"Teacher Lin, Teacher Lin, look!"

Chen Bugu quickly pointed to the signing date in the lower right corner of the list.

Lin Ye was a little confused by Chen Bugu's surprising reaction.

"What happened to the payment date?"

"Didn't you say that this hospital disappeared many years ago? But the date you saw was signed yesterday."

After hearing this, Lin Ye looked at the signature in the lower right corner of the list repeatedly, with a puzzled look on his face.

"The date of signature was February 2002, which matches the date on the newspaper we saw in the guard room."

"Teacher Lin, what are you talking about? No matter how careful you are..."

Chen Bugu suddenly choked up in the middle of his words.

Because, at this moment, in his eyes, the time in the lower right corner of the list has become February 2002.


Chen Bugu hurriedly stepped forward and wiped away the dust on the signature area with his sleeves.

Under Lin Ye's puzzled gaze, Chen Bugu was stunned.

It was really February 2002!

Could it be that he was dazzled?

Seeing that it was just Chen Bugu's illusion, Lin Ye didn't pay too much attention and walked towards the dean's office, leaving Chen Bugu standing alone in front of the display board.

After Lin Ye left, Chen Bugu looked at the upper left corner of the exhibition board that Lin Ye had been staring at just now.

That position was clearly blank before, but now there is an image of a female nurse.

"Jiang Yutang"

"This must be Teacher Lin's late wife..."

Chen Bugu continued to stare at the exhibition board in front of him, thoughtfully.


Lin Ye pushed open the door to the dean's office.

The window of the dean's office seemed to have been left open. The ivy-like plant got in through the window and climbed up against the wall of the dean's office until it reached the ceiling.

Other than that, all the furnishings in the dean's room were consistent with Lin Ye's mind.

After his wife died, Lin Ye held conversations again and again with the leaders of the hospital here, about his wife's death, and about the subsequent compensation...

In Lin Ye's impression, the director of this hospital, surnamed Huang, was a gentle man with a gentle smile that always made people feel like spring breeze.

Dean Huang has always been deeply saddened by Jiang Yutang's death.

He had shed tears in front of Lin Ye more than once, expressing the hospital's regret to him.

However, Lin Ye had also heard some other rumors.

Some nurses in this hospital once said that Jiang Yutang was pushed out by the hospital as a scapegoat to bear the anger of his family members.

Lin Ye had also suspected that his wife was just a nurse in the pediatric department. The doctors and nurses on duty in the obstetrics and gynecology department should be held accountable for what happened back then.

However, his wife was inexplicably involved in the dispute and eventually lost her life.

Unfortunately, before Lin Ye could figure out the truth, Tiancheng City No. 1 Hospital disappeared, and the top brass of the hospital, such as Dean Huang and others, also disappeared.

If the entire hospital was involved in this world because of the "catastrophe" that year, would Dean Huang and others still be alive?

Lin Ye stood in the dean's office and looked around. Whether it was the certificates of honor in the bookcase or the group photos hanging on the wall, they were almost exactly the same as before.

Even the placement of the carbon pen on Dean Huang's desk remains the same as before.

On the desk, there is also a notebook, which is Dean Huang's diary from that year.

Lin Ye picked it up gently, brushed off the dust, and turned a page.

"On September 10, 2001, that damn idiot Su Xun went to pick up girls while on duty. He couldn't harm anyone but the nurse on duty that day! Now, that crazy woman broke into the nursery Room, everything is over!"

Lin Ye was stunned, and continued to turn over the book without stopping.

"On September 15, 2001, fortunately, I found friends from the newspaper to help incite public opinion. Now everyone's anger is focused on that crazy woman."

"In 2001, on November 15, the court's verdict came out. The mentally ill patient completely lost the ability to identify or control his own behavior. As expected, of course he could not be convicted. But this crazy woman was really haunting. Back then, It was just a small surgical accident. Even if I didn't drink, her son might not survive. After so many years, even if he goes crazy, he won't let us go."

"On December 1, 2001, were those parents also crazy? The court has already ruled and we have all paid compensation. Although the compensation is not much, we have done our best. What else do you want? That damn fool Su Xun Why does it happen to be my brother-in-law, otherwise the people would be angry if he were handed over long ago."

"On December 3, 2001, the weather was obviously getting colder and colder, but those parents were still blocking the door of the hospital all day long. It was really troublesome. Public opinion had begun to go against us, and those reporters who couldn't feed us again An article was placed on my desk, and I asked for 300,000, what a joke!"

"On December 7, 2001, they didn't care about the truth at all! They just wanted to vent their emotions! Okay, let them vent. Isn't that Jiang Yutang the most upright person in pediatrics? He just had such a big reaction after being touched, then let him She goes to deal with this matter! Then she arranges for two people to go to the scene to stir up emotions and beat a few parents to make them quit."

When Lin Ye read this, the veins on his forehead had popped out. He gritted his teeth, trembled all over, and bloodshot eyes began to climb up.

"December 8, 2001, damn these idiots! Wouldn't it be better if we just took the money and went home? We had to go to this point. Now, so many people died, but they actually died so many people!."

"On December 15, 2001, the province sent people down. I heard that a special task force had been set up. I was already worried! At this time, Jiang Yutang's husband still came to ask this and that, even though he had already paid compensation. He has paid 100,000, but he is still not satisfied. He said he wants to know the details of the conflict, doesn't he just want more compensation? That bitch Jiang Yutang will die as soon as she dies, how can she be worth so much money."

"In 2002, on February 1st, the hospital suspended operations. If this situation continues, it may be shut down later. Those hypocritical villains, taking money and doing nothing, trying their best one by one, are actually waiting to see what happens. I’m joking!”

"In 2002, on April 3, the hospital had decided to close in July this year. It was over. Most of my life's hard work had been in vain. Everything was over."

When Lin Ye turned the page for the last time, his nails dug deeply into the pages, but there was no next page.

His eyes were bloodshot, his breathing was short, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably.


The door to the dean's office was pushed open again.

Lin Ye subconsciously looked sideways.

The moment he saw clearly who was coming, his eyes were about to burst.

Dean Huang was seen standing in front of the door, looking at Lin Ye quietly.

We haven't seen each other for more than 20 years, but his smile is still the same as before.

Gentle and elegant, like a spring breeze...

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