Although Linshui cannot solve the problem, it can temporarily inhibit the function of the "bug poison" and reduce Lin Lin's pain.

"Don't worry, Gaotian City has 'insect-attracting medicine'. When the time comes, cut a hole and sprinkle the medicine on it, and the insects will come out." Chen Bugu comforted.

"Insect poison" is not difficult to solve. I have the impression that some races have long developed medicinal powders to target this phenomenon.

"Yes, Badou and the others have also heard about it, so we have been working hard to accept the commission recently in order to save enough beast crystals as soon as possible to go to the city to change my medicine."

After Lin Shui caressed her, Lin Lin's whole state became obviously more relaxed.

Chen Bugu then remembered that from the moment he saw Lin Lin, the girl's face never seemed to show pain.

But he heard that people with "worm poison" in their bodies suffered from pain almost all the time. After all, those bugs had been sucking and destroying the host's flesh and blood.

This seemingly weak girl who has been standing behind everyone seems to be much stronger than Chen Bugu imagined.

"But just now Wang Bin said that those people from the Deep Rock Clan are Badou's back-up man. Since they have calculated the situation today, why are they still letting you here?"

Chen Bugu couldn't figure out why Han Badou had entrusted Lin Lin's safety to outsiders from the Deep Rock Clan since he could have anticipated this, and the safest way was to stay and act as a back-up.

"There is no other way. They have been planning today's commission for a long time and there is really no way to give up."

"Besides, didn't Wang Bin stay to protect me? Don't underestimate him. Apart from Bai Ting, he is already the strongest person in the team."

"In the original plan, after my leg healed, we would return to Obsidian Town and wait for you to come back. Fortunately, you are safe."

After the pain subsided, Lin Lin's condition improved a bit and she became more talkative.

"I'm still a little anxious."

“This commission is really important and we can’t refuse it.”

When Lin Lin said this, Chen Bugu became even more curious, so he asked.

"What is the reward for entrustment?"

"A warrior-level beast elixir, and..."

"So that's it. If you want to replace the 'insect attractant', one animal elixir is indeed enough." Before Lin Lin finished speaking, Chen Bugu suddenly realized.

The "insect-attracting medicine" is monopolized by the Pharmacist Association, and the price will not be cheap, but one animal elixir is enough. No wonder Bai Ting and the others insisted on completing this commission.

After all, with a warrior-level beast elixir as reward, this commission can be hung in the commission hall in the city.

The reason for Eliga's situation is that no one wants to offend the elves, otherwise she would not need to go to the camp to find someone to take over the escort task.

Under normal circumstances, the rewards for the commissions that can be received in the camp are mostly in the form of some beast crystals and props. Beast pills are indeed relatively rare.

"No, they accepted that commission not because of the beast pill, but because of the other items that came with it."

"What item?"


"Two teleportation crystals from the Beginning Forest..."

Chen Bugu was stunned when he heard this, and then understood the intention of Bai Ting and others.

After a few seconds of silence, Chen Bugu took a deep breath and felt warm in his heart. He looked at Lin Lin again.

"I made you worry."

"It doesn't have to be like this. After all, that's something only you can do, so we try our best to do what we can."

Lin Lin smiled, knowing that the two teleportation crystals were no longer important.

"By the way, what happened to those Mulin tribe? When did you provoke them?"

"They are also a small team in the camp and have had several conflicts with us during the commission."

"I used to often go to their employers, but now most of them entrust us with their tasks. It may be because of this incident that we have developed a feud. According to Badou's speculation, the time I was injured probably has something to do with them."

Chen Bugu understood the situation instantly when he heard Lin Lin speak.

There are too many monks in the camp, and it is normal for the mercenary teams to compete for commissions, but destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents.

The Mulin tribe is a race that must seek revenge, but there are few strong people in this tribe, so they are more accustomed to using tricks behind the scenes.

"How did Yato know for sure that they would take action today?"

The Mulin tribe seemed to be well prepared for the siege of Wang Bin and Lin Lin this time, and the news should not be leaked in advance. However, Han Badou was able to leave a backup plan, which made Chen Bugu a little curious.

"The commission we received this time was to go deep into a cave to mine a strengthened stone called Liuguang Jade. However, there are many branches in the cave, making it easy to lose your way and difficult to go deep. Fortunately, there is a spirit tribe in the camp. Explored that cave.”

"Yan Kuan helps people repair their equipment in the camp on weekdays and has formed many good relationships, including that of the Earth Spirit Tribe. Therefore, he also agreed to be our guide."

"It's just that... that Earth Spirit tribe happened to disappear yesterday..."

"When Bai Ting and Badou were looking for traces of the Earthling in the camp, they discovered that a Mulin man was following them secretly, so they had a backup plan."

From this point of view, Han Badou's guesses were almost confirmed.

The Earth Spirit clan member disappeared out of thin air, presumably because of the Murin clan's handiwork.

Judging from the Mulin tribe who were surrounded and killed at the door just now, the general strength should be below eight stars, otherwise they would not be able to catch even Chen Bugu's arrow.

For them, it is indeed much easier to quietly kill an Earthling clan than to have a head-on conflict with Bai Ting and others.

Just as Lin Lin was explaining, two figures opened the curtain on the door and walked in.

Chen Bugu looked back and saw two figures emitting golden fluorescence. They were 2 meters tall. Their entire bodies, including their heads, were as transparent as jellyfish. There were seven or eight tentacles on both sides of the shoulders instead of arms, but there were no tentacles below the waist. The legs just gradually shrink into an inverted cone, standing on the ground.


One of the most powerful races and forces in Gaotian City!

"It seems like a fight broke out here, do you know about it?"

A peaceful, genderless voice sounded in Chen Bugu's mind. It was the spiritual transmission of the envoy clan.

"Both of you, there was indeed a fight here, but there was no death. Both parties who initially caused the trouble have left." Chen Bugu replied calmly.


The two envoy soldiers seemed to look at each other after hearing this, and then left one after another.

This is the patrol team that Wang Bin calls, uniformly dispatched by Gao Tiancheng to station in various camps to stop random killings.

The envoys are not only the most powerful race in Gaotian City, but may even be the most powerful race in the Zero Realm. This is still the consensus of all races at least in the third year of the previous life.

When faced with the envoy's questions, Chen Bugu did not lie.

This is because the envoys' mental strength is not weak and they can sensitively perceive the changes in other people's emotions, which is consistent with the "emotional perception" ability mastered by Han Badou.

Therefore, the best way to avoid being caught is to tell the truth.

"They are the patrol team of the camp. I heard from other races that they are all silver-level strong men, so almost no one dares to mess with them in this camp."

Seeing the two envoys leaving, Lin Lin opened her mouth to explain.

"Yes, I know. By the way, didn't you just say that the Earthling was dead? Why not find another guide?"

"It's too late. The employer's requirement is that they must bring back the Liuguang Jade tomorrow, so they insisted on going to that crypt today."

"Wait a minute, there are many underground branches near Gaotian City, containing flowing jade..." Chen Bugu seemed to have thought of something.

At this time, the door curtain was opened again, and Wang Bin walked in from the door.

"The two patrol teams left... Hey, where are you going?"

As soon as Wang Bin walked into the house, he saw Chen Bugu standing up in a hurry and quickly ran away from him, leaving only a word.

"Lin Lin leaves it to you, I'll go find Bai Ting!"

By the time Wang Bin turned around and chased him out of the door, Chen Bugu had disappeared.

Wang Bin was a little confused and walked into the house, only to see Lin Lin also had a confused face.

"Did you tell him the location of the crypt?"

"Did you tell him where to find Bai Ting?"

The two people spoke at the same time, and then fell silent together...

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