Chen Bugu walked up to Xuangui, clasped his hands together, and bowed.

Then he took out the [Short Wind Blade] and climbed onto the black turtle's back.

After the black turtle dies, the shell becomes dry and shriveled, and can be easily broken by a sharp blade falling on it.

Chen Bugu chiseled open the tortoise shell, cut open the flesh and blood, inserted his whole right arm into it, groped repeatedly, and finally took out a bead the size of a billiard ball.

The beads are light blue and completely transparent. When exposed to the air, cold air flows around the body.

If you look closely, you can see an illusory turtle inside the transparent bead.

The little turtle is suspended in the middle of the bead, with its four claws closed, its eyes closed, and the small black snake at its tail curled into a circle.

The beast spirit of the black turtle!

Black iron-level monsters will produce beast crystals after they enter a high level. The higher the level of monsters, the fewer impurities inside the beast crystals;

For silver-level monsters, the beast crystal will transform into a beast elixir with concentrated energy. The beast elixir is transparent, and the internal energy surges, and different attributes and characteristics show different colors;

When a Warcraft enters the gold level, the energy inside the Beast Pill will condense into an illusory incarnation. The incarnation will appear as a Warcraft larvae at the beginning of its birth, becoming the embryo of the second soul of the Warcraft, and is therefore called a beast spirit.

However, the beast spirit that has not opened its eyes is more like a baby waiting to be delivered. Once the body of the monster dies, the beast spirit will disappear completely within an hour.

According to rumors, when a Warcraft breaks through the gold level, the incarnation in the beast spirit will open its eyes, break free of the layer of beads, and truly become the second life of the Warcraft.

At that time, the beast spirit can break away from the body and act independently, but the beast spirit will not die and the monster will not be destroyed. Even if the body is shattered into pieces, as long as the beast spirit hides, the monster will not truly die.

However, these are all rumors...

Can the gold level be broken through?

Chen Bugu didn't know.

Based on what he had seen in his previous life, he had never heard of existences above the gold level, whether from various races or monsters.

Or maybe it is because all races have not found a way to break through the gold level, so the gold level has become the ceiling?

After all, every major leap is not just a simple accumulation of energy, which is why Obsidian Town cannot give birth to a silver-level powerhouse.

The same is true for Warcraft. Although the bloodline determines the lower limit, the upper limit of the individual is not restricted. Just like the ice-armored snapping turtle, Chen Bugu also saw individuals in the far north who had already broken through the black iron level.

Warcraft's leap in large levels is by no means a pure energy plunder.

According to the research findings of various races, there are only three ways for Warcraft to achieve a staged level leap.

The first is a natural mutant.

The second type is blood inheritance such as royal family.

The third type is to devour other life entities who are also in the interval of level breakthrough.

In other words, if a black iron nine-star peak monster eats Chen Bugu, it will be able to break through to the silver level.

This point has also been summed up through the continuous battles between various races and monsters over the long years.

Among the three ways, the first two are present when you are born, and if you don’t have them, you don’t have them.

Only the third type can be realized through the day after tomorrow.

Chen Bugu didn't know whether this was still applicable to the Golden Nine-Star Peak Warcraft.

After all, at that level, the intelligence of Warcraft is not inferior to that of humans. It would be as difficult as climbing to the sky to devour a strong person of the same level. Naturally, they also know how to make trade-offs.

But I have never heard of a gold-level monster that can cause the beast spirit to awaken.

This is also the case with Black Turtle.

The beast spirit in this state can be used as a smelting material for equipment. If you are a top craftsman, you may be able to implant the unawakened beast spirit into the equipment to help equip the awakened weapon spirit.

It's just that the conditions for using animal spirits as smelting materials are too harsh.

The beast spirit dissipates too quickly, so either top craftsmen must be brought to the battlefield, or items that can nourish the soul must be used to preserve the beast spirit, but even so, the success rate of the weapon spirit awakening is not 100%.

Secondly, it is used to feed battle pets and transform bloodlines.

This is also the last gift that Xuangui left to "Amon".

Chen Bugu gently placed the beast spirit of Xuangui in front of "Amen", but saw "Amen" shake his head.

"This is what the big guy meant."

"It said, if you eat this, you can help me next time."

Chen Bugu did not lie, Xuangui did say it, but expressed it differently.

"Amon" hesitated for a moment after hearing this, then slowly walked forward and swallowed the beast spirit in one gulp.

After swallowing it, "Amon" quickly fell into a deep sleep, with his limbs, head and tail retracted into the turtle shell.

The edge of the dark red turtle shell released a faint black mist, which disappeared after touching the gray-black ice on "Amon's" back.

"Amon" already possesses part of the black turtle's origin, so absorbing its animal spirit is naturally a matter of course.

However, along with the black turtle's origin being integrated into "Amon", there is also a small amount of demonic energy.

They originally thought that Lin Lin's "holy light" had purified the black mist for them, but now it seems that it may just be because Chen Bugu is less contaminated.

But "Amon" is different. The black mist on its body comes from the origin of the black turtle, which means that these black mist will exist with "Amon". Lin Lin's [Holy Light] obviously cannot be eliminated, and at most it can only Weaken.

Even if he is as strong as Black Turtle, he will eventually be affected and demonized by these black mist, let alone "Amon".

Therefore, this is another reason why Xuangui insists on leaving the beast spirit to "Amon".

Black Mist is always a time bomb. If "Amon" does not grow as well as Black Mist, it will one day follow in the footsteps of Black Turtle.

And "Amon", who has absorbed the black turtle beast spirit, no longer needs to worry about Black Mist's counterattack in the short term.

As for the long term... Xuangui also said that the rest will be left to Chen Bugu.

The original purpose of returning to the Forest of Beginnings was to avoid being chased by the "Cross Street", but I never expected to be involved in this incident.

However, judging from Xuangui's memories, the cause and effect had actually been planted long ago.

For more than a day, Chen Bugu felt a little illusory as he made breakthroughs one after another.

But the black turtle's corpse in front of him confirmed that everything was so real.

The black turtle was too big to be buried, so Chen Bugu finally had to cremate the black turtle with a purple fire.

According to Black Turtle, there must be companions of the men in black robes in this forest, and the battle that broke out here was quite loud and the fire was very eye-catching.

He didn't know how long it would take for Amon to absorb the beast spirit. Staying where he was would only cause trouble.

In the process of absorbing the black turtle spirit, "Amon" cannot be disturbed in any way. For this reason, Chen Bugu must find a safe place as much as possible.

In the purple firelight, Chen Bugu picked up the sleeping "Amon" and quickly disappeared into the forest, leaving only the rocky beach that had long been changed beyond recognition.

At the same time, in Obsidian Town, inside the "Cross Street"...

Alec crushed the cup in his hand!

"A bunch of trash!"

"It's all rubbish!"

After Chen Bugu left, Alek had sent someone to find out all his information.

After learning that he had several companions, "Cross Street" issued a wanted notice.

During the day today, someone seemed to have spotted Chen Bugu's companions around the "Unjust Hall".

Alek immediately took the people there, but was unexpectedly blocked by Liu Chengfeng who had just walked out when passing the "Injustice Hall".

In the end, not only did they lose their lives in vain, but they were also killed by a man in a white suit.

Alek was furious and ordered a search along the ten miles around Obsidian Town. At this moment, there was still no harvest.

"Pass me an order. Starting tomorrow, all members will stop their missions and conduct a carpet search with Obsidian Town as the center, and keep searching outwards! Until they find each other!"

"In addition, from now on, people who see the 'Injustice Hall' outside the town do not need to continue to hide and tuck them in. They just need to be clean and neat with their hands and feet so as not to be discovered. There is no need to hand over or report the proceeds from the murder."

"Hmph, Buyi Hall, Liu Chengfeng..."

Chen Bugu wanted to join the "Unjust Hall". Many people on the South City Wall had heard about it, and it was not a secret.

In addition, this time, his companions are suspected to have appeared around the "Injustice Hall"...

Is this really treating Alek like a monkey?

Alek looked gloomy and walked back to the inner courtyard, leaving everyone in front of the hall looking at each other in shock, not daring to speak.

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