"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"What a delight!"

"This guy Chen Bugu is really smart. Not only did he not run away after killing Hidego Higashikata, but he was able to return to the cross street with Alek chasing him and kill Nobuko Tamura in front of so many people."

"You didn't see how dark Alek's face was at that time."

"The funniest thing is that the woman Jiang Sisi didn't know if it was intentional or not, and she ran in with a confused look on her face and asked about dessert after the meal."

"Hey, don't tell me, this hand of 'desserts' is enough to last. Tomorrow, all the gossips in Obsidian Town will be fed."

In the dark of night, Hong Ziyu stood in the courtyard of the "Unjust Hall". He hugged several brothers on duty, his eyes were full of joy, and he vividly described everything that had just happened.

What happened tonight is undoubtedly huge news for Obsidian Town.

After "Cross Street" hosted a banquet for all parties, the deputy leader Hideo Higashikata was trapped and killed in the town.

Not only that, Alek, who was promoted to Nine Stars, then chased the murderer on the street, which was witnessed by many people.

But the result?

The murderer not only returned to the "Cross Street" to kill another person, but finally escaped in full view of the public.

This wonderful and unexpected unfolding is believed to spread quickly throughout the town tomorrow and become the latest topic of conversation among the awakened people after dinner.

Liu Chengfeng was sitting in the inner courtyard, holding a cup of tea and gently blowing away the heat.

"Mr. Zhou, your contact with Chen Bugu at the South City Wall must have been seen by many people, right?"

Mr. Zhou was sitting next to him, and his originally worried heart was relieved again with the disappearance of Chen Bugu.

"Yes, Chen Bugu planned to join us at that time, which many people heard."

"But then he broke into the 'Cross Street' and kidnapped Wang Bin. He had no time to enter the court. Everyone knows this very well, and we can't be traced."

"As for the 'Body Burning Pill', it's not a precious pill. Not to mention that various forces have reserves. Even the underground market in Obsidian Town is often circulated. There is no evidence."

"The only troublesome thing is the teleportation crystal. Teleportation props are rare in Obsidian Town. Sooner or later, the crystal will be investigated."

"But, the crystal stone should be listed as a reward option for him. This was decided by the leaders of each family on the city wall. Anyway, no one knows when he took the reward, and we don't have to worry about Aile. It’s difficult to overcome difficulties.”

Mr. Zhou calmly took a sip of tea.

If anyone wants to say who was the calmest when Chen Bugu disappeared, it must be the three members of "Buyi Hall".

Because they all knew that Chen Bugu immediately found Mr. Zhou after returning to Obsidian Town and cashed in the reward promised to him on the city wall.

His choice was the teleportation crystal.

After the leaders of each family met and decided on the rewards, they were handed over to Mr. Zhou for safekeeping.

So as long as Mr. Zhou insists that Chen Bugu was exchanged on the city wall, no one can blame him.

"Okay, after Alec reacts, he will definitely strengthen the guards at the 'Cross Street'. Once Chen Bugu teleports back, he will probably be killed on the spot."

"But that person is not stupid. I just hope that he will have some adventures in the forest and break through as soon as possible."

Liu Chengfeng drank the remaining tea in one gulp, hummed a tune, and walked towards the wing in the inner courtyard. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the hall master was in a good mood tonight.

After Liu Chengfeng left, veteran Zhou Hong Ziyu and others also drove away one by one, and then slowly returned to the room.

The night in Obsidian Town was quiet, but after this night, the undercurrent that was originally turbulent beneath it also quietly accelerated in the trajectory of fate.

The culprit who caused all this - Chen Bugu, has now returned to the Forest of Beginning.

After teleporting away from the "Cross Street", Chen Bugu only felt that his eyes were shrouded in silvery white. When the silvery light disappeared, he had appeared in a jungle.

A small fireball rose from his palm, slightly driving away the darkness. Chen Bugu observed his surroundings vigilantly, and did not relax until he was sure that he was temporarily safe.

He cut off some branches, lit a fire, and finally sat down against a tree.

After the effect of the "Body Burning Pill" ended, Chen Bugu looked pale and weak.

His body is obviously still of seven-star quality, but he is depleted of energy and blood, and it seems that he can only perform at a four-star level anyway.

He felt weak all over, as if he couldn't exert himself. Even if he used [Crack], he could not eliminate this effect.

Fortunately, he left the "Cross Street" smoothly, and thanks to the special nature of the teleportation crystal, his location in the forest was random, and he didn't have to worry about Alec finding a crystal and catching up.

Although this battle was embarrassing, he killed everyone who deserved to be killed.

Although his body was covered in blood and even his hair was stuck together with dried blood, Chen Bugu felt relieved.

"Amon" struggled to get out of the pocket of his pants, looking around with his round pupils.

At Chen Bugu's request, during the previous battle, Amon shrunk his body to the minimum and hid in Chen Bugu's trouser pocket, motionless.

"Amon" is very smart. It understands that it can't help, so it chooses to hide itself.

When Chen Bugu's tense body suddenly relaxed, it guessed that the battle was over, and then tentatively got out.

"Amon" stretched out his pink tongue, gently licked Chen Bugu's right hand, and licked away the blood for him.

Chen Bugu touched "Amon"'s head and took out a severed hand from the storage ring.

That was Hidego Hideo's right hand, and the storage ring on it glowed slightly under the firelight.

Storage rings are usually bound to the holder. After all, long-term use of mental power will definitely leave a mark.

However, not only can the blacksmith profession erase this mark through smelting, but a few other professions can also cover and replace this mark.

Therefore, killing people and touching corpses was also a routine operation in the previous life.

If it is not processed, when your own mental power comes into contact with other people's storage rings, it will be as difficult to enter as if it encounters a barrier.

However, these "locking" restrictions are the best for Chen Bugu to deal with.

A purple light flashed in his eyes, and his mental power entered the space inside the ring unimpeded.

Higashikata Hidego is worthy of being the deputy leader of "Cross Street", and his storage ring is simply a small treasury.

In addition to the most basic food and change of clothes, there are also various recovery potions.

Although there is no extra equipment, there is a white skill ball.

"Skill: Pure Heart"

"Introduction: The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. Isn't that good?"

"How to use: Crush me, but please be gentle."

"Usage restriction: Light element affinity>10"

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