Liu Chengfeng held the lid of the cup with his left hand, gently scraped the tea leaves from the top of the water, blew on it, and shook his head.

"You mean you don't know? Or not?"

When Jiang Sisi saw Liu Chengfeng shaking his head, she didn't know what he meant. It couldn't be that he was really cooling off.

"I don't know, but one thing is for sure,"

"Oh, what is it?"

"Whether it is the Storm Clan or the Dwarves, for some unknown reason, they know part of the truth but cannot tell it. At present, it seems that only the human race is completely kept in the dark."

Hong Ziyu sat on one side, looked at Liu Chengfeng, then at Jiang Sisi, and finally looked at Mr. Zhou who had just walked in as if asking for help.

"What are they talking about? What did the dwarf say?"

Zhou Laowu sat beside Hong Ziyu and explained solemnly.

"He said that the higher-ups will not let humans become the masters of Obsidian Town."

"What's wrong with this sentence? What's the problem?" Hong Ziyu still didn't understand.

"First, the hall master said that the various tribes above are suppressing the human race, but this is just the hall master's speculation. The dwarves are also one of the various tribes. Master Fran heard it but did not deny it."

"Wait, I see that he has been eating just like me. What if he just didn't notice?"

During the meal just now, Hong Ziyu ate very seriously because those dishes were his favorites.

"Second, even if Master Fran really didn't hear that sentence, it's unreasonable. Because whether it's us or that girl, when we talk about Obsidian Town, we all start from the 'Unjust Hall'. No mention of humans."

"But Master Fran's original words are that the higher-ups will not let the human race become the master of Obsidian Town. Have you noticed? It's the human race, not the 'Injustice Hall'. This is almost equivalent to admitting that they are suppressing the development of the human race. .”

Hong Ziyu was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't expect this step at all.

"What if Master Fran is just talking?"

"Hey, little brother, don't underestimate Master Fran. His mind is much more delicate than it looks on the outside."

Judging from Jiang Sisi's observation of Fran and the information she had, although the dwarf master was irritable, he was rough and tumble, and most likely he let the news slip on purpose.

"Yes, but what are the various tribes trying to do? With the force of their own tribe in Gaotian City, if they really want to destroy us, there is no need to go to such trouble."

Mr. Zhou rubbed his brows. Although they had already guessed, when the human race's situation was really confirmed, it still gave them a headache.

"Hall Master Liu, what do you think their purpose is?"

Jiang Sisi looked again at Liu Chengfeng, who was silent.

Previously, Master Fran was present, and they were the three parties representing different forces.

But after Master Fran left, Jiang Sisi's position became very subtle. She could represent "them" in the town's mansion, or she could represent "us" in the human race.



"They seem to be... keeping humans in captivity."

"What does Hall Master Liu mean?"

Although Jiang Sisi heard the unexpected answer as she wished, it was really difficult to understand the answer.

"Ms. Jiang, have you ever thought about it. Obsidian Town has been established for a long time. We have only been here for a year or two, but both the 'Unjust Hall' and the 'Cross Street' are considered to be the first-class forces in the town. , why should we?”

After Liu Chengfeng said this, Jiang Sisi realized this strange problem.

After all, she had only been in the town for a short time and had not experienced the rise of ‘Unjust Hall’ and ‘Cross Street’, so she was naturally not as sensitive to changes in these things as Liu Chengfeng.

"I didn't understand it at first. I thought that the strong men from all races would go to Gaotian City after breaking through to the Nine Stars. This led to the lack of high-end combat power and the opportunity was seized by the human race with a shallow foundation."

"But, later I discovered that this was not the main reason."

"Ms. Jiang, have you ever noticed how many people from the Storm Clan in the Town Lord's Mansion broke through after the last beast wave?"

When Liu Chengfeng asked this question, Jiang Sisi's brows furrowed even deeper.

She thought carefully and discovered that after the beast wave passed, there were very few breakthroughs among the Storm Clan.

"Have you noticed? The human race breaks through much faster than other races."

"If we want to go further after reaching the Black Iron Nine Stars, we must go to Gaotian City, but Gaotian City does not have the human race's own power."

"In order to seek further breakthroughs, attachment seems to be the only way out."

"The human race is like a race in captivity. For certain purposes, each race restricts resources and strictly controls the number of us 'released' to ensure that we do not lose control."

"Although there are some issues that I still can't figure out, the situation of the human race seems not to be optimistic."

"After coming to Obsidian Town, because of the safe environment, the evolution speed of many people has slowed down. This is understandable, but because of this, it is even more critical for us to grasp Obsidian Town."

As Liu Chengfeng finished his last words, the sky outside just turned dark.

Two children who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old walked into the side hall, activated the electric crystal in front of the hall, and then jumped up and down, chasing each other away.

The lobby lit up, and on the wall behind Liu Chengfeng, a plaque with the name "Unjust Hall" was hung high in the hall, and on the wall below it was written the motto "Heaven and earth are unkind, and everyone is unjust."

Jiang Sisi originally felt that Liu Chengfeng's life was very tiring. After all, he always talked about racial injustice, which she could not understand.

In Jiang Sisi's view, under the iron law of the jungle in another world, egoism is the key to becoming stronger and surviving.

But when she saw the two children and the instructions on the wall, she actually understood a little bit.

Different from the hypocritical nobility, she saw in this man a true "chivalrous man who serves the country and the people."

Although Jiang Sisi still thinks that Liu Chengfeng is thinking too far, the game of race will one day turn into a giant wheel and roll over everyone.

Not everyone has the ability to stop the giant ship.

It is a good thing if someone who has taken the lead is willing to rally everyone to come forward before they are shattered to pieces.

Jiang Sisi drank all the tea in the cup and then stood up.

"Hall Master Liu, don't worry, I won't eat today's meal in vain. The Storm Clan has been suppressed by other tribes before, so we may not be able to agree with them."

"Although the alliance will encroach on the rights and interests of the Town Lord's Mansion to a certain extent, Obsidian Town is still based on strength, and the Town Lord's Mansion has long been in name only."

"Judging from the mayor's intention, as long as the benefits are distributed reasonably, I believe that the Storm Clan will be the best 'accomplices' of the human race."

"It's getting late today, so I won't bother you anymore so I can go back and report to the mayor."

After Jiang Sisi finished speaking, she walked towards the door.

Liu Chengfeng and Mr. Zhou got up and saw each other off until they arrived at the gate of "Unjust Hall".

After Jiang Sisi took a few steps, she suddenly turned back and asked.

"By the way, Hall Master Liu, I'm curious about something else."

"In the beginning, you deliberately allowed Cross Street to grow, right?"

Liu Chengfeng did not answer, but continued to wave goodbye to Jiang Sisi.

Jiang Sisi saw this and stopped asking questions, turned around and walked away.

She already had her answer.

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