After Wei Lai finished speaking, Chen Bugu already knew the general situation.

The degenerates who eat human flesh also appeared in the previous life.

Although killing people cannot rob energy, eating human flesh can.

However, eating human flesh also has side effects. The degenerate will experience symptoms such as confusion and manic bloodthirsty from time to time.

Moreover, as the man in black robe said, eating human flesh is not easy to start, and it is equally difficult to stop.

Once they eat the flesh and blood of the awakened, even if they don't have to worry about eating and drinking later, the fallen will become addicted to human flesh, and then find ways to obtain human flesh, even if the human flesh comes from other fallen.

Therefore, the fallen will be wanted and hunted by major towns in the future.

The red whites of their eyes, their silly expressions, and their tendency to drool uncontrollably make it almost impossible for them to hide their identities in the crowd.

As for those black sticky foods that Wei Lai mentioned that help increase energy, Chen Bugu's first reaction was nightmare feed.

This kind of thing is indeed edible and helps to increase strength.

But the purpose of this thing is mainly to feed the offspring of domesticated monsters.

Because nightmare feed promotes strength growth at the expense of lifespan, it is far inferior to the spirit-accumulating fruit.

Only some top forces would use this kind of thing to feed Warcraft and train beast soldiers in batches.

The issue of lifespan consumption has also been confirmed by those Warcraft. Basically, the lifespan of Warcraft fed with nightmare feed is less than three years.

That kind of food doesn't have any nutrition. No matter how much they eat, it can't replenish the various substances needed by the human body, so Wei Lai and the others look malnourished.

Chen Bugu thought for a while and finally decided not to tell Wei Lai about the nightmare feed. After all, it had already happened. At this time, ignorance may not be a bad thing.

"Mr. Wei, how strong are you now?" Chen Bugu asked.

"Fu Yu is a five-star, and I am a four-star."

"None of you have ever eaten human flesh, have you?"

"No, I would rather die than eat that kind of thing."

"What about them?"

When he asked the last sentence, Chen Bugu controlled his volume and pointed at the people in front of him.

He originally thought that this group of people were Wei Laixin's teammates, but after understanding the situation, he realized that this team was just a temporary team.

"They...I don't know either."

In fact, Wei Lai knew that cannibalism also occurred in other cells.

When he escaped from the dungeon, the smell of blood and meat in every cell was equally pungent. He would never forget that smell in his life.

Although the few people in front of him have not shown any characteristics of the fallen, Chen Bugu knows that once they are stained with human flesh, they may not be able to stop.

No matter what, you have to keep an eye out.

Several people ran intermittently all morning before deciding to stop in an open space to rest.

Chen Bugu took out some food and water from the storage ring and handed them to Wei Lai and Han Fuyu.

This move immediately attracted everyone's attention, and their eyes widened as they watched Chen Bugu take out the food.

When Chen Bugu saw this, he didn't want to ruin his mood for eating, so he took out some more bread and dried meat and asked Wei Lai to hand them out.

Anyway, there is a lot of food and water in Dongcheng Xiuwu's ring, and he is most in need of these right now.

Only then did everyone realize that the acquaintance Wei Lai picked up on the road seemed different from them.

But no one cared about this. They were already starving, and each one wolfed down the food in their hands.

An aunt sitting on the right side of Han Fuyu finished eating the food in her hands, then approached Chen Bugu and asked cautiously.

"Young man, do you still have something to eat? Can you give me some more? I've been hungry for three days."

Chen Bugu raised his head and looked at the aunt in front of him.

Although her complexion is not good, she is already considered good among this group of people. She should be a newcomer who was recently caught in the dungeon.

"Sorry, Auntie, I really don't have any more food."

Chen Bugu decisively refused, because he didn't know the principle of "raising rice's kindness and fighting rice's hatred".

The aunt had no choice but to walk back sadly.

After she left, another middle-aged man with sinister eyes walked towards Chen Bugu.

"Boy, you still have food in your ring. Hand over the food, or you will stay here with your life."

Chen Bugu frowned and looked up at the man walking towards him not far away.

The man held up a dagger, with flames igniting on the dagger, and he was gesturing at Chen Bugu.

This man had taken action when killing the Goblin Berserker before, and had the strength of five-star Black Iron.

Chen Bugu stood up silently, [Jasper Weilan] appeared in his hand, he moved his fingers, and the water arrows flew out one after another.

Five seconds later, there was another body on the ground.

Chen Bugu put away his weapon, sat down again, picked up the uneaten food and continued to bite.

Everyone present looked at the corpse on the ground and fell silent. They had long been used to seeing life and death, and there were not many disturbances at this moment.

Chen Bugu felt that the "Burning Body Pill" weakened him, and the power of the elemental arrows also decreased. Otherwise, it would not take more than 5 seconds to kill a weak five-star awakened person.

Fortunately, after tonight, he will return to form.

When the time comes, he will also leave this team and look for high-level monsters to kill on his own.

Now that it has been determined that those who are chasing Wei Lai and the others are not monsters, Chen Bugu's original plan has also come to nothing, and there is no point in staying.

It was also impossible for him to escort Wei Lai and Han Fuyu to Tongtian Qiao. It would be the end of his kindness to follow them before his strength was restored.

As for those mysterious men in black robes, Chen Bugu wasn't interested in what they wanted to do, and he didn't want to provoke them yet.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, as long as it doesn't involve him.

After everyone rested, they set off again.

Chen Bugu had already reminded Wei Lai that the exit from the forest was at the bottom of the Tongtian Arbor, and their current direction was somewhat detoured.

What Wei Lai meant was that he hoped to get as far away from the place where they escaped as possible first, and then make plans.

Chen Bugu could see that Wei Lai seemed to be very afraid of the men in black robes, so he didn't say anything. Anyway, his purpose was just to hunt the monsters.

It's a pity that Chen Bugu didn't see any magical beast higher than the five-star Black Iron appeared throughout the whole day.

At night, they sat by the fire. Except for Han Fuyu and Wei Lai, everyone else could only watch Chen Bugu take out the food from the ring.

But after the interlude at noon, the others were very sensible and did not come forward.

Perhaps because after rushing for a day, everyone was far away from the original place, so their status gradually relaxed.

After dark, they decided not to risk their journey, but left three of them behind to watch the first shift overnight, while the others took the opportunity to lie down and regain their strength.

Chen Bugu also lay down, but he did not fall asleep.

He was waiting for the three people to take action.

The three people who took the initiative to guard the first shift at night were all awakened black iron five stars.

Ever since Chen Bugu took action at noon, their eyes had been glancing at him from time to time.

At first, Chen Bugu was not sure, but under "bullet time", even the smallest actions will be magnified.

After much deliberation, there are only two possibilities.

One is coveting the food in his ring, and the other is coveting the meat on his body.

Chen Bugu was lying on the ground with his back to the three people. When he heard the footsteps, his eyes had already opened.

Although his strength has not yet been restored, if the other party has bad intentions, then he does not mind letting three more corpses appear here.

The footsteps were light but getting closer.

Chen Bugu had no choice but to stand up when he suddenly heard a hoarse voice coming from above.

"A bunch of rats, running pretty fast."

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