After Chen Bugu left the "Unjust Hall", he walked straight towards the south of the city.

The news that he killed Alek with one arrow must have spread throughout the town by now.

In this case, Liu Chengfeng invited Master Fran from the dwarf tribe.

And if Jiang Sisi came to the door empty-handed, it would be okay. If she brought something with her, it must be the mayor's intention.

At this point, Jiang Sisi, who represented the town's main palace, and Master Fran, who represented the dwarves, came to the "Injustice Hall" at the same time.

Chen Bugu could also roughly guess the conversation at the next dinner from Mr. Zhou's prompts.

This is why he found excuses to leave.

When Chen Bugu became Jiuxing and shouted the word "hall master" to Liu Chengfeng in public, things were destined to develop in this direction.

He didn't stay at that dinner party because he knew that he couldn't stay in Obsidian Town forever.

Bai Ting and others left. He had also reached the bottleneck of Black Iron Nine Stars, and he would definitely go towards Gaotian City next.

In this case, to avoid that situation, even if he is really talked about, as long as he is not present, then letting Mr. Zhou brag for him is Schrödinger's promise.

On the other hand, to say the least, once the conversation breaks down, his absence will avoid embarrassment.

Judging from the information disclosed by Mr. Zhou, the next move of "Unjust Hall" will be so big that it will completely change the pattern of Obsidian Town, which is something he has never experienced in his previous life.

His "butterfly" flapped its wings and eventually caused the storm to appear.

Many things in this life are moving in new directions.

But Chen Bugu believes that this is a good change for both "Buyitang" and him.

Therefore, before leaving, he did not mention Jiang Sisi and Master Fran. Instead, he specifically said that the Town Lord's Mansion and the dwarves were kind to him.

He believed that Mr. Zhou understood the meaning of this sentence.

Chen Bugu thought as he left Obsidian Town from the gate of the south city wall.

At the same time, Liu Chengfeng took Jiang Sisi and Master Fran into the side hall.

There was a round table in the center of the side hall, and Mr. Zhou was serving several plates of dishes.

"Stir-fried pork belly, shredded orange banana taro, pickled wine with fruit slices, steamed saury... It seems that today is a bit of a treat." Jiang Sisi looked at the dishes in front of her and sat down gracefully.

Master Fran sat down directly without waiting for a greeting.

As Liu Chengfeng, Hong Ziyu and Mr. Zhou sat down one after another, the simple meal began.

As soon as the vegetables were put into the bowl, Jiang Sisi took the initiative to speak.

"Hall Master Liu, I just heard some rumors on the way here, but I don't know whether to take them seriously or not."

"Ms. Jiang, just say it's okay."

After Liu Chengfeng said these words, even Hong Ziyu and Mr. Zhou stopped their chopsticks and waited quietly for Jiang Sisi's next words.

Only Master Fran still ate the food with concentration. It must be said that human beings' culinary attainments are far beyond what the dwarves can match.

"I heard that 'Buyi Tang' will start annexing 'Cross Street' tomorrow. I wonder if this is a rumor? Or is it true?" Jiang Sisi asked casually, biting the food in her mouth.

"This is a fact." Liu Chengfeng said concisely and to the point.

"Hall Master Liu, look at this swordtail fish meat. Although the meat is firm and delicious, it is very filling. If you eat it too fast, you will inevitably overfill yourself. You have to chew it carefully and slowly."

Jiang Sisi picked up a piece of fish, brought it to her mouth, took a bite, and put it back in the bowl.

"Ms. Jiang, you have also seen that Chen Bugu and I are in our youth. Young people always have better appetites, so it doesn't hurt to eat more." Liu Chengfeng also picked up a piece of swordtail fish meat, threw it directly into his mouth, and took a big mouthful. Chew it up.

"Really? But I have always heard that Hall Master Liu is not a glutton. What made you make such a change?"

"Ms. Jiang may have misunderstood. I have always been a glutton, but I had hoped that everyone would be full, so I didn't want to compete with others. But unexpectedly, I allowed Xiao Xiao to put his knife and fork into other people's bowls at will, causing those who were full to eat. It is tasteless and makes the poor and weak become skinny."

"In this case, we should simply be greedy, otherwise one day in the future, we will become swordtail meat on other people's chopping boards. What do you think?"

Jiang Sisi was silent for a moment, then sighed and continued.

"Hall Master Liu, the clans will not let the 'Buyitang' family dominate. You should understand that the clans I am talking about are not the clans in Obsidian Town."

How could Liu Chengfeng not understand what Jiang Sisi meant.

He didn't know when the various races came to the Zero Realm, but it was obvious that the time they spent developing in the Zero Realm was far beyond what the human race could compare to.

Judging from the information that the "Injustice Hall" can obtain, the earliest known human being who entered the Zero Realm was only in the past fifty years, and that person had already died at the mouth of the monster.

But looking at the various races, it seems that except for the Storm Clan, the other races have taken root in the Zero Realm for a hundred years or even longer.

Nagas, devil lizards, dwarves, elves and other major races are widely distributed throughout the Zero Realm.

Obsidian Town belongs to the Middle-earth region, and the nearest large city is Gaotian City.

No one would believe it if the various clans in the town had no superior power in Gaotian City.

When Liu Chengfeng established his authority for the "Unjust Hall", he killed two clan leaders.

After that, the mayor came to him late one night and conveyed a warning from certain forces in Gaotian City in a subtle way.

Later, Liu Chengfeng made a special trip to Gaotian City.

But after coming back, this once arrogant hall master changed.

He found an excuse to shrink the size of the "Injustice Hall" and curb all his strengths.

Except for Hong Ziyu and Mr. Zhou, no one knows what he experienced in Gaotian City.

"Hall Master Liu, do you know the history of the Storm Clan?"

Jiang Sisi changed the subject and continued.

"The main reason why I joined the Town Lord's Mansion was because I heard that the Storm Tribe was the last race to appear. I think many questions can be answered from their mouths."

"It's a pity that whenever I touch on some truthful information, my [confusion] loses its effect, and I can't find anything. But fortunately, I know some past events of the Storm Clan, which is enough for our reference."

"Hall Master Liu must have heard that during the prosperity of the Storm Clan, there was more than one Nine Star in Obsidian Town. They never thought of taking over the whole town, but they failed, and it was a disastrous defeat that severely damaged their vitality."

"The appearance of long-term stability in Obsidian Town is due to the agreement reached by the various races. They will not interfere in ordinary battles, but if Obsidian Town becomes the one-spoken hall of the human race, then I am afraid they will forcefully interfere. This is also the meaning of the mayor, The history of the Storm Clan being suppressed is not long ago, and he does not want the human race to repeat the same mistakes."

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