That night, everyone was divided into three groups and took turns to keep vigil.

Each shift is two hours, and the first shift happens to be Chen Bugu and the Lin sisters.

In the original plan, Lin Lin would not participate in the vigil. After all, she had no fighting ability. Even if she found the enemy, she would not be able to participate in the battle immediately. It was better to take a good rest.

But maybe it was to accompany Lin Xiaoxiao. Anyway, Lin Lin insisted on participating in the first round of vigil. Seeing her persistence, everyone did not stop her and started to rest each other.

The rules of the night vigil were proposed by Chen Bugu, and no one raised any objections.

After all, after the confession just now, everyone knew that Chen Bugu knew the forest better than they did, so they accepted his suggestion.

In the dark night, there are no insects or birds, and the forest is completely silent. The only sound left is the sound of flames burning tree branches.

Chen Bugu and the Lin sisters sat by the fire with their backs to each other, which ensured that they could observe the surrounding environment in all directions.

Yan Kuan and others lay down around the fire and soon fell asleep. After all, everyone had been tired for a day, both mentally and physically.


"what sound!?"

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly jumped up from the spot, already holding the wooden stick tightly in his hand, ready to fight at any time.


Lin Xiaoxiao followed the sound and looked, her face suddenly darkened.

She put down the stick, took off her defensive posture, walked over to Wang Bin and kicked him gently.

"Just sleep and snore!"

Chen Bugu and Lin Lin looked at each other, both dumbfounded.

They laughed at each other and said nothing all night.

The next day, when Chen Bugu woke up from his sleep, the sky was bright and the light fell through the branches and leaves, dispelling the darkness.

Seeing everyone waking up one after another, Yan Kuan and Lin Ye stopped adding branches to the fire. They happened to be the last ones keeping watch.

Everyone took out the half-eaten chocolate and almond cake from yesterday and swallowed it in one bite. This was today's breakfast and their last food.

Afterwards, everyone set off together.

Their mission today is to find food.

This time the direction is north!

Chen Bugu's plan is simple, plunder the Goblin squad!

According to the information revealed by Chen Bugu, everyone has learned that Goblins are indeed a race with inferior intelligence.

Moreover, Goblins also have a simple social structure.

The ordinary goblins they met at the beginning were at the bottom of goblin society. They basically played the role of coolies and soldiers. Their strength combined with the weapons could be regarded as a black iron star.

The Goblin Berserkers they fought hard yesterday were powerful warriors in the Goblin society. They basically served as the captain of the patrol team and the guards of the camp. His own strength is at the peak of the Black Iron Two Stars, but due to that weapon and the increase in violent state caused by the "bloodthirsty" skill, his strength can reach the peak of the Black Iron Three Stars in a short period of time.

In addition, Goblins include Goblin Archers, Goblin Blacksmiths, Goblin Shamans, Elite Goblins, and even Goblin Kings.

As Chen Bugu had previously reminded, Goblin weapons were indeed processed by them themselves, and they were all the work of Goblin blacksmiths.

It's just that the number of Goblin blacksmiths is rare, and not every gathering place will have a Goblin blacksmith.

But it is said that killing the Goblin Blacksmith will also lead to unexpected wealth and inheritance.

Chen Bugu's plan was simple. Surround the perimeter of this goblin gathering place and hunt the ordinary goblins patrolling outside.

Most of the people they met yesterday were goblin teams heading north. They must have been returning to the gathering place after patrolling, so they didn't have any supplies on them.

But if you can meet a team that has just set out to patrol, they may bring some food and water with them.

Fortunately, the eating habits of goblins are very similar to humans.

Therefore, this "robbery" operation was unanimously approved by everyone.

As for the method of combat, Lao Liu still used [Levitation] to conduct reconnaissance in advance. If they found a Goblin team patrolling outside and carrying supplies, everyone would kill them in one go.

If you are walking back and look destitute, then everyone should avoid it in advance to save energy.

Wang Bin also asked why not go directly to the goblin gathering place. After all, there would definitely be food there.

But Chen Bugu only mentioned one point and everyone gave up the idea.

That is, in a goblin gathering place, even if it is only a small gathering place, there must be no less than a hundred goblins living there.

Moreover, there must be goblins guarding the medium-level black iron level, which corresponds to human awakenings, at least five-star black iron, and most likely even six-star black iron level.

Of course Chen Bugu knew that the goblin gathering place would not only have abundant food reserves, but also a lot of good things, but that was not something they could get their hands on now.

Three hours later, everyone followed Chen Bugu's method and successfully found and killed two waves of goblin teams.

After the battle, Yan Kuan successfully broke through to the Black Iron Three Stars and controlled the earth element to take shape faster.

Everyone already understands that the higher the level, the more energy is required to upgrade.

Moreover, the promotion of three black iron stars to four stars and six stars to seven stars corresponds to the promotion of low-level to medium-level and medium-level to high-level of Warcraft. The energy required for these two levels often increases exponentially.

Yan Kuan's breakthrough did not attract everyone's attention, because there was another thing that was more surprising.

After killing the second wave of goblins, they found seven or eight palm-sized pieces of dried meat in an animal skin bag, as well as a bag of water.

The texture and color of the dried meat are rather strange, with a faint blue tint. It is obviously not a creature they are familiar with, and it should be the meat of some kind of monster.

Although everyone was already hungry, their final rationality prevented them from eating easily, and instead looked at Chen Bugu.

Chen Bugu saw that everyone was looking at him, so he took the lead and took a bite.

When everyone saw this, their faces showed joy, and they divided and ate one after another.

Chen Bugu naturally recognized the origin of this dried meat.

This is dried kangaroo meat.

The beast is a low-grade black iron pig-like monster. It is not very powerful and has a gentle temperament, but its meat is delicious. No matter how it is processed, it will not be too unpalatable.

Therefore, the beast naturally became one of the creatures at the bottom of the food chain, and it relied on its strong reproductive ability to avoid annihilation.

After leaving this primitive forest, some people deliberately raised wild beasts as a source of food.

In the previous life, Chen Bugu's team accumulated a large amount of food by encountering a rare herd of wild beasts in the Beginning Forest.

"What kind of meat is this? It's delicious!"

Lin Xiaoxiao bit a piece of dried meat in her mouth and was so excited that she almost burst into tears.

"A beast is a pig-like monster. If we can meet one, we won't have to worry about food in a short time."

"It's a pity that most of the goblins may have been hunted or kept in captivity within the Goblin territory."

Chen Bugu explained.

"Woyu Gebulin is unfair and stupid!"

Lin Xiaoxiao had a large piece of meat in her mouth, her speech was unclear, and she didn't know what she was talking about.

"what are you saying?"

Chen Bugu was confused.

"She said that she and the goblins are at odds with each other!"

Bai Ting explained expressionlessly while biting off a piece of dried meat.

Chen Bugu's face was full of questions.

No, why can you understand it?

After everyone ate the meat of the beast, their hunger was relieved.

Although it was not enough to fill their stomachs, even if the beast meat was dried, it still contained part of the energy of the monster, allowing everyone to be replenished.

After eating, everyone continued to search for the Goblin team in the same way as before.

Lao Liu still used [Floating] to hide about seven or eight meters up the tree, and used the cover of branches and leaves to conduct reconnaissance.

Soon after, Lao Liu discovered another Goblin team. After confirming that they were carrying an animal skin bag, he was about to return to the ground to deliver the news to everyone.

Unexpectedly, the moment he turned back, a cold light quickly enlarged in his pupils...

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