After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 21 Black Iron Two Stars

After the fireball test is over.

Chen Bugu also spent half an hour studying his superpower [Crack].

According to the current situation, [Crack] can open all encrypted items.

Like the locks of treasure chests and the restrictions on the use of skill balls, they are actually a form of encryption in different senses.

However, depending on the difficulty of cracking, different encryption forms require different amounts of energy to crack.

For example, breaking the lock of the black iron treasure chest and using the fireball skill ball only require 10 points of mental power.

Chen Bugu guessed that the above are relatively elementary or simple forms of encryption, so they do not require too much mental power.

So what is a more advanced encryption method?

At least Chen Bugu has met one.

Conscious space!

You must know that Chen Bugu absorbed all 230 points of mental power and did not decipher any information.

As for what else can be cracked, you will only know if you meet him.

One thing he was curious about was that his "whim" vaguely reflected on himself.

Apart from the [Heart-linking Crossbow] and [Crossbow Arrow], he only has a few pieces of chocolate left on him now.

There is a high probability that it is those two pieces of equipment.

It was heartbreaking to think about it, but when Chen Bugu recovered it, he discovered that four of the crossbow arrows had been damaged due to the effect of enchantment.

When all the crossbow arrows are used up and there is no replenishment, the [Heart Crossbow] will be useless.

This is the disadvantage of low-level crossbow equipment.

If it is not used with arrows, it is just a decoration.

Most of the top-level crossbow weapons have an "auto-fill" feature, focusing on energy arrows and no longer have any shortcomings.

It's a pity that Chen Bugu's best weapon in his previous life was only a blue-level bow, and he never experienced the joy of "auto-fill".

If he could use [Crack] to unlock [Heart-linking Crossbow] and turn on the "auto-fill" feature, he would be happy.

Of course, this possibility is unlikely.

However, he would have to wait until his mental strength recovered to a certain level before conducting the experiment. The top priority was to leave the "Catastrophe" first and complete the leveling.

Then hurry up and upgrade to strengthen this weak body.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Lin Lin both changed into sportswear that facilitated stretching.

Chen Bugu admitted that given the two sisters’ figures, denim shorts and dresses were more eye-catching, but easily affected their movements and were not suitable for combat.

It happened that Lin Lin came home from school today and packed a bunch of clothes and put them in the suitcase in the car, which she just needed at this moment.

"Master Liu, what are you looking for?"

Lin Ye walked to Lao Liu.

In fact, Lao Liu seemed to have been looking for something since before the battle started.

I saw Lao Liu picking up a piece of clothing that was burned to only half from the ground.

Lin Ye took a closer look and recognized that it was Lao Liu's work clothes.

The one he had thrown away in a hurry after being ignited by the fireball spitted out by the Scarlet Hound.

"Found it, found it."

Old Liu took out a red whistle from the pocket of his half-burned overalls, which was the one he had blown before.

"What baby?"

Lin Ye stepped forward curiously.

"Hey, my mother-in-law prepared the amulet for me. She said it was a blessing from a temple and it can keep me safe."

"I have carried it with me for ten years. If I lose it, I might not know how it will be read when I get it back."

Old Liu lifted up the corner of his clothes and wiped his precious whistle over and over again.

"Teacher Lin, I am a mere mortal with no noble moral integrity. I am sorry for leaving you and running away, but I will do it again. After all, my wife and children are still waiting for me to come home."

Old Liu looked at Lin Ye with a wry smile and apologized for his previous behavior of escaping alone.

"It's okay. At this age, I can understand. Let's go. There are still people in your family waiting for you to go back."

Lin Ye patted Lao Liu on the shoulder, turned around and left.

Ten minutes later, as Wang Bin was the last to step out of the tunnel exit, everyone felt their whole bodies tremble.

Immediately afterwards, a mechanical female voice sounded from everyone's mind.

"Number of survivors: 8."

"The grading begins!"

Chen Bugu knew that this meant that their journey to the end of the world had officially begun.

"Rating: S"

"Reward free attribute points: 10"

"Please complete the assignment..."

The voice continued to sound in Chen Bugu's mind.

It's exactly 10 o'clock. Although it doesn't matter in the later stage, it is already very good now.

You know, his E-level rating in his previous life didn't give him any rewards.

But this time the situation was different. Not only did he use [Crack] to steal the equipment from the black iron treasure chest first, but he also received an S-level rating and 10 points of free attribute rewards.

Chen Bugu silently distributed the newly added attribute points equally to speed and blood.

"End of distribution."

"Rating: Black Iron Two Stars."

At this moment, Chen Bugu closed his eyes, and the attribute panel in his mind had changed.

Chen Bugu:

"Black Iron Two Stars"

"Viral power: [Cracked]"

"Strength: 18"

"Qi and blood: 21"

"Speed: 23"

"Spirit: 90/240"

Strength, speed, and blood, these three values ​​were collectively referred to as the Three Domains by later generations.

In fact, it is the attack, speed, and defense often mentioned in the game, which represent the functional quality of the body.

The star rating classification of the black iron section is simple and crude, with each star rating divided by ten attributes.

To give a simple example, once one of the three domains reaches more than 20, it can be regarded as the awakener of the Black Iron Two Stars.

Like Chen Bugu, his vitality and speed have exceeded 20 at this moment, so he is rated as a black iron star.

The same star rating also has strengths and weaknesses.

Those awakened ones whose three domains are above 20 and close to 30 are the peak Black Iron Two Stars.

There are three main ways to improve the three domains.

The first is the improvement brought by breakthrough upgrades, the second is the effect brought by some props, and the third is the initial rating reward.

Upgrading breakthroughs is the most conventional method, and breakthrough upgrades require "plundering" the energy of other species.

If you have enough energy, you will naturally upgrade, and upgrading will bring about the growth of various attributes.

As for mental power, this is something that cannot be explained clearly, so people list it as a separate field for research.

After ordinary people awaken their powers, the values ​​of the three domains are basically around 10.

Due to differences in personal qualities and awakened abilities, different people's manifestations in the three domains after awakening are also different.

For example, Bai Ting's speed, Yan Kuan's Qi and blood, etc. are all higher than ordinary people when awakening. Chen Bugu has confirmed this with them.

As for mental strength, there are almost no rules.

People with awakened powers of different types at the same star level may have vastly different mental powers.

And the biggest difference between each upgrade and breakthrough is mental power.

Some people may increase their mental power by dozens or hundreds if they break through the first level, while some people will only gain 10 points of mental power after breaking through.

Don't ask how Chen Bugu knew this. In his last life, he was the one who always only added 10 points of spiritual power when he made a breakthrough.

This may be related to his [Resurrection] ability in his previous life.

After all, mental power is the most common "mana" in the game, and releasing abilities basically requires "mana consumption."

What kind of "mana" is needed for the unused abilities?

Some people have long speculated that the increase in mental power during a breakthrough must be related to the type of superpower.

"Enhanced" superpowers, especially those with physical enhancements and transformation enhancements, often have the least increase in mental power after breakthroughs and upgrades.

After all, after turning on the superpower, the body is their most powerful weapon, and the berserker does not need to consume mana.

After the voice in my head disappears.

The strangeness of the body also gradually disappeared.

Chen Bugu understood that this was the completion of the ranking.

All people who have survived the "cataclysm" and entered this end of the world will start from this level.

Just when he was about to ask about other people's situation.

A sudden vision!

Chen Bugu's eyes darkened.

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