"call out!"

The moment a green head pokes out of the bushes.

Chen Bugu triggered the crossbow.

The crossbow arrow hit accurately.

The green head was shot and disappeared back into the bushes.

Chen Bugu felt warm all over, and a wave of energy flowed into his body.

Got it done!

But there was no joy on Chen Bugu's face. He kept moving and continued to draw out the crossbow arrows and cock them.

"Didn't you get rid of it?"

Yan Kuan pressed his hands on the ground, and saw Chen Bugu continuing to wind the string, but he still remained vigilant.

"Killed one."

As Chen Bugu answered, he quickly raised the [Lianxin Crossbow] again to take aim.

He knew very well that those guys always acted in groups.

Kill one?

Yan Kuan was stunned for a moment, and then immediately understood the meaning of Chen Bugu's words.

Sure enough, the next second, the surrounding bushes made a lot of "rustling" sounds.

Then, one after another, green heads emerged from the bushes and surrounded them.

It was a green-skinned monster, one meter tall, with green skin all over its body and no hair on its surface.

They have round eyes, pointed ears and fangs. They stand on two legs like humans, but their backs are stooped and they are only over one meter tall, making them slightly thin.

The most frightening thing is that every green-skinned monster is holding a "weapon"-a huge wooden stick.

Being able to use tools and knowing how to use vegetation and its own protective color for cover all meant that the monster in front of him had a certain level of intelligence.

If Chen Bugu hadn't been so sharp, I'm afraid they would have been caught off guard.

"There are 7 more!"

"Lin Lin hides in the middle!"

As soon as Chen Bugu finished speaking, the monsters roared and rushed forward.

Chen Bugu quickly triggered the crossbow machine, and the arrow flew out of the string.

However, this time, the arrow did not have the desired effect.

The green-skinned monster that Chen Bugu faced seemed to be well prepared. It waved the huge wooden stick in its hand to protect its face.


It was obviously a wooden stick, but the sound it made was like hitting an iron plate.

The wooden stick in the monster's hand was shaken by the huge force, and the green-skinned monster also took three steps back.

The crossbow arrow penetrated deeply into the wooden stick, but did not penetrate.

There was no time to wind the string again. The moment the monster retreated, Chen Bugu had already stepped forward.

The distance of two to three meters was instantly shortened.

As soon as the monster slowed down, Chen Bugu had already arrived in front of it.

At this time, the temperature of the air in the palm of Chen Bugu's right hand rose instantly, and a fireball the size of a grapefruit appeared out of thin air.


Chen Bugu waved his right palm and held the fireball close to his face.

The fireball instantly exploded in the face of the green-skinned monster.

The green head was instantly ignited.

At the last moment, Chen Bugu saw panic in the monster's eyes.

Then, the panic turned into coke along with the high temperature.

Chen Bugu's side quickly ended the battle.

He looked back and saw that Bai Ting and others were already facing a green-skinned monster.

The black iron three-star Bai Ting basically suppressed the monster and beat it, and the green-skinned monster screamed from the electric shock.

Although Bai Ting does not have Chen Bugu's fighting consciousness, with his level and the [Thunder Spirit], it is estimated that the battle can be ended within thirty seconds.

The wide rock barrier can be attacked in the form of "ground thorns", although the tips of the generated ground thorns are not sharp enough and grow slowly, making it easy for the enemy to dodge in advance.

But combined with the formation of some simple and crude stone pillars, it also forced the green-skinned monster to be unable to approach.

Wang Bin, on the other hand, was not stingy with his mental power, constantly generating and throwing fireballs. Although the fireballs were scattered by the green-skinned monster with a wooden stick, the wooden stick was also ignited.

Lin Ye used Fixed Summoning and had already summoned the "Savage Taming Beast" before.

This is the new monster that Lin Ye summoned when he tried [Sheep] before leaving the tunnel.

Wild and tame beasts: deer antlers, sheep face, horse body and ox hooves. A black iron-level low-grade sheep-like monster. According to rumors, the savage beast has a trace of the "four different" blood of the mythical beast. Its half-meter-long antlers and iron-hard hooves are the most powerful weapons. It is good at hitting the ground with the skill "brute force" to stun the enemy. .

Lin Ye has tried several times. Currently, the summoned beasts that can be summoned by [Sheep] are mainly unicorn blue sheep, snow antelope, and wild beasts.

I don't know if it's because of his level, but he hasn't summoned the fourth summoned beast yet.

But enough is enough.

The one-horned blue sheep is relatively balanced, and the "horn attack" launched through charging is very lethal.

Although the Snow Antelope does not have a strong attack power, it is agile, agile and very fast.

Although the wild tame beast is relatively cumbersome to run, its attack power is powerful, which is suitable for the current small-scale enemies.

Lin Ye stood beside Lin Lin, commanding the tame beast to use its huge antlers to throw a green-skinned monster into the air.

As for Lin Xiaoxiao's battle, it looked the weirdest.

The green-skinned monster stood there blankly, and the wooden stick in his hand had already been taken away by Lin Xiaoxiao.

Lin Xiaoxiao stood in front of the monster and hit it on the head with a stick. In a blink of an eye, the monster's head was bruised and bloody.

The only tricky thing was Lao Liu. He was [floating] in the air. Due to lack of attack means, he could only lead the monster in a circle around a tree.

Fortunately, the green-skinned monster didn't seem to be very good at jumping. He was furious under the tree, but there was nothing he could do against Lao Liu.

Seeing that everyone else was fine for the time being, Chen Bugu quickly picked up the wooden stick with a crossbow arrow on the ground and threw it at Lao Liu.

"Master Liu, catch it."

After Lao Liu caught the wooden stick, he swept away the previous decline and used his floating height to continuously attack downwards in the air.

The situation on the scene was instantly reversed.

Old Liu chased the green-skinned monster's head with a wooden stick and smashed it.

He held back all his strength and used all his strength to hit the green-skinned monster on the head with every blow.

Chen Bugu continued to wind up and stood in the center of the battlefield, ready to support at any time.

Ten seconds later, as another lightning flashed across Bai Ting's fingers, the green-skinned monster fell to the ground and never stood up again.

Lin Xiaoxiao had a little accident.

Although the green-skinned monster is short in stature and does not seem to be as powerful as the scarlet hound, Lin Xiaoxiao cannot control it for more than three seconds at a time.

She always took a few steps back quickly before losing control. When the monster broke free and tried to catch up, she immediately used her telekinesis to control it again.

Although the mental energy is consumed quickly, fortunately, a safe distance can be maintained.

At a certain moment, Lin Xiaoxiao lost her telekinesis and saw the green-skinned monster break free from its control.

Unexpectedly, it turned around and ran away this time. It may have been because of the strange situation faced by Lin Xiaoxiao and the fact that its weapon was taken away, which made it lose the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

Chen Bugu didn't dare to let one go, so he quickly shot out an arrow!

The crossbow accurately hit the green-skinned monster's hind legs, causing it to fall to the ground.

Lin Xiaoxiao hurriedly stepped forward to "make up for it" and took down the green-skinned head.

And with Chen Bugu and Bai Ting holding the battle, the others also managed to kill the green-skinned monster without any danger.

Bai Ting wanted to take action, but was stopped by Chen Bugu.

It’s a rare opportunity like this and everyone needs energy.

Yan Kuan used the generated stone pillars to cooperate, and after forcing the green-skinned monster into a dead corner, he pierced the soles of the monster's feet with the ground thorns he had prepared in advance.

The green-skinned monster, which lost its mobility, was quickly killed by Yan Kuan.

Lin Ye was the most stable. The tame beast was obviously stronger than the green-skinned monster, and finally crushed the green-skinned monster's head with an iron hoof.

Wang Bin successfully "ignited" his opponent before his mental energy was exhausted. When he sat on the ground tiredly, the green-skinned monster had been burned beyond recognition.

Lao Liu also made full use of his "height" advantage to kill the green-skinned monster he faced.

After this battle, both Yan Kuan and Lin Ye absorbed enough energy and both broke through to the Black Iron Star.

After the upgrade, the summoning time of Lin Ye's [Sheep Attribute] was extended to 7 minutes.

Yan Kuan's mental power has also increased, and he is more able to control the earth elements.

Now the ground thorns he created were sharper and formed faster.

"Why do these monsters look so much like goblins?"

Wang Bin is indeed an experienced two-dimensional user and instantly recognized the monster in front of him.

"But it doesn't seem to be very strong. It's not as scary as the big dog in the tunnel."

He recalled the scene when he was thrown away by the scarlet hound's tail.

Chen Bugu rolled his eyes and secretly cursed.

Not always!

Although ordinary goblins are at the bottom of the black iron level of lower-level monsters.

The Scarlet Hound is just the opposite, its strength is one of the best among the Black Iron-level inferiors.

But forget it if others don't know, but Chen Bugu knows it in his heart.

It is precisely these weak-looking green-skinned monsters in front of us that rule nearly half of the territory of the Beginning Forest!

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