protect them for the sake of the overall situation.

For him, this is a conspiracy with almost no solution.

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