After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 115 Fran’S Determination

The army of warcraft moved, and the roar resounded through the clouds.

When Chen Bugu saw this, he cursed secretly, pulled Han Badou and Mr. Zhou and ran back, leaving Master Fran standing there alone.

It wasn't until Chen Bugu and others ran away that Master Fran came back to his senses and looked at the backs of those people with complicated eyes.

Then, he walked to a war drum and beat it himself.

"Dong, dong, dong..."

Several dwarf warriors rushed to Master Fran's side. They saw that the leader was rarely silent and was beating the war drum in silence. They looked at each other for a moment, not understanding what was happening.

Master Fran held the drum hammer tightly with both hands and struck the drum head hard again and again, each time the force was heavier.

The drum surface trembled and the drum beat echoed. Everyone on the city wall looked up at the irritable but silent dwarf leader.

The drumming gradually stopped, and Master Fran stood there with firm eyes.

Seeing that their leader finally stopped, the dwarf warriors on one side hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"Chief, what happened to the red flare just now? There are already many people on the city wall in a mess."

A bearded dwarf asked the question first. They all saw the red flare exploding in the sky, so they rushed from both sides of the city wall to find out what happened.

"Both brainworms and nine-star monsters have appeared, right here on our side. In addition, the monsters have received reinforcements, and their numbers are still rising."

Master Fran looked at the dwarves. They were the backbone of the dwarves in Obsidian Town and his most trusted subordinates. Facing them, there was nothing to hide.

Master Fran looked down and saw that many awakened people on the city wall were looking up at him.

The army of Warcraft has moved, and as usual, he needs to mobilize before starting the war.

He put the drum hammer aside and walked towards the observation tower.

Seeing this, the dwarf warriors quickly followed, arguing with each other beside Master Fran.

"Leader, you must not explain the situation truthfully to the defenders. Otherwise, you will be timid before fighting and shake the morale of the army, which will be even more detrimental to the next battle!"

Just as the dwarf on the left of Master Fran finished speaking, the dwarf on the right hurriedly retorted.

"You fart, no matter whether it is the increase in the number of the nine-star monsters or the army of monsters, as the battle begins, it will be impossible to hide it from the awakened people of all races."

"We are hiding it now. If everyone finds out later and thinks of the red signal, they will definitely think that we concealed the information to harm everyone. By then, the awakened people of all races in the city will be suspicious of each other. Once trust is lost, the morale of the military will be in chaos, and the guard force will come from within. If something goes wrong first, it may be more difficult to rectify!”

"Chief, the situation cannot be concealed. We must inform the awakened people of all races in advance so that everyone can prepare in advance!"

Master Fran ignored the arguments around him and walked up to the observation deck alone.

The army of Warcraft in the distance was densely packed, and it seemed to have returned to its original appearance.

As the army of Warcraft began to run, dust suddenly covered the sky again, and the dark army of Warcraft seemed like dark clouds pressing over the city.

Suddenly, a drop of rain fell from the sky, and it actually started raining, followed by lightning and thunder.

A bolt of lightning illuminated Master Fran's figure.

On the city wall, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

He stood on the wall, took a deep breath, and shouted.

"Listen, you weaklings of all races!"

"The army of warcraft retreated, replenished its troops, and are now making a comeback."

"Our southern city wall has also welcomed its first nine-star monster!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the city suddenly became noisy, with many people talking about it.

Chen Bugu had returned to Bai Ting and others at this moment, and they looked at Master Fran quietly.

"You weaklings who want to escape can get out of here now!"

"But remember, if you escape once, you will have to run away for the rest of your life!"

"We were thrown into this world like clowns and have already lost everything."

"When we retaken our homeland, we retreated...but this time, the dwarves will not retreat until we die!"

"The red signal has been sent, our reinforcements are on the way!"

"Before reinforcements from other city walls arrive, take out the backbone of our southern city wall!"

"It's just a nine-star beast, I will smash its head with my own hands!"

Master Fran raised the war hammer in his right hand high, rainwater hung on his beard, and lightning illuminated his eyes.

"For yourself and for your homeland, kill me!"

The heavy rain pounded on the stone bricks of the city wall, and the sound of rain echoed on the city wall accompanied by Master Fran's roar.




Starting from the dwarves, to the awakened people of other races standing up one after another, everyone felt that the fighting spirit was ignited in their hearts.

The awakened people of all races must protect their dignity with blood and cold blades at this moment.

They all returned to their own places.

In the heavy rain, countless sharp arrows mixed with huge stones were once again fired from the city wall, roaring towards the army of Warcraft in the distance.

Before Master Fran walked down the observation deck, he looked at Chen Bugu.

Chen Bugu admitted that he had underestimated the leader of the dwarves.

Which awakened person who can live to this day has never been on the edge of death?

When the city wall is breached, people have nowhere to escape. Everyone understands this truth.

Therefore, all the defenders need is the determination to "break the cauldron", and this determination must be given by the strongest person here - Master Fran.

There is also the nine-star monster. Regardless of whether Master Fran is really capable of smashing its head, he has already given his attitude.

Everyone needs this attitude. Regardless of life or death, as long as someone is holding back the Nine-Star Warcraft, this battle will not be completely hopeless.

Chen Bugu withdrew his gaze. Master Fran might be too reluctant to face the nine-star monster, but he had no choice, and no one else had a choice.

At this moment, the army of Warcraft had once again arrived less than one mile away from the city wall.

In this section guarded by Chen Bugu, the awakened people of all races centered on Chen Bugu and his party, consciously stood on both sides, and subconsciously started fighting around them.

Chen Bugu stood on top of the wall and fired water arrows at [Jasper Weilan].

Due to this heavy rain, the water element in the air is far richer and more active than usual.

The cheering water element was at his disposal, which made every water arrow shot by [Jasper Weilan] much more powerful than usual.

With the "Weakness Detection" of Warcraft below six stars, Chen Bugu can almost instantly kill them at will.

However, this time, the quality of the Warcraft army was much stronger than in the first wave of attacks, and a large number of six-star Warcraft rushed towards them.

When encountering certain monsters with outstanding defensive capabilities, Chen Bugu's water arrows could not accomplish anything in one hit.

Fortunately, under this weather, there is still a lot of thunder element in the air.

Bai Ting stood next to Chen Bugu. For the first time, he felt such a majestic thunder element in the air.

Every time Chen Bugu shoots a water arrow, he will follow it with a bolt of lightning.

Under the city wall, water arrows mixed with blood and rain flowed freely, and the thunder in the sky and the arcs of electricity on the ground complemented each other.

At this moment, people briefly illuminate the darkness!

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