After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 141 Man In Black Robe


The first thing Chen Bugu thought of was a "pig team" like Ding Wenli.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel something strange.

Wei Lai already knew the tricks of the "Pig Team" very well, so he shouldn't fall for it again.

Moreover, the biggest feature of the "Pig Team" is that the level of pig farmers is significantly lower than the average level, and it is basically impossible to survive alone without the "pig" in the later stage.

Therefore, most of the pig farmers in the "Pig Team" did not have the courage and strength to leave the team in the later period, which is not consistent with Wei Lai's situation of a large number of people fleeing.

It has been more than a month since Chen Bugu and Wei Lai separated. Wei Lai has not yet come out of the Forest of Beginnings, and has become like this, which shows that he has been trapped in the current predicament for a long time.

Even if it is a "pig team", after such a long time, it is time for the "pig" to leave the forest.

Before Chen Bugu could ask further, the team was suddenly stopped by a group of goblins, including several Goblin Berserkers.

The leaders of the team took action with thunder and instantly eliminated this small group of goblins, and then continued to flee without stopping.

In the battle just now, Chen Bugu did not take action because he found that the speed of the few people in front of the team when dealing with the goblins had reached the strength of the Black Iron Five Stars.

With such strength, as long as luck is not too bad and you are more careful, you can basically leave this forest.

If pig farmers have the strength of five black iron stars, then how strong must the "pig" be?

The most important thing is that high-level black iron monsters are not common in the Forest of Beginnings. It is already rare for ordinary awakened people to break through to six stars in the Forest of Beginnings.

Can you make the five black iron stars run away in panic?

Chen Bugu suddenly thought of Xu Lu.

Xu Lu said that their team once encountered two awakened people wearing black robes, and the other party killed more than a dozen of their soldiers.

At that time, Xu Lu and others assessed through the energy monitoring instruments they carried that the two "first residents" were both Black Iron Eight Stars...

"Is the person chasing you wearing a black hooded cloak?"

As soon as Chen Bugu finished speaking, he saw Wei Lai's surprised expression. He knew that he had guessed correctly.

"Mr. Chen, have you met them too?"

"No, I just heard other teams talk about them."

Immediately afterwards, Chen Bugu told the story of his encounter with Xu Lu and others by the stream after they separated from Wei Lai and others.

"Soldier? Is that female doctor wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses and a long-sleeved shirt and trousers?"

Wei Lai listened to Chen Bugu's description and suddenly spoke.

"Huh? It should be this way. Have you seen it before?"

Chen Bugu was a little surprised, but then he thought about it. The place where he first met Xu Lu was not far from Wei Lai and the others, so it was not surprising that they met later.

"Well, I have seen her before, but she has been dead for a long time."


Chen Bugu didn't expect such an answer.

"Yes, not two days after she was caught, two more men in black robes came and said that she had something they wanted on her. In the end, they found out what seemed to be some beautiful stones, but that woman was not alive or dead. If he was willing to hand it over, he would be killed in the end.”

After Wei finished speaking, Chen Bugu was stunned for a moment.

The valuable and beautiful stone in Xu Lu’s hand?

Isn't that the Star Meteor Crystal?

Those people's goal is the Star Meteor Crystal?

But although the Star Meteor Crystal is precious, it is also produced in the Zero Realm. It is unreasonable to go to the Forest of Beginning just for this purpose and arrest so many people.

Seeing Chen Bugu's confusion, Wei Lai simply described in detail what happened to them after they separated from Chen Bugu.

On the morning when he parted with Chen Bugu and others, two people were missing from Guanzhou's team.

They waited in place for a long time, but never saw the two people returning. In the end, in desperation, Wei Lai and the others had no choice but to continue their journey.

At that time, some people in the team speculated that the two people were retaliated that night because they said bad things about Chen Bugu.

However, this speculation collapsed on its own before it persisted for more than a day.

Because from that day on, people from Guanzhou's team disappeared every night.

At first, just the two people who were keeping watch would disappear.

Later, Wei Lai increased the number of people keeping vigil to four, but all four disappeared.

There were two consecutive nights of strange changes, and when the third night came, no one dared to sleep peacefully.

But it wasn't until then that they realized that even if they didn't sleep, they wouldn't be able to prevent their teammates from disappearing.

Because the culprit who caused their team's numbers to shrink didn't mind appearing in front of them at all.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, it makes no difference whether Guanzhou's team stays awake or not.

When Wei Lai was knocked unconscious, he didn't even see clearly what the two men in black robes looked like.

When he woke up again, he was already locked in a dungeon.

In addition to the people from Guanzhou who were captured before, there were also some unfamiliar faces around him.

What surprised him most was that Han Fuyu, who had disappeared before, was also here.

It turns out that Han Fuyu did not choose to leave because he was ashamed of Badou. His disappearance was also the work of these men in black robes.

After Han Fuyu's introduction, Wei Lai learned that there were several cells like theirs here, and all of them, like him, had been captured and thrown here in those few days.

Some people tried to resist, but those men in black robes showed their absolute strength and casually killed the strongest person in the prison at that time.

After that, the people in the stone prison also understood that running away and resisting would only speed up death.

In that dark dungeon, Wei Lai gradually lost the concept of time.

All he knew was that new people were thrown in every day, and people died every day.

The only thing that gave everyone hope to survive was the food provided by the men in black robes every day.

It was a bucket of black, jelly-like sticky objects. Although the taste was not good and the quantity was not large, the food contained energy.

Many people find themselves achieving breakthroughs after eating that food for a few days.

There is no need to fight to the death with Warcraft. You can level up just by eating. Many people see hope in this.

Although they don't expect to be able to break through to the level of defeating the black-robed man by relying on these foods, it is good as long as they are stronger than others.

Food is only provided once a day, and the quantity is very limited. Not everyone can get a bite.

In this case, whoever has the bigger fist will be full.

People who have access to food will become more and more able to control the food distribution in their cells as their strength increases.

Wei Lai was lucky because Han Fuyu was one of the first people to be arrested in that cell.

Before others realized the importance of the food, Han Fuyu had been eating it for several days and successfully became the first person in the cell to break through.

Wei Lai was under the care of Han Fuyu and was given some food every day. Although he was not full, it was enough for him to survive.

As for other people who cannot get food, they can only starve to death gradually.

When someone dies in prison, whether they starve to death or are killed by men in black robes like Xu Lu, the body will be dragged out as soon as it is discovered.

Until one day, when the men in black robes came to distribute food, they found that there were fewer people in the prison, but no bodies appeared.

Also on that day, Wei Lai seemed to smile when he saw the face hidden under the black robe.

At that moment, Wei Lai felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

The smile of the man in black robe was deeply imprinted in his eyes.

Because that smile happened to appear on the day when hungry people were eating corpses...

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