Lao Liu stood there, his whole body tense and his legs stiff.

He could feel the boy who looked exactly like him holding his thigh and touching his skin.

That childish smiling face looks very much like him when he was a child.

Chen Ting was smiling on one side. She touched the child's head with kind love in her eyes.

Lao Liu just felt dazed for a while.

He stood here, with the child who had died before he was born holding his legs and calling "Daddy", and his wife squatting on one side with gentle eyebrows and smiling silently.

Everything was as it should have been if he hadn't gotten out of the car that day.

"Master Liu, your child is not..."

This momentary dream was as short-lived as a bubble. Although it was extremely gorgeous, after Wang Bin's reminder, Lao Liu still had to burst it himself.

He knew very well that his child had died long ago...

Even so, he still reached out his hand tremblingly and touched the little boy's head.

Lin Ye pulled Wang Bin to indicate that he did not need to speak any more.

Lao Liu burst into tears. He didn't know that all this was false. He couldn't even feel the temperature coming from the boy's head.

He closed his eyes and gave himself a few seconds.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already said goodbye to the boy in his heart.

"Honey, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here."

He no longer looked at the child holding his thigh, but gently pulled up Chen Ting who was squatting on one side.

"Old Liu, what are you talking about? Didn't you see that Xiaozhe is right here?"

"Look, look at him, Xiaozhe is standing right here."

While Chen Ting was gradually getting excited, Lin Ye and Wang Bin were surprised to see that the little boy's skin was slowly melting away like water-drenched paint.

Those "skins" fell into the ground and disappeared, and the originally vivid little boy turned into a dirty clay doll.

This weird scene made Lin Ye and Wang Bin's scalps go numb.

Chen Ting was a little panicked when she saw this. She took the boy's hand and hurriedly walked to the inner courtyard of "Cross Street".

He kept mumbling: "Xiao Zhe is not afraid, Xiao Zhe is good, mom will take you to Dr. Tamura, we will go now."

Lao Liu was worried about Chen Ting, so he followed her closely. Unexpectedly, he was stopped at the gate of "Cross Street".

"Hey, aren't these the three people who are going to the 'Injustice Hall'? What kind of wind has blown these three people to our 'Cross Street'?"

The few people who stopped him happened to be members of the "Cross Street" who had tried to recruit them at the city gate.

"Sorry, my wife is in there, can you let me in?"

Old Liu watched Chen Ting's back gradually disappearing and said quickly.

"So you are Sister Ting's lover. Damn, the flood has really destroyed the Dragon King Temple."

"But, our 'Cross Street' only allows members to enter. I'm sorry, brother, the rules are the rules, so don't embarrass us."

The tone of those people was lazy and casual, and they didn't know whether what they said was true or false.

"Can you please be accommodating?"

Those few people didn't seem to hear Lao Liu's question, they leaned in front of the door and chatted among themselves.

Lao Liu was a little angry when he saw this. He wanted to use [Levitation] to break in from above, but he remembered that when they parted, Chen Bugu reminded them to be careful.

While Lao Liu was struggling, Lin Ye stepped forward.

“Then can we join ‘Cross Street’?”

Lin Ye and Wang Bin discussed at the rear. Under the current situation, it was unlikely that Lao Liu would go to the "Unjust Hall" with them regardless of the situation. It would be better for them to join the "Cross Street" first to see the situation.

If it's really bad, just think of a way to leave with Chen Ting.

Lao Liu actually had this idea too, but he was too embarrassed to talk to them. Seeing Lin Ye mention it on his own initiative, he couldn't help but cast a grateful look.

The people in front of the "Cross Street" gate seemed to be waiting for this sentence.

After Lin Ye finished speaking, the leader shook his head and sighed again.

"Originally, there is no threshold for joining our 'Cross Street'. The main reason is to unite our human race, but I remember that you originally wanted to go to the 'Injustice Hall', right?"

"If the 'Unjust Hall' can enter my 'Cross Street' casually without going to achieve success, then it will be difficult for the rest of us to explain to the leader if this matter spreads out."

"A few of you should also understand our difficulties, right?"

Lao Liu's face turned dark immediately. He couldn't understand what those people meant. They just wanted benefits.

But now that he had someone to ask for, it was hard for him to get angry.

He finally sighed and reluctantly took out a "Spirit-accumulating Fruit" from his backpack and handed it to the man.

The moment he saw Yunling Fruit, the man's eyes suddenly lit up, but he still shook his head in embarrassment and spoke slowly.

"The three of you wanted to join the 'Injustice Hall' before, so you couldn't just prepare a recommendation fee, right?"

"You are taking advantage of the situation."

"It's not like we begged the three of us to join, please do as you please."

When Wang Bin heard this, he was so angry that his teeth itched, but he could only reluctantly and Lin Ye took out the other two "Spirit-accumulating Fruits" and handed them to those people.

After taking the "Yun Ling Fruit", the man's face changed instantly.

"Welcome you three to join our 'Cross Street'. Our 'Cross Street' is the largest human force in Obsidian Town. I believe you will not regret your choice today~"

Lao Liu and others made a simple registration at the door and officially joined the "Cross Street".

After that, Lao Liu finally found Chen Ting in the inner courtyard of "Cross Street".

At this moment, she was sitting in a room, with the clay doll standing on one side, and in front of the clay doll was a beautiful young woman.

The woman's eyes shone with a faint blue light, and when she stretched her hands forward, the clay doll's body became filled with many strange colors.

The strange colors were mixed together to create the original appearance of the little boy.

After knowing the purpose of the three of them's visit, the woman introduced herself.

Her name is Tamura Nobuko, from Neon Country. Before coming to this world, she happened to be traveling in China. As a result, she encountered a "catastrophe" in a shopping mall, so she came here with Chen Ting.

Her power is the magical [Painted Skin], which allows her to change her or others' appearance in a short period of time.

As she spoke, perhaps for demonstration, her face turned into that of a certain female star.

Since Tamura Nobuko's superpower has no combat effectiveness, she has been able to survive until now thanks to Chen Ting's care since she came to this world.

She has always been grateful to Chen Ting from the bottom of her heart and tried her best to repay him.

At this time, Lao Liu and the others knew for the first time that Chen Ting was not only a five-star black iron, but also had awakened the magic power [Puppet Master].

She only needs to use solid materials such as soil and trees to generate corresponding puppets.

Although the generated puppets generally do not have special abilities, the three domains are not low, and the consumption of mental power is not large.

With her current strength, she can summon ten puppets at one time in battle, which makes her one of the most powerful players in the team.

Hearing this, Lao Liu already understood.

He looked at his wife in front of him, holding a clay doll with a crazy expression. She was immersed in her own world, happily shouting "Xiao Zhe" "Xiao Zhe"...

This scene deeply hurt the heart of this middle-aged man.

He understood that Chen Ting was getting more seriously ill.

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