After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 180 Wang Bin’S Changes

Seeing the pillar of fire rising, Chen Bugu seemed to have thought of something, his eyes flashed with silver light, and he entered "bullet time" directly.

Dragging the afterimage behind him, he quickly rushed to the end of the alley, and then chased in the direction where the two black shadows disappeared. After all, that was also the direction in which the pillar of fire rose.

The houses on both sides kept retreating from him, and the two black figures were easily chased by him, allowing Chen Bugu to see their appearance clearly.

The Mullin tribe!

This is a race of short stature. Their heads resemble mice, with sharp teeth and blue eyes. Several long beards hanging from their mouths can help them better sense changes in the flow of the air and thus detect enemy movements.

This race has always lived underground and has an excellent sense of smell and hearing. The tiny scales on its body are also the sharpest venomous stings. When they raise their dense scales, they are almost the same as cactus with poisonous stings.

Although the individual strength of the Mulin tribe is not high, apart from their appearance, they are very similar to rats in one thing, and that is their extremely strong reproductive ability.

Therefore, this race is numerous and frequently active in the shadows of various camps.

Chen Bugu only glanced at it, then withdrew his attention and continued to run forward.

Finally, after going around another corner, he saw a familiar figure.

The man stood in the middle of the alley, his arms and legs burning with flames, and even the one-inch-long scar on his side of his face was constantly spilling out red flames.

Wang Bin!

Before Chen Bugu could get closer, he saw Wang Bin pounce on the nearest enemy.

That was also a member of the Mulin tribe, and he was currently running towards the door behind Wang Bin with a poison-quenched dagger in his hand.

Wang Bin kicked the weapon out of the Namulin's hand, then opened his arms and hugged the short Mulin tightly.

Immediately afterwards, in everyone's eyes, Wang Bin's entire body was engulfed in flames and turned into a complete "burning man".

In the black holes in the eyes of "Burning Man", there is an emotion that is more manic than the flames. It is the ultimate madness.

Following his roar, another pillar of fire rose into the sky.

When the flames dissipated, the flames on Wang Bin's face and body also dissipated, and he gasped and opened his arms.

All the scales on the short Murin's body had been burned away, and the exposed skin had been burned to black. Only the whites of his eyes were left in his blue glasses. He fell to the ground with only his last breath left.

Only now did Chen Bugu notice that not far away, there was another Mulin in the same miserable condition. It seemed to be the masterpiece left by the previous pillar of fire.

"Who keeps coming?"

Wang Bin's face was fierce, and when he opened his mouth, a trace of flame overflowed from his mouth, distorting the air in front of him.

Behind the distorted air, those eyes were full of murderous intent, which made people tremble with fear.

Eight stars!

Chen Bugu was secretly shocked. The combat power Wang Bin showed just now was equivalent to eight stars.

Moreover, the killing intent revealed in Wang Bin's eyes just now was so violent that even Chen Bugu could feel it standing ten meters away.

Just when Chen Bugu was stunned, a holy light came from the house and fell accurately on Wang Bin.

Shrouded in holy light, Wang Bin's wounds healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the ferocity in his eyes also faded a bit.

Seeing this, Chen Bugu breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from the current situation on the field, he was not late.

Chen Bugu thought this and had already arrived beside Wang Bin. The moment he released "Bullet Time", he felt a fire fist quickly attack his face.

Chen Bugu was too fast. When Wang Bin noticed that someone suddenly appeared next to him, he was startled and subconsciously punched his body.

However, this flaming punch had no effect.

The punch was easily received, and the flames were engulfed by the strange black water in front of Wang Bin's eyes, and then were completely frozen.

Wang Bin was horrified, and just when he was about to withdraw and fight back, the voice suddenly appeared next to his ears.

"Brother Bin, it's me!"

The flames were completely extinguished.

The familiar voice is actually more effective than the "extremely cold water".

Wang Bin raised his head, the violence in his eyes gradually disappeared. After a moment of astonishment, he was filled with endless joy.

"Brother Bugu?"

"it's me."

Chen Bugu lifted the black ice, and Amon poked his head out of his pocket in time and screamed at Wang Bin.


The moment Wang Bin saw Amon, the excitement on his face became even more intense.

"Let's catch up on old times later and deal with them first."

Chen Bugu saw that the reinforcements from the Mulin tribe had appeared at the end of the alley. He didn't have time to think too much and clenched the [Jasper Weilan] in his hand instantly.

Wang Bin's "Amon" was a little too loud after all.

Lin Lin sat on the ground, moved her body, looked up at the door with some surprise, and happened to see Chen Bugu standing in the middle of the alley.

The images she had imagined countless times in her mind were none as good as the man standing in front of her, straddling a bow and stringing the string.

"Chen Bugu!"

"Light rain and frost!"

As Lin Lin spoke subconsciously, a small "cold rain and frost" swept through the alleyway at the same time.

Ten cold water arrows hit the target, black ice suddenly appeared out of thin air, cold air filled the air, and ice flowers bloomed from the wound, instantly freezing the enemy in place.

This scene happened so suddenly that even Wang Bin, who was so close, didn't react.

"Don't worry, I avoided the key points and didn't die."

As if he knew what Wang Bin was worried about, Chen Bugu opened his mouth to explain. After speaking, he looked back at Lin Lin who was sitting in the room and waved.

"Lin Lin, I'm back."

Lin Lin sat there blankly. She seemed to have a lot to say, but for a moment it seemed that nothing mattered.

"Well, welcome back to the team, captain."

In the end, Lin Lin smiled brightly and only said this sentence, but her mood was completely relaxed at this moment.

Chen Bugu didn't notice Lin Lin's change. After saying hello, he quickly turned his head and looked at the alleys on both sides.

At this moment, a large number of footsteps and shouts of help came from the alley.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen figures poured out from the alleys on both sides.

Among them, there are the Baljia tribe who rely on magnetism to levitate in the air, the Alta tribe who turn their hair into fists and feet, and the Deep Rock tribe who are almost the same as stone men.

Chen Bugu raised his bow. He did not expect that Wang Bin and the others would provoke so many teams at once.

"Wait a minute, Brother Bu Gu, these are our own people."

Seeing Chen Bugu's misunderstanding, Wang Bin hurriedly spoke.

"One of our own?" Chen Bugu wondered.

As if to confirm Wang Bin's thoughts, after the awakened people of the three tribes entered the alley, they saw the black ice on the ground and the frozen Mulin tribe behind them looked at each other. Seeing that the danger was lifted, their bodies relaxed a lot.

"Yes, my first pillar of fire is a signal for support."

"They are the back-up men left behind by Badou..."

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