After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 119: Settling The Storm

Chen Bugu was already ready to "look back" the moment his legs were shot off.

This skill is what he relies on to dare to rush into the beast tide and kill the brainworms.

When he saw the mocking expression on the Cerebrate's face, he already felt that the balance of victory was tilting towards him.

The rock-armored violent bear turned into rubble, and the moment he began to fall to the ground, he had already started "retrospection".

The power of time wrapped around him, and the pain caused by his legs dissipated instantly. The mental power that was about to dry up and bottomed out again like a dry spring.

The moment his feet landed on the ground, Chen Bugu saw that the brain worm was only seven or eight meters away from him.

So he leaned forward, pushed his legs on the ground, and pounced in the direction of the brain worm.

At the same time, "Bullet Time" was turned on. Chen Bugu held the [Jasper Weilan] and shot a "Heavy Rain Arrow" at the brainworm that was close at hand.

The moment Chen Bugu kept drawing the bow, he also saw a huge change in the expression of the brainworm.

But even if it fled in a panic, it was already too late.

Under the influence of the rain, each water arrow has been strengthened. They are like high-speed cutting water jets, constantly bombarding the fragile body surface of the brain worm.

Chen Bugu clearly saw that the water arrow smashed the disgusting face of the brain worm, and then exploded on the ground.

Although monsters like brainworms are intelligent creatures, they mostly rely on parasitism to survive, and their bodies are weak and vulnerable.

Chen Bugu fired nearly fifty or sixty "rainstorm arrows", but the brainworm only carried less than 10 arrows before his body was gone.

At this moment, a large amount of energy poured into Chen Bugu's body.

He only felt warm all over his body, as comfortable as soaking in a hot spring.

Although this black iron eight-star brainworm has intelligence comparable to humans and a wide range of mental control abilities, its physical strength is ridiculously weak.

But fortunately, the energy level is still a genuine eight-star.

Killing this brainworm brought Chen Bugu's own energy intensity directly to the level upstream of the Seven Black Iron Stars. He would not be too far away from the Eight Black Iron Stars.

However, Chen Bugu had no time to rejoice at this moment.

After the death of the brain worm, the monsters surrounding him were all stunned, and then rioted one after another, charging around.

Only one monster seemed unaffected and still had a clear target, and that was the Earth Fire Salamander.

It continued to charge regardless, trampling several low-level monsters to death with its four big feet, but it was still as fast as the wind. It was less than a hundred meters away from Chen Bugu.

Chen Bugu did not dare to relax at all, after all, this was a nine-star monster.

The Earth Fire Salamander is extremely fast, and its huge body does not affect its speed at all. Even though Chen Bugu retreated sharply after killing the brainworm, he was still caught up.

Even if Chen Bugu entered "bullet time", he could only barely catch up with the speed of the Earth Fire Salamander.

The Earth Fire Salamander opened its mouth and spit out a huge blue fireball. Chen Bugu quickly dodged it with a somersault, and took the opportunity to turn around and shoot three arrows in a row.

Unfortunately, the sharp water arrows hit the surface of the Earth Fire Salamander and only knocked off a few scales.

Taking advantage of the "bullet time", Chen Bugu seized the opportunity to change direction and ran straight towards the city wall.

He is currently too reluctant to fight against the nine-star monster, so he can only hope that Master Fran still has the strength to fight.

Just when his mental strength was about to be unable to support the "bullet time", Chen Bugu finally ran back to the city wall.

The army of Warcraft, which had lost the command of the brain worm, was obviously in a lot of chaos at the moment.

Many monsters have already retreated, but more ferocious monsters are still attacking the city wall.

The humans huddled together on top of the city and struggled to support themselves. The energy contained in their bodies attracted the greedy monsters to continue attacking the city wall.

Under the city wall, several dwarves were constantly waving their weapons to drive back the monsters around them.

But as more and more monsters noticed them, the situation became precarious.

These dwarves were getting more and more seriously injured, and some of them had been devoured by monsters, but the rest still did not take a step back.

Because behind them, Master Fran fell in a pool of blood, his body rising and falling slowly, as if he only had his last breath left.

Chen Bugu instantly understood that Master Fran was dead.

After the Fire Salamander left, the dwarf team saw an opportunity and rushed down to rescue their leader. Unexpectedly, they would not be able to go back.

One of the fighting dwarves saw Chen Bugu running towards the city wall and the fire salamander following behind him. His eyes inevitably revealed despair.

Although from the moment the Earth Fire Salamander chased Chen Bugu, he had already guessed that Master Fran would not be in good condition.

But seeing the dwarf master with a bad temper, who was always ready to smash other people's heads, lying on the ground with only one breath left, still made people feel sad.

Chen Bugu couldn't run anymore.

The consumption of mental power forced him to exit "bullet time". Although he had reached the city at this moment, the remaining twenty meters distance was like a chasm.

After the speed slowed down, he did not dare to expose his back to the fire salamander, so he had to turn around in a hurry.

Sure enough, the next moment he exited "bullet time", the distance between him and the Earth Fire Salamander was quickly shortened.

A huge tail covered with many dark red scales slapped towards Chen Bugu's body.

Chen Bugu only felt that a powerful wind hit before the tail. His eyes flashed with purple light, and the "spiritual shock" bombarded the Earth Fire Salamander's head.

In the moment when the Earth Fire Salamander was in a trance, the tail that was originally swinging like a giant whip slowed down slightly.

Chen Bugu quickly took out the short wind blade and slashed at the Earth Fire Salamander's tail with all his strength. The blade collided with the scales, causing sparks to instantly rub out.

The next moment, [Short Wind Blade] was knocked away, and Chen Bugu was still blown away like a cannonball.

He hit the city wall hard, feeling like his body was about to fall apart. His throat felt warm, and he immediately vomited a large mouthful of blood.

The power of the nine-star monster made him feel like he had been hit by a huge truck at that moment.

Chen Bugu smiled bitterly in his heart. If he could avoid it, he wouldn't have received the blow forcefully.

At this moment, the hand he had held the knife in was still trembling slightly. Due to excessive force, the tiger's mouth had cracked, and his hands could not use any strength.

After facing off against the nine-star monster, Chen Bugu began to admire Master Fran. Even though he knew he was outmatched, he still risked his life to hold off this monster for so long.

Seeing the Earth Fire Salamander running toward him again, Chen Bugu had decided to enter "bullet time" again even at the risk of mental exhaustion.

As long as he could return to his friends before fainting, he might still have a chance to survive.

As for the rest, he was helpless and could only resign himself to fate.

Just when Chen Bugu decided to make a desperate move, a figure suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

I saw that man lifting a faint blue Tang Hengdao and waving it in front of him seemingly weakly.

"Define the storm"

Chen Bugu only heard three words, and then a blue sword light more than ten meters long slashed out from in front of his eyes.

The sword light brought up a gust of wind, passing through countless magical beasts.

This originally noisy battlefield fell into deathly silence for an instant, and then the upper bodies of countless monsters slid off neatly, and their owners could no longer make any sound.

Only the Earth Fire Salamander howled in pain, the scales on its two forelimbs shattered, and blood splattered.

After seeing the person clearly, Chen Bugu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Come, Liu Chengfeng...

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