After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 177 Corpse Thrown On Top Of Cliff

The sun in the zero realm is different from the earth.

Although the laws of day and night are very similar, the sun in this world rises in the west and sets in the east.

After noon, the sun went all the way east and set in the direction of Gaotian City.

At this moment, although it was only afternoon, the place where Chen Bugu was gradually became dark and gloomy, almost the same as night.

As they headed east and climbed over the last mountain, the surrounding forests gradually became sparse, and the cliff hundreds of meters high easily broke into the sight of several people.

The cliff is so high that it blocks the sunlight, completely shrouding the last part of the journey in its shadow.

"We're almost there, but we can't leave today."

Xing Yifu slowed down and reminded Chen Bugu in time.

There are many magical beasts similar to dry rock spiders living on the cliffs. Even if their strength is aside, this group of magical beasts also occupies an unparalleled natural advantage on the terrain.

Once they choose to climb a cliff, they must work hard to reach the top.

But without light, the difficulty of climbing the cliff will skyrocket.

On the other hand, their current location happened to be the buffer zone between hills and cliffs. There were few magical beasts and the view was wide. It was a good place to rest.

"Well, just rest here. We will try our best to climb to the top at sunrise tomorrow." Chen Bugu nodded.

Xing Yifu originally wanted to explain why he couldn't continue on his way, but Chen Bugu's answer clearly made him understand the reason.

Chen Bugu lit a bonfire, used a short blade to pierce the thawed animal meat, and roasted it on the fire.

"You humans are really interesting. Not only do you have all kinds of strange abilities, you also seem to be able to easily borrow the power of elements."

After hearing this, Chen Bugu raised his head slightly and glanced at Alija beside him.

"Listen to what you mean, is it difficult for other races to use elemental power?"

In Chen Bugu's impression, the elves are a very proud and even arrogant race. They look down on other races equally, so they are very exclusive.

Because of this, Chen Bugu had almost no dealings with the elves in his previous life.

It is very rare for an alternative like Eliga to be willing to mix with other races, which may be why she is ostracized within the elves.

"That's not true, it's just that most of the borrowing of elemental power by other races comes from the talents of the race, such as the dwarves' use of earth fire, and the Naga's control of water flow. The fixed elemental power is imprinted on In the blood of their race.”

"But we elves are different. We understand elements, borrow elements, and control elements. We are natural darlings of elements."

"There have been masters of almost all elements in the elves, and this genius is a rare master of dual elements in a hundred years."

When Alicia said this, she had already raised her chin proudly.

"By the way, Alija, I want to ask, since the elves are the darlings of the elements, has there ever been a master of the time and space elements?"

"Time and space? I have no impression of this at all. It's interesting. Where did you hear about it?"

"It's nothing, don't worry..."

Chen Bugu's second ability [Time and Space] is clearly classified as an element, but when he uses skills such as "Bullet Time", he never feels the existence of the corresponding element, which he has never understood.

I wanted to get some information about the elements of time and space from Alija, but maybe Alija was still junior, or maybe she didn’t have enough level, in short she didn’t seem to know.

After the barbecue was completed, Chen Bugu handed it to Xing Yifu and Alijia, but Alijia didn't eat it. According to her, the elves don't like meat.

So, she took the barbecue handed over by Chen Bugu, sprinkled it with her own special spices, and finally succeeded in winning Amon's approval.

While Chen Bugu and others were resting on the spot, a body was thrown down from the cliff not far away.

The corpse bumped against the cliff, and finally fell on a huge spider web between the cliffs.

The spider web trembled, and then seven or eight dry rock spiders emerged from the caves on the cliff. They quickly climbed to the prey that came to the door, and used the corrosive mucus secreted from their mouthparts to kill the dead prey. It was dismembered bit by bit and finally dragged into the cave in pieces.

The eternal wind is still blowing on this cliff. Although the spider webs that have lost their prey are torn and fluttering in the wind, they will soon be repaired by dry rock spiders. No one will know what happened here...

In the southwest corner of Gaotian City, Araki Camp is located here.

Although it is called a camp, the scale of this place is no less than that of an ordinary small village.

A main road runs through the entire camp, and hundreds of strange stone and wooden houses, large and small, are distributed on both sides of the main road.

Between the houses, countless narrow lanes are laid out like capillaries in this camp.

At this moment, Bai Ting and Han Badou were quickly shuttled through these alleys.

"Bato, how's it going?"

Bai Ting was wearing a slightly yellowish white shirt and followed closely behind Han Badou, frowning slightly as he spoke.

"No, I can't find it at all." Han Badou stopped and shook his head helplessly.

Bai Ting was silent for a while, and his eyes glanced at the end of the alley inadvertently for a moment, then looked at Han Badou and nodded.

"I understand, no matter what, let's go back first."


After the two of them finished speaking, they changed direction. After walking around a few corners, they came to the door of a stone house.

The stone house is simple and simple, with a total area of ​​only 20 square meters, but the stone walls are strong and sufficient to protect against wind and cold.

Opening the curtain in front of the door, the two of them walked in one after another.

Yan Kuan, Wang Bin and the Lin sisters were in the house. When they saw the two returning, they hurriedly asked.

"Have you found anyone?"

Han Badou shook his head.

"Badou, is there any omission in the camp?" Yan Kuan asked unwillingly.

"No, I have carefully calculated the surveillance route. The entire camp is covered, but he is still not found. There is a high probability that he is not in the camp." Han Badou replied.

"But we agreed on this time, and he shouldn't leave the camp at this time... Do you two have any ideas?" Yan Kuan looked at Bai Ting and Han Badou.

However, before Bai Ting and Han Badou could answer, Wang Bin, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly spoke.

"Something's wrong, it's such a coincidence. There's no reason for him to miss the appointment. Badou, did you notice any suspicious people when you were monitoring just now?"


After Han Badou finished speaking, everyone except Bai Ting looked at him.

"Although that person was far away, he still entered my monitoring range three times, and the locations where he appeared three times were very far apart. It was obvious that he had been following us. According to this situation, there will be no results if we continue to search, so We’re back.”

"Just as Wang Bin thought, someone is targeting us, but we are not sure which team it is yet." Bai Ting added.

"In that case, do you still want to go tomorrow?"

Lin Lin was worried. She always felt that this was not a good sign.

After hearing this, the other people had no choice but to look at Bai Ting, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Bai Ting lowered his head and pondered, finally took a deep breath, raised his head again, faced everyone's gaze, and spoke firmly.


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