When Chen Bugu walked into the "Unjust Hall", Mr. Zhou and Hong Ziyu were squatting in the courtyard to wash together.

The two of them had their mouths full of foam and extended their hands to greet Chen Bugu.

"Everyone has a share. I don't have much white toothpaste left, so you can join me."

Hong Ziyu handed over a toothbrush and invited Chen Bugu to squat down together.

Chen Bugu somehow did not refuse.

The toothbrush handed over by Hong Ziyu is a commodity that can be seen everywhere in the town. Since the various ethnic groups have developed in the town, some of the most basic daily necessities have been able to be mass-produced.

As for the tube of "white man's toothpaste", it was probably Hong Ziyu's personal property. After all, Chen Bugu had the impression that various races had always used the glands of some kind of fish monster to make toiletries.

Gradually, several more members squatted beside them silently and deceitfully squeezed a small tube of toothpaste from Hong Ziyu's hand.

The deputy hall master was so angry that he picked up a spear and chased these people all over the courtyard, shouting that he would take them to the martial arts training ground in the side courtyard to practice.

Everyone in the hall knows that Liu Chengfeng has practiced ancient Chinese martial arts since he was a child. The first thing he did after founding the "Unjust Hall" was to build a martial arts training ground in the side courtyard to teach members martial arts on a daily basis.

After awakening the [Sword God], Liu Chengfeng combined and improved it with the Xingyi Five Elements Sword Technique he had learned since childhood, creating a series of sword techniques unique to him.

Chen Bugu had heard that with this sword skill, Liu Chengfeng once easily defeated the mayor of Jiuxing in ten moves. This is why he is known as the best person in Obsidian.

Even though Hong Ziyu was a casual person, in Chen Bugu's impression, this guy was a prodigy in martial arts. He could wield a Overlord Spear with style, and combined with his wind attribute, he had few opponents in the town.

If this guy wasn't too casual and often lazy and misbehaved, he would probably become the second Liu Chengfeng before long.

Mr. Zhou spit out the water in his mouth along with the foam, then lifted up his clothes and wiped his face. Finally, he naturally used [gravity] to push Hong Ziyu and others to the ground.

"That's it for a few of them. Just get used to it and leave them alone."

After Mr. Zhou finished speaking, he patted Chen Bugu on the shoulder and motioned to wait for him in the inner hall.

Chen Bugu smiled. Mr. Zhou didn't know that it was this atmosphere that he missed.

When Chen Bugu walked into the inner hall, he found Liu Chengfeng already sitting in the hall, and Mr. Zhou also took a letter from him and read it carefully.

"What's this?"

Chen Bugu took the fruit from Liu Chengfeng, took a bite, looked at the letter in Mr. Zhou's hand and asked curiously.

"A letter from Tie Che, the leader of the Demon Lizard Clan, expressing his approval and support for the idea of ​​establishing an alliance."

Liu Chengfeng sat back down and told Chen Bugu about the discussions and decisions at yesterday's dinner.

Chen Bugu was not surprised when he heard this.

Rather than not being surprised, it is better to say that I had expected it.

Merge "Cross Street", establish the "Obsidian Alliance", and use "Obsidian Town" as a springboard for the human race to march into Gaotian City...

Liu Chengfeng also proposed this plan in his previous life.

However, this plan was implemented more than half a year later in the previous life. At that time, Hong Ziyu broke through to the Nine Stars, and Liu Hong and Liu Hong jointly launched an attack on the "Cross Street".

Unfortunately, by then, "Cross Street" already had its third nine stars.

The result of both "Unjust Hall" and "Cross Street" being harmed also forced this plan to fail in the first step.

In that battle, Liu Chengfeng was seriously injured by Dongcheng Xiuwu and Alek, and lost an arm. Later, he contracted a difficult disease for no apparent reason and died within three months.

After Liu Chengfeng's death, "Unjust Hall" lost its soul. Hong Ziyu blamed himself for drinking all day long, and Mr. Zhou also left disheartened.

The members of "Injustice Hall" left one after another, and soon they were no longer what they used to be.

Chen Bugu once witnessed the decline of "Unjust Hall" step by step, and everything started from this plan.

In this life, due to the appearance of Chen Bugu, the brainworm did not break through the southern city wall, and many people who would have died survived. Liu Chengfeng also saw clearly the faces of Alek and Dongcheng Xiuwu in time.

Whether it was the strength of Chen Bugu's Nine Stars or the deaths of Alek and Dongcheng Xiuwu, they directly catalyzed the plan to be put on the agenda at this moment.

Now it seems that both the Town Lord's Mansion and the Storm Clan it represents, as well as the Dwarf Clan and the Demon Lizard Clan have all agreed to Liu Chengfeng's proposal.

It's understandable when you think about it. After all, the "Unjust Hall" now has two nine stars, which almost represents the strongest combat power in the entire Obsidian Town.

Needless to say, Liu Chengfeng's feat of killing ninety-seven people a year ago still impressed everyone, and all races were unwilling to provoke this madman.

But Chen Bugu is even more prosperous...

To all races, this person appeared out of nowhere, and as soon as he appeared on the scene, he killed brainworms in the beast tide and made a splash.

At that time, Chen Bugu entered the field of vision of various ethnic groups for the first time. Although he was outstanding, he still failed to attract attention.

Unexpectedly, one day after the beast tide receded, he killed Hidego Higashikata, made a big fuss at the "Cross Street" dinner, and finally retreated calmly under Alek's pursuit.

It was then that the leaders of the various clans realized that this was another madman.

Fortunately, in less than a week, this madman returned and not only broke through the nine stars, but also killed Alek.

At this point, Chen Bugu was even more dangerous than Liu Chengfeng in the eyes of the senior officials of the various clans in Black Obsidian Town.

One madman is already difficult to deal with, and no one wants to face two at the same time.

"Oh, yes, the Naga clan's letter was also delivered this morning. Do you want to read it?"

"I won't watch it."

"You really don't want to see it? It's mostly because of you that they are so happy."

"No, if you need me to do anything, just tell me, Hall Master."

"Hahahaha, Chen Bugu, I don't know why, but I always feel like we have known each other for a long time."

Liu Chengfeng looked at Chen Bugu and didn't know why, he just liked him.

But these words made Chen Bugu's hair stand on end, and he almost thought Liu Chengfeng was reborn.

"By the way, Hall Master, is Alec's 'Silver Star Shuriken' okay?"

Chen Bugu tried to ask. After all, it meant that there was probably someone from "Tiangong Pavilion" behind Alek.

"Speaking of this, it's my fault that I didn't know when he got in touch with Tiangong Pavilion."

Mr. Zhou put down the letter in his hand. He only found out yesterday that Alek possessed the "Silver Star Shuriken".

For him, who is in charge of intelligence work, the hostile forces have tools that can seriously injure or even kill Liu Chengfeng, but they are completely unaware of it. This is undoubtedly a huge dereliction of duty.

"It's okay, Mr. Zhou. It was difficult for us to obtain Gao Tiancheng's information in the first place, so we don't have to blame ourselves for this." Liu Chengfeng comforted him.

"Humanity has no power base in Gaotian City, and our understanding of the 'Tiangong Pavilion' is limited. There is no need to cause trouble. When the alliance is established, not everyone in Obsidian Town can manipulate it at will."

Liu Chengfeng seemed to be answering Mr. Zhou, but in fact he was talking to Chen Bugu.

Alek was killed by Chen Bugu. In fact, as long as Liu Chengfeng disowned Chen Bugu, "Buyi Tang" would not need to worry about retaliation from "Tiangong Pavilion".

But Liu Chengfeng would not do this.

Since Chen Bugu calls him "Hall Master", he will naturally take over what happens next.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but I may not be able to stay too long. You know, Bai Ting and the others went to Gaotian City."

"No problem, I just need you to do one thing."

"What's up?"

Liu Chengfeng smiled, looked at Chen Bugu and said word by word.

"do nothing."

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