After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 2 Viral Power: Crack

"Why haven't you come out of the tunnel after a long time?"

The young man sitting next to the car door complained boredly, but never took his eyes off the screen of his mobile phone.

Chen Bugu looked at the entire carriage again. There were seven people in total including the driver.

The young man sitting next to the car door complaining, the driver wearing black sunglasses, the aunt who just asked the driver for help for him, and the couple in front of him.

These five people, plus him and Lin Ye, were all the members of this car.

Except for Lin Ye, Chen Bugu really had no impression of anyone else. After all, after the catastrophe in the previous life, everyone only focused on escaping for their own lives.

Except for Lin Ye, Chen Bugu did not remember who among the other five people in the car walked out of the tunnel alive.

Of course, Chen Bugu had no time to worry about other people at this moment. His main purpose of observing the carriage was to find weapons.

Unfortunately, the only thing on the entire No. 64 bus that could barely be called a weapon was the safety hammer on the window.

Hey, the attack range of the safety hammer is too short, so I'm afraid it won't be of much help in the upcoming battle.

Just when Chen Bugu was still thinking about how to use the safety hammer, a strange phenomenon suddenly occurred.

The entire carriage began to shake violently.

In other words, the entire tunnel began to shake violently.

"What's going on! What's going on!"

"There's an earthquake! There's an earthquake!"

The tunnel shook violently, and several cars lost control one after another, causing a series of rear-end collisions.

Lao Liu, the bus driver wearing sunglasses, quickly stepped on the brakes.

The entire carriage suddenly became a mess, and everyone was panicked, except Chen Bugu who showed no expression.

This is not an earthquake at all.

It's time to start.

Chen Bugu clenched his fists.

Even if it's not the first time, the helplessness and fear in my heart at this moment cannot be completely eliminated.

"The awakening begins!"

Chen Bugu was sitting where he was, and suddenly a mechanized female voice came into his mind.


Chen Bugu's eyes suddenly lost sight.

There was darkness and silence as far as the eye could see.

Chen Bugu didn't panic, he knew that this was his conscious world.

Then, a golden light lit up in the distance.

This is the normal process of awakening. The light that appears in the world of consciousness during awakening is called the light of awakening by people in previous lives.

The golden light of awakening represents mythical powers, which he has experience with.

The golden light streaked across the sky above Chen Bugu's conscious world like a shooting star.

Immediately afterwards, a golden figure appeared in front of Chen Bugu's eyes, which was a holy cross.

Chen Bugu was stunned and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Is this really still the case?

Chen Bugu is very familiar with the ability represented by this cross.

"Congratulations on awakening the mythical power: [Resurrection]"

Isn't this just a matryoshka doll?

The most important thing is that this ability really has no combat effectiveness!

Although Chen Bugu had considered this step since he accepted the fact of his rebirth, he also imagined that everything might be different after his rebirth.

Even if it is not a mythical type, even if it is only the most common enhanced type, considering his status as a reborn person, that is still a huge advantage!

But the illusion was shattered.

Damn reality, fucking resurrection skills.

However, after a few breaths, the image of the cross did not appear between his eyebrows as it did in the previous life.

"Wrong, wrong."

"Judgment: outsider."

"Judgment: Outsider"

"Wrong, wrong."

"Make corrections."

The emotionless mechanical voice repeated in Chen Bugu's mind again.

This was followed by a sharp pain.

In this dark world of consciousness, Chen Bugu fell to his knees. He opened his mouth, but couldn't shout.

Severe pain invaded him, like thousands of needles threading threads back and forth to mend his brain.

Chen Bugu was twitching all over, lying on the ground like a cooked shrimp with rickets.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Bugu felt that the pain gradually weakened, and he heard the mechanical voice again.

"Correction successful."

"The awakening begins!"

Chen Bugu held his head and looked up, but this sight made him confused.

In the black world of consciousness, two dazzling lights struck quickly from the depths.

Two rays of awakening!

Double superpower!

This was extremely rare in the previous life!

One of the lights is coquettish and dazzling, showing a deep purple color!

However, Chen Bugu had never heard of any type of power that would be marked by this color when awakened.

The color of this light is accompanied by colorful pixels. It looks very cool, but it is extremely unstable, appearing and disappearing.

at the same time…

Another light followed closely behind, showing the ultimate bright silver color.

The moment he saw this light, Chen Bugu was ecstatic.

Bright silver! Elemental powers!

Although Chen Bugu was still lying on the ground, he did not dare to take his eyes away from this light for a moment.

He tried hard to discern, trying to find a hint of other colors in this bright silver.

This is important!

For awakeners with elemental powers, this bright silver light of awakening in the world of consciousness will be mixed with a second accompanying color, which represents the elemental attributes of awakening.

For example, bright silver light mixed with red is a fire elemental power.

Common elemental colors include cyan wind elements, blue water elements, brown earth elements, green wood elements, etc.

Of course, there are also some rare attributes, such as "poison", "ice", "steel"...

It's just that those attributes are too rare, and the colors they represent are also very different. This kind of information is not accessible to Chen Bugu in the previous life.

However, after looking at it for a long time, Chen Bugu still didn't find the second color.

That light was pure silver, containing no impurities.

Before Chen Bugu could think clearly, suddenly, the bright silver light of awakening exploded like a sniper attack and broke into several pieces.

It was like a missile being accurately intercepted in mid-air by the enemy.

Chen Bugu watched in astonishment as the bright silver light of awakening gradually dimmed and disappeared after it shattered.

If he hadn't been unable to speak in the conscious world, he would have started to curse.

Thankfully, another purple light of awakening, although extremely unstable, still passed through the sky above the world of consciousness smoothly.

Immediately afterwards, purple light spots appeared in front of Chen Bugu's eyes, gradually outlining the outline of a pattern.

The moment he saw the outline of the pattern completed, Chen Bugu was confused again.

This time the pattern is still a cross.

A broken cross full of cracks.

Except for the scattered cracks and the emitting purple light, the appearance of this cross is no different from the cross represented by the previous "Resurrection".

"Awakening Viral Power: Cracked"

The mechanical female voice appeared in Chen Bugu's mind again.

The purple broken cross successfully reflected between his eyebrows this time, which meant that he had truly awakened the power of "cracking".

"Viral power: [Cracked]"

"A thief stole the power of the gods and secretly created the fire of the virus. A unique superpower that cannot be upgraded."

Information about "cracking" automatically appeared in Chen Bugu's mind.

Unique superpower…

Not upgradeable…

This seems to be a very special ability.

The black world of consciousness began to collapse.

Chen Bugu understood that the awakening was complete and he had to leave the world of consciousness.

In a short period of time, he should not be able to enter the conscious world again.

Thinking of this, Chen Bugu suddenly had an idea.

He looked directly at the broken world of consciousness in front of him.

A purple light suddenly flashed in the depths of the pupils...

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