Chen Bugu's plan is very simple.

“How long will your stone wall last?”

Chen Bugu looked at Yan Kuan.

In the previous life, Yan Kuan and Chen Bugu had a good relationship.

Although they were separated shortly after leaving the tunnel.

Later, because they were in different forces, even if they knew that the other party was alive, they gradually lost news because of the difference in strength.

But Yan Kuan is still one of Chen Bugu's friends in his previous life.

"Half an hour, it will automatically disintegrate after half an hour."

"Then, before the stone wall collapses, use your [Earth Element] to build another wall, but don't block the wall."

Chen Bugu walked to the wall, raised his right hand, and gestured from shoulder height.

"Just about this place, leave a hole where the monster can stick its head in, do you understand?"

After saying that, Chen Bugu raised the [Lianxin Crossbow] and pointed at that position again.

Everyone had different expressions after seeing this, and they understood Chen Bugu's thoughts instantly.

"You have to leave a hole. I haven't tried it, so I don't know if it will work."

Yan Kuan understood what Chen Bugu meant, but he was not sure.

When he used [Earth Element], he could actually see some earthy brown light spots floating in the air.

The moment he saw those light spots, he felt calm and heavy, so he guessed that they were the earth elements floating in the air.

His power is to summon and drive those earth elements.

But even though Yan Kuan's earth element affinity was as high as 80, it was still difficult for him to activate the earth element for the first time.

The earth element is calm and heavy, like huge rocks. Every time Yan Kuan has to release it with all his strength, he drives all the gathered earth elements out in one go and builds a rock barrier.

It was like pushing a boulder uphill. He had to maintain all his strength to push the boulder to the top of the slope, otherwise he would be extremely vulnerable to backlash.

However, Chen Bugu's words just now undoubtedly told him to control his strength, stop at a fixed point halfway up the slope, and then move forward steadily again.

To create a wall, he only needed to use all his strength in one breath to push out all the earth elements he summoned.

But to leave a hole, some earth elements must stay with him.

He needs more precise control over the earth element.

Chen Bugu's words gave Yan Kuan a new idea. If he could really master it, his [Earth Element] would no longer be just for defense, but would have more powerful auxiliary and support capabilities.

"Take a rest. Later, when your mental strength has recovered, you can try it first."

Chen Bugu patted Yan Kuan on the shoulder. He completely believed in Yan Kuan.

Yan Kuan's stone wall is the key to Chen Bugu's plan, followed by the [Lianxin Crossbow].

This green weapon paired with the "Heart-to-Heart" skill can basically defeat the Scarlet Hound instantly in an unexpected situation.

But hit rate is key.

According to the sensitivity of the Scarlet Hound, and with his current physical fitness and reaction speed, it is not easy to hit them in a head-on battle.

"Do we have to fight those monsters with our lives?"

"Is it possible that we can rely on the stone wall built by Yan Kuan [Earth Elemental] to hold on until someone comes to rescue us?"

Lin Lin expressed her thoughts.

Before meeting Chen Bugu, through the wide stone wall, they witnessed with their own eyes how the scarlet hound slaughtered the people in the tunnel.

It's not that no one has used supernatural powers to resist, but it's almost like a mantis trying to use his power as a chariot.

When they saw Chen Bugu and Lin Ye saying that they wanted to rescue them, they were actually happy inside.

After all, although Yan Kuan's [Earth Element] can continuously build stone walls, when surrounded by those monsters, their living space will only continue to be compressed, and they will soon face death.

However, the situation is different now.

Everyone relied on the horizontal hole, and the living space behind them was completely sufficient. As long as Yan Kuan kept updating the stone wall, they would have enough time to wait for rescue.

Therefore, instead of trying to kill those monsters, Lin Lin felt that defending and waiting for rescue was a better choice.

After listening, Chen Bugu explained to Lin Lin and others what Lao Liu had discovered previously.

He could actually understand it, after all, many people were drinking coffee this morning and living leisurely on campus or in office buildings.

In the blink of an eye, he had to fight for his life with some murderous monsters. Chen Bugu had also experienced the feeling of collapse and wanting to escape.

In the last life, when Chen Bugu realized that others had powers that could save their lives, he felt despair.

Because apart from being able to be resurrected once, he has no capital to survive in the early stage.

It wasn't until he later learned some skills through props and became proficient in using bows and crossbows that he was able to protect himself.

In countless life-and-death situations, Chen Bugu thought he would be the first to die.

Unexpectedly, he survived by chance again and again until three years later.

When Chen Bugu finished explaining the situation in the tunnel, everyone fell silent.

"how come…"

The circulation of the tunnel is a huge bad news for Lin Lin and others who have been waiting for rescue.

"The situation may get worse in the future..."

"However, fear and avoidance will only lead to death, and waiting and dependence are not good news for the weak..."

Chen Bugu said this not only to Lin Lin, but also to other people present.

Bai Ting stared at Chen Bugu, seemingly thoughtful.

Lin Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, added in a very derogatory manner: "I didn't expect you to be quite good at it."

Chen Bugu ignored her. He walked aside and threw the [Lianxin Crossbow] in his hand to Bai Ting.

"The next arrow is yours."

Bai Ting was stunned for a moment, but without any pretense, he took it and began to observe the weapon and try to wind it.

Chen Bugu's [Cracked] currently does not show any attack power, and even after upgrading, his combat power will only increase to a limited extent.

If Yan Kuan could successfully complete Chen Bugu's arrangement, then this arrow would be almost certain to kill.

With the energy brought to his lips, Chen Bugu thought twice and decided to give it to Bai Ting.

Although Bai Ting had done his best to kill the scarlet hound just now, most of the energy was eventually absorbed by Chen Bugu.

Now, Chen Bugu urgently needs to strengthen the team's combat effectiveness.

In other words, Bai Ting, as the strongest combat player in the team, needs to be upgraded first.

After all, no one can predict what will happen next.

Bai Ting's fighting consciousness and ability have been glimpsed in the counterattack just now. Although he looks bad, he is still reliable. Strengthening him first will definitely give the team greater insurance.

Moreover, except for Lin Xiaoxiao, no one else knows yet that energy can be obtained by killing monsters, so there is no need to worry about everyone competing for this arrow.

After everyone heard Chen Bugu's plan, they had no objections and went to rest.

Lin Lin and Lin Xiaoxiao sat on one side chatting, while Lin Ye returned to the storage room. He said he was going to look for anything that could be useful.

Wang Bin took his mobile phone to look for a signal. Although Chen Bugu reminded him, he still didn't believe in evil and wanted to try it himself.

Lao Liu kept looking through his pockets and followed Lin Ye back to the storage room, as if he was looking for something.

Bai Ting was practicing the use of [Lianxin Crossbow] on the side.

Twenty minutes later, Yan Kuan stood up from where he was, stretched his hands forward, spread his fingers, a silver light flashed in his eyes, and the [Earth Element] activated again.

Everyone saw a stone wall slowly rising from the ground.

This time the stone wall did not rise as fast as before, but the stone wall had a curvature and was no longer the straight rectangle it had been before.

Yan Kuan was sweating profusely and it was obvious that he was struggling.

The stone wall slowly rose upwards, and soon reached the height where Chen Bugu said he wanted to leave a hole.

But Yan Kuan seemed to be unable to meet Chen Bugu's requirements. Although the stone wall was curved, there was no way to leave a hole.

"Press your hands on the ground to communicate with more earth elements!"

Chen Bugu gave timely reminder.

The earth element under the earth is four to five times that floating in the air. This is what Yan Kuan in the previous life once told him.

Chen Bugu clearly remembered that in a formal battle in his previous life, Yan Kuan always pressed his hands on the ground when releasing his powers.

At this moment, Yan Kuan saw that there was no hope of leaving a hole, so he simply listened to Chen Bugu's words.

He squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground. The moment he felt countless earth elements under the earth gathering towards him.

There was no time to be surprised, Yan Kuan felt that he could control the shape of the stone wall more easily.

It was as if the boulder, halfway uphill, suddenly became hollow and he was able to stop it firmly.

The stone wall closed, and a hole the size of a washbasin appeared at the location where Chen Bugu had indicated.

"I tried my best. The wall before will collapse in five minutes at most. I'll leave the rest to you."

Yan Kuan was breathing heavily and sweating profusely.

Although he said he was trying his best, his face was filled with joy.

Chen Bugu gave Yan Kuan a thumbs up, then turned to look at Bai Ting.

Bai Ting understood what Chen Bugu meant. There was no problem with Yan Kuan's part, and he would be next.

Time passes minute by minute.

After Yan Kuan's reminder, Bai Ting stood three meters in front of the hole before the last minute.

At this distance, he can guarantee that he will hit the target.

Everyone except Bai Ting had already stood to one side.

Wang Bin has already held a fireball in his right hand.

Bai Ting had fixed the string early. He raised the [Lianxin Crossbow] and pointed it at the hole, waiting quietly.

Suddenly, there was a soft sound, and everyone's hearts rose to their throats except Chen Bugu.

Bai Ting seemed calm, but veins popped out in his left hand holding the crossbow arm.


Through the hole, everyone could clearly see that the stone wall behind collapsed.

With roars, the head of a scarlet hound emerged from the hole.

The next second, there were two arrows and a red light...

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