After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 18 Victory In The First Battle

A new piece of information appeared in Chen Bugu's mind.

"Skill: Fireball."

"Introduction: Make a fireball and throw it out~"

"How to use: Press me to pieces! Yes, right now."

"Usage restrictions: No restrictions."

After Chen Bugu activated [Crack], the restrictions on the use of skill balls were erased.

As early as the moment he got the skill ball at the beginning, Chen Bugu thought about whether it was possible to crack it.

But since his mental strength had not yet recovered at that time, he did not try.


The skill ball was crushed into pieces and turned into rays of light that merged into Chen Bugu's body.

"Fireball Technique: Make a fireball and throw it out~"

There was no time to experience it, so Chen Bugu quickly cocked the arrow.

At this moment, Yan Kuan had fallen to the ground, his mental energy was exhausted, and he fainted again.

The scarlet hound, which had lost control, was quickly attacking Chen Bugu again.

The moment Chen Bugu raised the [Lianxin Crossbow] and took aim, the arrowhead of the crossbow instantly glowed red, and then a flame ignited at the arrowhead.

Enchanting completed!

Chen Bugu decisively triggered the crossbow.

An arrow was shot, accurately hitting the scarlet hound's right front leg.

The moment the crossbow hit, the monster's right front leg suddenly burst into flames from the inside out, and it was instantly burned.


The scarlet hound finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

Its right front leg was completely burned, and blood was still flowing from the wound on its abdomen.

I saw it struggling several times, but still unable to stand up.

Chen Bugu then slowly took a few steps forward and at the same time cocked the last crossbow arrow.

When he got closer, he discovered that the wound on the monster's abdomen had been torn even larger due to the fierce battle just now, and his intestines could already be seen faintly exposed.

"Xiaoxiao, Teacher Lin, come here!"

Chen Bugu saw that there were no problems at Bai Ting for the time being, and Lin Lin went to check on Wang Bin's situation, and hurriedly shouted to Lin Xiaoxiao and Lin Ye.

Lin Xiaoxiao walked slowly from not far away. Since she had no mental strength, she could only worry on one side just now and couldn't help at all.

"Which one of you will make up for its last arrow?"

Chen Bugu handed over the [Lianxin Crossbow] with the last crossbow arrow installed in his hand and looked at the two of them.

Lin Ye shook his head. He gave up the arrow to Lin Xiaoxiao and turned towards the one-horned blue sheep.

The one-horned blue sheep was lying quietly on the ground, its breath was weak, and its eyes were dim.

Lin Ye stepped forward and stroked it gently, feeling uncomfortable in his heart.

Because of [Sheep], he can feel the emotions of his summoned beast.

At the last moment, the one-horned blue sheep's only emotion was the fear of death, which also infected Lin Ye.

Whether it was the previous snow antelope or the current one-horned blue sheep, their deaths made Lin Ye feel sad.

Chen Bugu looked at Lin Ye and knew that this was the effect of summoning supernatural powers.

All awakened persons with summoning powers will have strange emotional ties and telepathy with their summoned beasts.

The reason why summoned awakeners are powerful in the later stage is precisely because of this.

After all, one person is an army of powerful summoned supernatural beings.

A general who cares about his soldiers will always be more likely to be loved by the soldiers. This also applies to those who summon supernatural powers.

The last time I saw Teacher Lin in my previous life was when I left the Forest of Beginnings.

At that time, he could already summon three black iron-medium sheep-like monsters at the same time.

When Chen Bugu looked at Lin Ye, Lin Xiaoxiao finally shot the last arrow into the scarlet hound's head.

The scarlet hound, which was already covered in wounds, turned into ashes and disappeared.

The floating energy turned into five groups and floated towards Lin Ye, Wang Bin, Yan Kuan, Chen Bugu and Lin Xiaoxiao respectively.

Lin Xiaoxiao trembled all over and froze on the spot.

Chen Bugu knew that she had also upgraded.

As a result, the current team members who have completed their first breakthrough upgrade include: Chen Bugu, Bai Ting, and Lin Xiaoxiao.

"There's one last one."

Chen Bugu picked up the arrows on the ground as he walked.

"My mental strength hasn't recovered yet, so I'm afraid I won't be able to control it."

"It doesn't matter, I'll do it."

Chen Bugu took a look and used [Crack] to remove the restriction on the skill ball, which cost 10 points of mental power. The enchantment just now also consumed 3 points of mental power.

With his remaining mental power, he could at least shoot two enchanted arrows.

That should be enough.

Bai Ting was gradually starting to feel a little embarrassed at this moment, because the scarlet hound he was fighting was gradually recovering from its paralysis, and its speed was increasing faintly. However, because he had to take into account his mental strength, he could not fight back unscrupulously.

"Bai Ting, hold him back, I'll help you!"

Chen Bugu raised his crossbow and took aim.

Although the battle just now was fierce, it actually did not last long. With their current combat power, they were not qualified to fight a protracted battle with the Scarlet Hound.

So although it was risky, fortunately the battle ended in a short time.

"Lian Xin" is still cooling down, and Chen Bugu can only perform flame enchantment at this moment.

Bai Ting and the Scarlet Hound were both very fast, and Chen Bugu kept moving with them while holding the crossbow in both hands.

"call out!"

An arrow shot through the air and accurately hit the scarlet hound.

The flames ignited instantly.

The monster howled in pain and stagnated.

Bai Ting seized the opportunity and fired out several bolts of lightning, attacking the monster's back.

Thirty seconds later, when Chen Bugu ignited one of the scarlet hound's hind legs with another arrow, it already heralded the end of the battle.

When the last scarlet hound turned into ashes, Chen Bugu sat slumped on the ground.

it's over!

Bai Ting was also a little embarrassed at the moment, his pure white suit jacket was stained with gray.

He patted his suit nonchalantly and looked at the others.

Lao Liu was lying on the ground unconscious at this moment.

Wang Bin's chest was torn apart, and a huge blood mark spread diagonally from his chest down to his thighs. He was still in a coma.

Yan Kuan fainted to the ground again due to mental exhaustion.

The battle situation was really tragic.

Lin Ye followed Lin Lin's instructions and dragged Wang Bin to Lao Liu.

It was easier for her to treat the two injured patients lying together.

Chen Bugu and Lin Xiaoxiao were not injured, but they both slumped on the ground with tired faces.

Although they won this battle, they also paid a huge price.

Chen Bugu didn't know how strong Lin Lin's [Holy Light] healing ability was. After all, healing abilities were rare in the entire magic category.

Some healing powers are more geared toward dispelling negative status, while others are more focused on healing.

Generally, there are healing powers that dispel negative effects. Most of the healing effects can only be used in emergencies, and there is nothing you can do if you are seriously injured.

If he remembered correctly, Lin Lin's [Holy Light] had a sedative effect, so Chen Bugu was not sure about her healing ability.

Wang Bin doesn't need to worry. The scarlet hound's tail is not the main means of attack and has limited lethality.

Although he was hit in the front by the scarlet hound's tail and his skin was bruised, his life was not in danger.

On the contrary, Lao Liu was hit head-on by the scarlet hound sprinting at full speed. On the surface, he looked fine, but his internal organs might have been injured and he might not be able to survive.

"How is Master Liu?"

Lin Xiaoxiao stepped forward and asked Lin Lin.

Old Liu was knocked away by the scarlet hound because he was trying to save her. If it weren't for Old Liu, she would probably be the one lying on the ground unconscious now.

"Master Liu's ribs were broken three times, but I have used [Holy Light] to recover them. He is out of danger. He will wake up after resting for a while, so don't worry."

Lin Lin was sweating profusely and her face was a little pale. It could be seen that she had been treating Lao Liu since just now, and her mental energy should have been almost exhausted.

"That's good."

Lin Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. If Lao Liu died, she really didn't know how to face herself.

Lin Lin's words were a reassurance to Lin Xiaoxiao, but they were no less than a bombshell to Chen Bugu.

Three broken ribs?

back to normal?

How many minutes has it been?

Chen Bugu suddenly realized that Lin Lin's [Holy Light] might have been far underestimated by him.

This therapeutic effect also comes with "sedation". As long as Lin Lin has sufficient mental strength, she can completely ensure that others can fight with all their strength without any worries.

When he looked at Lin Lin again, Chen Bugu's eyes were fiery and he could only think of eight words in his mind.

Move the spring! Top nanny!

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