Just when the three of them were confused about the whereabouts of the brain worms, Liu Chengfeng suddenly discovered that all the monsters on the east city wall were retreating rapidly.

"The monsters have retreated. Let's go back first to avoid being surrounded."

Liu Chengfeng made a prompt decision and led the two of them to break out.

They were like fish swimming upstream, rushing forward against the retreating army of monsters.

At first, Liu Chengfeng thought it was because the three of them made the Brain Worm feel threatened, so the Brain Worm controlled the army of Warcraft to retreat, hoping to surround and kill them.

However, during their "breakout" process, they discovered that none of the monsters rushing past attacked them.

The three of them made it back to the city wall safely without much effort.

Liu Chengfeng looked back and saw countless magical beasts staying five miles away, as if they were resting.

A few minutes later, he learned from the people of "Injustice Hall" the reason for the temporary retreat of the Warcraft army.

At this moment, Alek was sitting not far away. Most of his body was burned to pieces by the fire, and he was receiving treatment in an awkward manner.

But Alec was laughing.

His smile was confident and crazy, completely losing his usual elegance.

Because, he and the leader of the Naga tribe teamed up to kill a nine-star monster!

Alek is the pinnacle of the Eight-Star Black Iron. Although there seems to be only a thin line between him and the Nine-Star Black Iron, in fact there is a huge gap between the two.

Although with the advantages of weapons, equipment and unique abilities, Alek and the leader of the Naga tribe can also contain the Nine-Star Warcraft, but completing the counterattack is almost another concept.

Liu Chengfeng suddenly realized that he seemed to underestimate Alek.

Outside the east city wall, there are three nine-star monsters, two of which have died so far.

Seeing this, the last nine-star monster no longer wanted to fight, turned around and ran away.

Under such circumstances, it is understandable that the brainworm would choose to retreat temporarily and regroup.

However, Liu Chengfeng still didn't understand. He and Hong Ziyu led the monitors to search repeatedly, even on the city wall, but they could never find the brain worm. Why on earth was this?

Could it be that the brain worm is not in the battlefield on the east city wall at all?

This thought instantly made Liu Chengfeng shed a drop of cold sweat.

The largest and strongest army of monsters was gathered at the east wall. Everyone subconsciously felt that the brainworm must be hiding here.

However, if, from the beginning, the brainworm was not here...

The more Liu Chengfeng thought about it, the more frightened he became. He quickly called several people in the hall and ordered them to immediately inquire about the status of the other three city walls.

At the same time, at the southern city wall.

Chen Bugu and Han Badou also approached Mr. Zhou.

"Mr. Zhou, I have something unclear, and I would like to ask you for advice." Chen Bugu walked up to Mr. Zhou and said.

Whether it was the previous life or the scene where he was held captive on the battlefield just now, this old man left a very good impression on Chen Bugu.

"Hey, Chen Bugu, at least Qixing, have you been pretending to be a pig with me before?"

As soon as Zhou Lao's words came out, he felt that something was wrong. After all, if he thought about it carefully, Chen Bugu had always been open and honest before, but he was negligent in terms of his strength and never asked.

On the contrary, I have been checking people's identities, so I have become a little more sensitive.

Thinking of this, Mr. Zhou quickly spoke again and changed the topic.

"What do you want to ask? As for your friend, he should be on the east side of the city wall."

Regarding Lao Liu and the others, Chen Bugu was relieved.

In his last life, he also fought on the east wall, and the defense there was far stronger than here.

What's more, I heard that almost all the main forces of the major forces are on the east city wall. In this case, Lao Liu and the others may not be more dangerous than Chen Bugu and others staying there.

"It's not about my friend, it's something else."

"Don't you find it strange? The actions of the Warcraft army seem to be under orders."

"Whether they charged into the formation at the beginning or retreated five miles away, their response was too unified, as if they had a commander."

"However, I have been observing for a long time, and I haven't found any high-level intelligent monsters among them."

"I don't understand, so I asked Mr. Zhou for advice. I wonder if you know what is going on?"

When Chen Bugu raised his doubts, Han Badou secretly observed Mr. Zhou from one side.

He clearly felt that Mr. Zhou was surprised when Chen Bugu raised his question, which meant that he knew about it early on.

Therefore, Han Badou promptly informed Chen Bugu of this information through "sound transmission".

If Mr. Zhou still conceals something or avoids talking about it, then they will have to reconsider their next actions.

Chen Bugu didn't want to be kept in the dark.

"Boy, you are more careful than I thought. I can only synchronize the information I learned from the hall master to you, and you have to judge the rest by yourself."

Next, Mr. Zhou told Chen Bugu and Han Badou everything he knew about the "heart-hiding brain worm".

When he heard the word "heart-hiding brain worm", Han Badou didn't feel anything yet, but Chen Bugu's expression changed obviously.

Brainworm? Is there a high probability of it being eight stars?

In his previous life, he was not at a high level and did not understand the inside story of this battle at all.

"Mr. Zhou, can I ask you, how many Awakened people are there who live in Obsidian Town now?"

At this time, not only Mr. Zhou was stunned when he heard this, but even Han Badou didn't understand Chen Bugu's thinking logic.

"Probably more than 20,000. There have been a lot of newcomers to the human race recently, but it should be less than 25,000."

Chen Bugu understood when he heard this.

In the last life, when he entered Obsidian Town, the battle had already ended. At that time, he did not know the specific number of people in Obsidian Town.

However, half a year after he arrived in Obsidian Town, the total number of people in Obsidian Town peaked at just over 10,000.

"If the brain worms don't die and the beast tide doesn't recede, more people will die in this battle."

"Where is your hall master? Since they have known it for a long time, they should have a solution, right?"

Chen Bugu realized that things suddenly became difficult. He looked at Mr. Zhou and wanted to know what the leaders of the major forces had come up with.

"The main battlefield is over the east city wall. Cross Street has formed a suicide squad to complete the beheading operation. They will enter the beast tide to find and kill the brainworms."

Chen Bugu was stunned after hearing this, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

The heavy casualties in the previous life showed that the beheading operation was not successful at all.

The most cutting-edge combat power in Obsidian Town has been assembled on the east wall. Even if the suicide squad fails in its beheading operation, others will surely continue to make up the place. However, the last life still resulted in so many casualties.

If this is the case, the most likely possibility is that the brain worms are not at the main battlefield on the east city wall at all!

The Heart-hiding Brain Worm is an intelligent monster with intelligence no less than that of humans. If we follow the way humans think, where is it most likely to hide on the battlefield?

Chen Bugu turned his head and looked at the army of Warcraft five miles outside the city wall. The corner of his eye twitched violently and his face became even more ugly.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Master Fran said before.

"Our south city wall is the only city wall that does not have to face the nine-star monster..."

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