Lao Liu was right behind Chen Bugu at the moment, and he threw something.

Chen Bugu stretched out his left hand to catch it steadily.

[Heart-linking Crossbow] Equipment!

Chen Bugu's power rose to 35 points.

The equipped crossbow arrows on the arrow trough instantly turned red.

A spark ignited from the arrow.



There is no time or need to aim.

At this moment, the Goblin Berserker has arrived in front of him.

The red light flashed on the Lianxin Crossbow in Chen Bugu's hand, and the bursting rocket instantly penetrated the Goblin Berserker's left eye.

Flames instantly ignited in the Goblin Berserker's brain.

The huge wooden stick that was swung up did not fall down in the end.

Chen Bugu watched the standing monster slowly fall backwards.


Before that, he asked Lao Liu to go to the woods to retrieve the [Lianxin Crossbow], but luckily he finally caught up.

Lin Lin quickly ran to Chen Bugu.

At this moment, Chen Bugu was leaning on the tree trunk.

His right arm suffered a comminuted fracture, his right calf bone was broken, and he suffered multiple injuries all over his body.

His face was pale, and his clothes were soaked with sweat and blood. He looked miserable, but his expression was calm.

Lin Lin hurriedly used [Holy Light] to treat Chen Bugu.

"You're...hurt so badly."

Lin Lin's [Holy Light] turned into a beam of light, emitted from her hand, and enveloped Chen Bugu.

The moment he was illuminated by the holy light, Chen Bugu felt that the pain in his body was weakening, and his whole body suddenly became numb.

Lin Lin was surprised by Chen Bugu's injury.

After casting [Holy Light], she clearly felt Chen Bugu's physical condition.

The injury was very serious. In addition to multiple fractures, internal organs were also affected.

Lao Liu landed next to Chen Bugu and looked at Chen Bugu with worry in his eyes.

"You're trying too hard!"

Chen Bugu was too weak to speak and could only smile bitterly.

Previously, when Chen Bugu asked Lao Liu to get the [Lianxin Crossbow], Lao Liu looked at Chen Bugu's broken right arm and already advised him not to continue fighting and leave it to them.

But at that time, Chen Bugu said with firm eyes.

"If you don't fight, you die."

"I will die and you will die too."

"From the moment we entered this forest, we had no choice."

Lao Liu also understood that Chen Bugu was telling the truth.

Currently, Bai Ting, Lin Xiaoxiao and him are the strongest in the team. If he can't stop them, the others will also die.

But at this moment, when seeing Chen Bugu's tragic situation, Lao Liu still felt that this young man was working too hard.

After Chen Bugu absorbed the energy of another Goblin Berserker, he felt better.

He slowly raised the [Lianxin Crossbow] in his hand and handed it to Lao Liu.

Old Liu understood what Chen Bugu meant. He took the Lianxin Crossbow, pulled out the crossbow arrow that was not damaged by the enchantment on the goblin corpse, and then flew towards the last battlefield.

Wang Bin and Lin Ye rushed over first after seeing that Chen Bugu was still alive.

Chen Bugu was not worried.

Bai Ting can definitely kill the last Goblin Berserker with the help of others.

It was finally over. Chen Bugu felt a little tired, so he slowly closed his eyes to rest.

I don't know how long it took, but he suddenly felt a few drops of warmth on his left arm, which was still conscious.

Chen Bugu opened his eyes in confusion and found that Lin Lin was in tears while treating him.

Chen Bugu was confused!

What's wrong with this girl!

Chen Bugu didn't know and didn't want to speak, so he looked at Lin Lin doubtfully.

"I'm sorry, I was just scared. You were hurt...too badly."

Lin Lin turned her head and wiped away her tears with her hands.

"We're going to die at any moment, aren't we?"

Lin Lin cried, obviously frightened by the battle.

Chen Bugu suddenly understood.

Although the previous battle in the tunnel was thrilling, because everyone was always prepared in advance, even if they were injured, it was not serious.

Lin Lin just thought it was a nightmare.

But now, after knowing that they can't go home after leaving the tunnel, everyone suddenly finds that they can't wake up from this nightmare.

Coupled with seeing Chen Bugu's current miserable state, Lin Lin's psychological defense collapsed, and fear and helplessness overwhelmed her.

Chen Bugu stretched out his left hand to help Lin Lin wipe away her tears, but suddenly felt that something was wrong.

So the outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

"What's wrong, do you want to get something?"

Lin Lin was puzzled for a moment when she saw Chen Bugu extending his left hand towards her.

"It's okay, I just want to wipe your tears, but I'm afraid you'll hit me."

Chen Bugu said with a smile.

Lin Lin didn't expect this answer, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"It's okay, I promise you, we will survive."

Then, Chen Bugu lowered his raised left hand again. Chen Bugu closed his eyes and continued to recover.

Lin Lin nodded and continued to use holy light to treat Chen Bugu.

She looked at Chen Bugu, and for a moment she felt that this man was somewhat handsome.

Then I reacted and felt a little embarrassed.

Chen Bugu didn't notice Lin Lin's little thoughts. He closed his eyes and rested, thinking while recovering.

But Lin Lin's state did remind him whether he should reveal some more information.

In addition, it is a review of this battle.

Chen Bugu didn't expect that he would encounter such a battle less than a day after awakening his dual powers.

He was still too careless.

Because of the information advantage brought by rebirth and the start of dual superpowers, Chen Bugu didn't realize that he was a little drifting.

He almost forgot how many people died in the Forest of Beginnings in his previous life.

If you had discovered that the frequency of goblins was abnormal at the beginning, you would have been alert and led everyone back...

If you turn on bullet time directly from the beginning and kill a Goblin Berserker as quickly as possible...

Chen Bugu took a deep breath.

He figured out his problem.

He relied too much on his advantages as a reborn person, which led to his impetuous mentality, and even some arrogance and luck. He almost forgot that he got out of this forest thanks to the protection of others in his previous life.

"Chen Bugu, Chen Bugu, how dare you?"

If he continues to hold on to his previous mentality, he will probably die here sooner or later, let alone trying to fight for that legendary weapon.

When Chen Bugu opened his eyes again, he had already decided to make some changes in his heart.

He didn't know if it was due to the calming effect of Lin Lin's [Holy Light]. This time he figured out many issues that he had ignored before.

At this time, the battle in Bai Ting had also ended, and everyone slowly walked back together.

Bai Ting also looked hurt.

After the Goblin Berserker went berserk, Bai Ting was instantly slapped in the face.

Although he tried his best to dodge, his left hand was still scratched by the iron nail on the wooden stick, leaving a huge wound.

Later, Yan Kuan and Lin Xiaoxiao joined the battlefield in time and used [Earth Element] and [Nian] to continuously harass the Goblin Berserker. This gave Bai Ting the confidence to continue fighting against the violent Goblin Berserker.

Later, Wang Bin, Lin Ye, and Lao Liu, who was holding the [Lianxin Crossbow], joined the battlefield.

The Goblin Berserker fell into weakness due to the end of his violent state, and was eventually shot through the head by Bai Ting with a thunderbolt javelin as thick as a fist and died.

Lin Xiaoxiao took a breath when she saw Chen Bugu's miserable condition.

After discovering the body of the Goblin Berserker on the ground, Bai Ting and Yan Kuan also understood what was going on.

However, the moment he saw the body of the Goblin Berserker, Bai Ting's pupils suddenly shrank, and then returned to normal.

He looked at Chen Bugu with complicated eyes.

"Lin Lin, isn't he dead?"

Lin Xiaoxiao walked up to Chen Bugu.

"Thank you for your concern, I am still alive."

Chen Bugu blinked, indicating that he was not dead yet.

"But we have to leave immediately. There is a gathering place of goblins nearby. We must return immediately."

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he looked at Bai Ting.

He knew that the facial paralysis man's next sentence would definitely be "How do you know there is a gathering place of goblins nearby?"

Chen Bugu was even considering whether to secretly change Bai Ting's nickname to "One Hundred Thousand Whys".

However, this time, Bai Ting said nothing, just nodded and asked.

"Can you still leave? How about I carry you?"

Bai Ting's reaction stunned Chen Bugu, and even Yan Kuan and others did not react.

"I haven't connected his bones yet, I still need a little time. Is your injury okay?"

Lin Lin asked, looking at the huge wound on Bai Ting's hand.

"It's okay. I'll carry him on my back and you continue to treat him. Let's get out of here first."

Bai Ting walked to Chen Bugu as he talked to himself, carried him on his back, and then walked towards the south.

"It hurts! Brother, please be gentle."

Everyone looked at each other and quickly followed.

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