Ten minutes ago.


Lin Ye gasped for air.

He was sitting on the No. 64 bus, sweating profusely, and thought he had a dream.

In the dream, he came to a black world.

In the black world, he cannot speak or move.

I could only stand there and watch quietly.

A green light flashed across his head.

Then a strange symbol caught his eye.

He heard a mechanical voice.

He woke up.

"Summoning power: [Sheep]"

"Active skill: Leading the sheep"

"Passive skill: Sheep Heart"

"Leading the Sheep: Randomly summons sheep-type monsters to assist you in fighting until the monster dies or the summoner's mental power is exhausted."

"Sheep Heart: Gain the favorability of all sheep-like creatures."

Lin Ye felt as if something had changed in his body.

He closed his eyes and saw the data of his body presented in his mind.

"Summoning power: Sheep"

"Strength: 11"

"Qi and blood: 10"

"Speed: 9"

“Spirit: 15/15”

Lin Ye felt that he must be hallucinating.

Because there was an earthquake in the tunnel, I was so scared that I had hallucinations.

Yes, that must be the case.

He looked up and looked out the window. The earthquake stopped at some point and he could no longer feel any shaking.

However, just when he thought his hallucinations would slowly disappear as the earthquake stopped, he saw a scene that shocked everyone at that moment.

The young man who had been sitting next to the car door had a silver light flashing in the depths of his pupils, and then a burst of flames suddenly rose from his palms.

A sudden firelight illuminated the dark carriage.

"It's true! The superpower is real!"

Looking at the flames beating in the palm of his hand, Wang Bin could no longer hide the smile on his face.

Wang Bin likes to play games and watch anime on weekdays. He has always imagined that one day he will suddenly awaken his superpower and change his life.

Lin Ye saw the flames flowing on Wang Bin's fingertips, and suddenly remembered the sound he heard in his dream.

"Summoning power: [Sheep]"

Is it really possible to summon Warcraft?

At this time, others were also shocked to feel the changes on their bodies.

“Don’t play with fire in the car!”

All the overhead lights on the carriage suddenly turned on. The serious-looking driver, Old Liu, stood up and turned around to yell at Wang Bin.

"Do you know how dangerous this is?"

Lao Liu is a veteran driver of bus No. 64. He has been running this route for 10 years.

The Yutan Tunnel is less than 3 minutes' drive away. To exaggerate, he could drive it with his eyes closed.

Therefore, he would not turn on the dome light in the car when driving through a tunnel during the day.

He felt something was wrong when he was halfway through today's run. Then there was an earthquake and a supernatural power. He could use his toes to figure out what must have happened.

Seeing that the driver's uncle was angry, Wang Bin did not refute, and put away the flame with excitement on his face.

Old Liu returned to his seat and looked at the cars that were rear-ending each other in front of him. Hearing the constant honking of the cars behind him, his face turned dark.

I don't know whether she was awakened by Old Liu's scolding or the sound of the car horn. The aunt slowly opened her eyes with a tired look on her face.

At this point, only Chen Bugu was still awake in the car.

The carriage was dark just now, and Lin Ye always thought that he had recovered his consciousness long ago.

After all, Chen Bugu is young, about 1.8 meters tall, and looks tall. Logically speaking, he should be in good physical condition.

However, Lin Ye has now overturned his previous guess.

Chen Bugu was sitting in his original position, leaning against the back of the chair, showing no signs of waking up.

Not only that, his face became very pale for some reason, and blood continued to pour out of his nostrils.

Things don't look good.

I guess I really need to be sent to the hospital now.

Lin Ye stuck his head out of the car window and saw a row of cars jammed behind him. There were at least twenty or thirty cars, and various lights flashed from time to time in several cars.

"Did you hear any strange noises?"

The girl in the couple suddenly spoke.

"I really didn't hear anything, what about you?"

The girl's boyfriend smiled at Wang Bin and the others.

"What strange noise?"

Wang Bin said while snapping his fingers.

Every time he snapped his fingers, a small spark would jump from his fingertips and then disappear quickly.

"I thought I heard a lot of dogs barking."

"How is that possible? This is a tunnel. Where did the dog barking come from? Did you hear it wrong?"

The girl also doubted herself until she saw the flames on Wang Bin's fingertips.

"No! There's no way I heard it wrong!"

"The power I just awakened is [Hearing Enhancement]. I couldn't have heard it wrong."

After the girl finished speaking, she opened the car window next to her. She stretched her head out of the car window, and a red light flashed in her pupils.

"What's wrong with you people today? Don't stick your heads out of the window."

The driver, Lao Liu, turned around and wanted to stop the girl, but her boyfriend hurriedly stepped forward and held the driver back.

"Master, it'll be fine in a moment, just wait a moment."

After a while, the girl retreated into the car and shouted to her boyfriend: "I heard it, there are dogs in the back, and there are more than one!"

Immediately afterwards, a huge scream came from the vehicle behind.

Hearing this scream, everyone was stunned, and even the sparks on Wang Bin's fingertips were extinguished.

The scream was heartbreaking.

Now, even the driver, Old Liu, couldn't sit still.

He opened the car door, leaned out half of his body, and looked back, but he couldn't see anything.

The young man who played with fire suddenly came to his mind.

Just give it a try.

Lao Liu opened the car door and jumped out of the car, but his feet did not touch the ground.

An imperceptible blue light flashed in his pupils, and then his body floated upwards lightly.

"Magic power: [Floating]"

It's a coincidence that Lao Liu is 48 years old this year. He has been driving Route 64 for ten years. He has won the title of excellent driver many times and even received a banner from a passenger.

He always thought his life would be like this.

Never thought that one day, he would be able to float in the air.

He suddenly understood the young man playing with fire in the car. It was indeed a wonderful feeling, anticipation and surprise.

However, Lao Liu's surprise did not last long. The huge fear instantly poured down his heart like a bucket of cold water.

He floated to a height of about 5 meters above the ground and could already see the source of the screams.

It was a blue commercial vehicle, and the door had been thrown away somewhere. A black, dog-like creature was sticking its head into the car.

The reason why I say it looks like a dog is because Old Liu had raised a dog in the countryside before. He knew very well that the body of the creature resembled a fine hunting dog.

But God bless me, Lao Liu has never seen a hound nearly 2 meters tall just on all fours.

The screams coming from the vehicle indicate that the owner is suffering great pain.

Lao Liu's sweat fell from his forehead. He forgot to breathe, for fear of disturbing the strange creature, even though the creature was at least 200 meters away from him.

Suddenly, the screaming stopped.

The compartment of the commercial vehicle stopped shaking, and Lao Liu watched the hound-like creature slowly pull its head out of the compartment.

The snow-white fangs were covered with flesh and blood, and four scarlet eyes on both sides of the head looked in the direction of Old Liu.

Lao Liu knew he had been discovered.

He is too conspicuous.

The next moment, he issued a final warning to the No. 64 bus under him and to his passengers.


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