After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 38 Cracking Progress: 30%

The entire Tiancheng City No. 1 Hospital felt like an earthquake, with strange "hissing" sounds coming from all directions.

Chen Bugu quickly ran back to the clinic building and found that all the plants that were originally clinging to the outer walls of the hospital building and inside had shrunk rapidly.

As if pressing the reverse button, all the branches quickly disappeared from the wall, and then they all turned into one, dragging traces from the ground, and retreated to the inpatient department behind the three hospital buildings.

Only then did Chen Bugu realize that the inpatient building at the back had already been wrapped airtightly by branches.

What came into view was a strange building full of "green", even the windows were filled with branches.

Then, a strong wind blew!

What followed was a huge sense of oppression.

Chen Bugu saw himself. He was nailed to the city wall by a huge thorn, his face was covered with blood, and he died with his eyes open.

[Cracked] Activate!

The bloodshot eyes in Chen Bugu's eyes quickly disappeared along with the phantom in front of him.

He retreated violently, but his eyes couldn't help but stare at the strange green building in front of him.

The next second, the scenery in front of Chen Bugu changed again.

He stood at the exit of the Forest of Beginning, with a heavy downpour of inky black rain hitting him overwhelmingly.

It was so heavy that he couldn't even lift his head!

There were two corpses not far away in front of him. Chen Bugu raised his head to look at them.


There seemed to be an explosion in my mind.

Chen Bugu saw his parents. They had been stabbed to death and died miserably. They were randomly discarded on the roadside like two sacks.

Chen Bugu's spirit collapsed. The dark rain in front of him turned into scarlet, drowning him like blood.

Chen Bugu fell to his knees, his eyes bloodshot.


A sigh came from nowhere.

Chen Bugu's eyes flashed with purple light, and [Crack] activated himself.

The world in front of him is no longer scarlet, but has returned to the outpatient building of Tiancheng City No. 1 Hospital, but the air is like water beaten by rain, with ripples rising in circles.

[Cracked] continued to activate, Chen Bugu forcibly cheered up and ran back at full speed.

While escaping, he saw Lin Ye, Bai Ting, Yan Kuan and others out of the corner of his eye.

They had walked out at some point. At this moment, their eyes were blood red and their expressions were numb. They were walking like zombies towards the inpatient department wrapped in green at the back.

Chen Bugu grabbed Lin Lin, who was closest to him at the moment.

But even though he held Lin Lin's hand, Lin Lin still walked towards the door of the hospital building with a numb expression.

Chen Bugu felt a strong force coming from his hand. If he continued, Lin Lin might just dislocate his hand.

Helpless, he had no choice but to lift Lin Lin up and run away.

Leave this hospital first!

This was the only thought in Chen Bugu's mind.

He seems to know what this weird plant is!

In the last life, someone graded the monsters in the Beginning Forest. Among them were the top ten strange beasts, and the one ranked ninth was called Teng Meng!

Vine Dream is a plant-based monster that looks like a creeper in the human world. It likes to cling to various builders and then emit spores invisible to the naked eye into the air.

Spores parasitize into organisms through respiration and take root and germinate using the life of the parasitized organism as nutrients.

What is frightening is that during this whole process, the parasitized creature will fall into various hallucinations and have no idea that the guillotine is already hanging above its head.

In addition, the spores can also forcibly catalyze the potential of the parasite, at the expense of burning vitality. Of course, it is the life of the parasite.

The creature lost in the hallucination will continue to transfer its mental power to Teng Meng. After the mental power is transferred, it will begin to transfer its life force until it becomes a mummy.

Tengmeng itself is only a medium-level Black Iron monster, and it is not considered a powerful group. The strength corresponding to the human awakening is only around Black Iron Four Stars.

But hallucinogenic abilities are very elusive.

Large-scale spores are floating in the air, colorless and odorless, and cannot be avoided or eliminated.

Once the spores take root and germinate in the body, the parasitized person has no way to get rid of the spores other than quickly killing Teng Meng.

The vast majority of parasites can't even escape from hallucinations, let alone anti-killing dreams.

It can cause death without even realizing it. This is the scary thing about Teng Meng.

Because of this, based on the evaluation of various factors, the plant-like monster "Teng Meng" was ranked ninth among the top ten strange beasts in the Beginning Forest with only Black Iron's average combat power.

Chen Bugu guessed that he must have been parasitized by spores at this moment, or that he had been parasitized from the beginning, but he relied entirely on stronger mental power than others, so he did not quickly sink into the hallucination.

At this moment, he applied [Crack] to his eyes throughout the whole process, and did not dare to interrupt for a second, for fear that he would be dragged into the hallucination again if he was not careful.

Rushing towards the iron gate of Tiancheng City First Hospital, Chen Bugu's eyes were filled with a faint purple light, and he saw that there seemed to be a faint layer of gray at the iron gate.

In front of the iron gate, Chen Bugu stopped urgently, took out a fireball in his hand and threw it forward.

Unexpectedly, the fireball seemed to hit an invisible wall of air, and the fireball scattered in front of the iron gate of the hospital and turned into ashes.

Chen Bugu was surprised. He slowly touched it with his hand, and sure enough he touched an invisible wall of air.

"Boundary? No, it's a secret realm?"

It was really a leaky house and it rained all night. This hospital had actually formed a secret realm just now.

Or maybe this place has been a secret realm from the beginning, just waiting for them to break into it?

Lin Lin had been struggling on Chen Bugu's back just now. Chen Bugu was worried about an accident, so he knocked him unconscious.

After placing Lin Lin in the guard room, Chen Bugu walked out and looked towards the inpatient department from a distance.

In a world full of ripples, Bai Ting and others have slowly walked into the door of the inpatient department.

The inpatient building was wrapped tightly in green, with only the door below still open.

That gate is like a "black hole", silently swallowing everyone and all hope.

Chen Bugu's gaze seemed to be sucked in by the door. He quickly patted his face, and the faint purple light in his eyes continued to flash.

The previous "Bullet Time" plus the current continued use of [Crack], Chen Bugu's mental power has been consumed by more than half.

Unable to leave the hospital, and he was parasitized by spores. Others were even on the way to death, and it seemed that they were reaching death before their eyes.

Regarding Tengmeng, Chen Bugu's information was all hearsay. He could only confirm now that this plant-like monster was afraid of fire.

Plant-like monsters usually have a core, and they can be killed by destroying the core. However, Chen Bugu had no idea where Teng Meng's core was. The inpatient department was so big, where would he go to find it.

And I'm afraid that once he gets close, not to mention those teammates who are controlled by hallucinations, even the hundreds of hard branches from Tengmeng are enough to make Chen Bugu drink a pot.

At the moment when Chen Bugu was thinking.

A voice sounded in his mind that startled him.

"Eye gene lock cracking progress: 30%"

"Unlock Ability: Deduction"

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