After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 190 The Fox Pretends To Be The Tiger's Power

"Chen Bugu!?"

Yan Kuan and Lin Xiaoxiao's faces were full of shock, joy flashed across their faces, and then they were filled with vigilance and confusion.

"Badou, is this me?"

Yan Kuan controlled the volume and asked Han Badou in a low voice.

Don't blame him for being overly cautious, but according to what they knew, it was impossible for Chen Bugu to appear here at this moment.

Han Badou nodded and affirmed: "His energy aura is unique. There should be no mistake. At least now it seems that this person is indeed Brother Chen."

"Did he break through to silver?"


Han Badou shook his head.

In his energy monitoring vision, the energy of the monster opposite them was completely different from theirs, and it was completely liquid.

He had seen this liquid form of energy from the city guards when he entered Gaotian City.

That is a silver-level energy signature.

For silver-level awakeners, the energy ball in the abdomen has completely dissipated, and the energy has turned into liquid, flowing in the limbs and bones.

According to his observations, the higher the level of the awakened person or monster, the greater the liquid energy flowing inside the body.

But in front of Chen Bugu, although the hemispherical energy ball in his abdomen was extremely dazzling.

But in the final analysis, it is still just an energy ball, which shows that Chen Bugu is still at the black iron level.

This made Han Badou a little worried, but only a little.

In his impression, Chen Bugu rarely did anything he was unsure about.

Taking revenge for Lao Liu as an example, Han Badou originally thought that Chen Bugu was carried away by his emotions, but later facts showed that even in that state, he had a clear plan and a way to protect himself.

What's more, in Chen Bugu's case, it seems that level cannot be used as a criterion to judge his combat power. Han Badou has long understood this, and the white energy beam just now is the best proof.

Bai Ting was lying not far away, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, but he did not speak. He just seized the opportunity and quickly took out the healing elixir from the ring and drank it.

Ever since Lin Lin was injured and unable to go on missions with the team, Bai Ting had increased its reserves of recovery elixirs.

After taking the elixir, he supported his tired body and sat up, looking at Chen Bugu's back.

Regardless of whether this person is Chen Bugu or not, he at least bought himself time, and Bai Ting also wanted to know what he would do next.

"I will explain the specific situation to you slowly after I have passed the current situation. Badou, please give me the synchronized information."

Chen Bugu stared at the magical beast opposite him, already raising his alert level to the highest level.

Although he didn't recognize this monster, it didn't affect his feeling of its power.

The mental coercion that covered the whole scene seemed to be the effect of the skill "Aura Suppression".

But the skill of "aura suppression" is very special, and only the "king" can master it.

At this moment, Han Badou's voice sounded in his mind, and he began to share the information obtained so far in the battle.

A highly intelligent monster with strong body and flexible body, it is not only good at manipulating the earth element to launch attacks, but can also easily break through rock formations, open roads between rock formations, and come and go freely in the underground...

When Chen Bugu heard this information, he was a little surprised and confused.

Is this a Juyuan beast?

The highly intelligent monsters rumored to live in the underground abyss rarely appear on the surface.

Even in his previous life, Chen Bugu only heard about the characteristics of this kind of monster but never saw it with his own eyes.

Purple light flashed in Chen Bugu's eyes, and [Crack] brought him out of the "aura suppression" effect.

He stared at the monster opposite him with all his concentration, and pushed his "deduction" and "weakness detection" to the extreme.

After the white energy beam just now, the monster stayed in place and did not move.

Its bloody palms dropped to the ground, and the wounds quickly turned to stone.

"Which king is behind you?"

A deep and deep voice echoed in the space.

Everyone was startled and understood that this was the voice of the monster.

When Chen Bugu heard this, he immediately confirmed the identity of the other royal family.

Only the "King" can perceive the power of the "King", which is consistent with the resonance of mythical supernatural awakeners.

The arrow with the black turtle's aura just now made the other party suspicious.

Chen Bugu didn't speak. He relaxed his grip on the long bow slightly, and at the same time quietly "pressed" and shattered the last two "Echo" marks.

They were two shots of "Light Rain and Frost" that he had stored in advance. As soon as they were used, more than two hundred black arrows of cold water appeared behind Chen Bugu instantly.

In the eyes of others, Chen Bugu seemed to have just loosened his grip, and dense black water arrows instantly appeared behind him.

These water arrows exuded a cold air, aiming at the Juyuan beast on the opposite side, instantly changing the temperature of the place.

Yan Kuan was surprised to find that the earth element here, which was originally very active, seemed to be frozen at this moment, becoming slow and dull, making it more difficult to activate.

"Ultimate water?" Juyuan Beast King seemed a little surprised.

"When you reach the king level, come and ask me the name of the king." Chen Bugu's voice was calm.

"It's you who crossed the line. This is my clan's territory, and it's my clansmen who died."

There was a hint of obvious displeasure in Juyuan Beast King's tone, which made Yan Kuan and others nervous unconsciously.

Although I didn't understand what Chen Bugu was talking to the other party, the smell of gunpowder seemed a bit too strong.

"We dealt with the traitors on behalf of the 'King', and we chased them all the way here. But your tribe got involved, and it deserves to die!"

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he relaxed his control on some of the Linshui Arrows.

As a result, more than ten water arrows shot out instantly, flying towards the Juyuan beast that had been killed by Bai Ting and others.

However, before Linshui's arrow could hit, it was blocked by a boulder rising from the ground.

The water arrow penetrated the boulder, and black ice flowers grew from the gaps, breaking the boulder in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Chen Bugu's figure had disappeared from the spot. He gripped the [Short Wind Blade] tightly, used "Bullet Time" with all his strength, followed the arrow of Linshui, jumped over the boulder blocking the road, and activated the skill " The wind pierces suddenly."

With all his strength, Chen Bugu's speed reached the silver level at this moment.

He appeared in front of the dead Juyuan beast lightly, and with the [Short Wind Blade] in his hand, he lightly opened the heart of the corpse and took out a green beast crystal.

"My king, I need an explanation, this is enough."

Chen Bugu did not exit bullet time. He held the beast crystal in his hand and glanced sideways at Juyuan Beast King.

When he found that the other party was still staying in the same place, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

He was very sure that the other party was unsure of his combat power.

So while he exploded with all his strength, he also gave a "step" under the banner of "king".

Whether it was the energy beam that appeared, or the hundreds of cold water arrows that emerged out of thin air, or the speed displayed at this moment, it was enough to make Juyuan Beast King face up to Chen Bugu's strength.

What's more, it sensed the aura of a king-level monster on Chen Bugu.

That is a real king, not a "king" monster like it.

Below the king level, there are countless "king" clans, and the two are not the same concept.

The Juyuan Beast King has wisdom that is not inferior to humans, which allows it to learn to weigh the pros and cons.

It looked at the dead Mulin tribesmen. Many of them had claw marks on their bodies. It was obvious that its tribesmen had indeed interfered in the other party's affairs.

Although its palm has been petrified, there is still a dull pain inside the wound. These pains make it more cautious at this moment.

Finally, Juyuan Beast King glanced at Chen Bugu, and then turned around silently.

It waved its arms, easily broke through the rock formation, and disappeared before everyone's eyes.

A few seconds later, Chen Bugu glanced at Han Badou and saw Han Badou nodded, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it was a fake show of force, fortunately, the other party did step down the "steps" he gave.

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