The ten strange beasts of the Beginning Forest not only represent the strength of the Black Iron-level powerful party, but also often represent wealth and adventure.

"Teng Meng", as a plant-type monster with relatively low attack power among the black iron-level medium monsters, was selected into the top ten monsters. In addition to relying on its weird and hard-to-prevent illusion, it was also thanks to this green " Seed of Vine Dream".

The moment Chen Bugu picked up the Vine Dream Seed, information about this item came to his mind.

[Vine Dream Seeds]: The seeds produced by fantasy plants are edible and can be planted. After eating, the mental power recovery speed increases by 50% (only effective at the black iron level, and invalid after breaking through to silver); plant it in the soil and irrigate it with mental power for a long time, and you can grow the fantasy plant "Teng Meng".

After consumption, the recovery speed of mental power increases by 50%. This attribute alone is enough for countless awakened people to flock to it.

It's a pity that the attribute changes brought about by "Vine Dream Seed" are only effective at the Black Iron level. Otherwise, I am afraid that many strong men in future generations will still return to the initial forest to hunt "Vine Dream" after breaking through to other levels.

However, the number of "vine dreams" is rare and extremely hidden. Even in the entire starting forest, there are probably only a few of them.

Looking at the green seed in his right hand, after thinking for a long time, Chen Bugu silently collected it.

The increase in attributes is of course very attractive, not to mention the very critical point of mental recovery speed, but it is a pity that it does not take effect permanently.

Chen Bugu's current mental power is as high as 300 points. Although the dual abilities of [Crack] and [Time and Space] also require very high mental power from him, especially magical skills such as "Bullet Time", which requires 20 mental power points per second. The consumption is also a heavy burden for Chen Bugu.

Fortunately, the "Deduction" and "Weakness Detection" unlocked during the process of cracking the eye gene lock do not consume additional mental energy. As long as he applies [Crack] to the eyes, these two abilities will appear, and maintaining [Crack] in The mental energy consumption of the eyes is not bad, it consumes about 10 mental energy points per minute.

Plant-type monsters are rare, and even fewer can leave seeds after death.

After much thought, Chen Bugu decided to keep the "Vine Dream Seed" for the time being.

After all, among the various types of monsters that can be tamed, plant-type monsters are the most malleable species.

Others don't know, but he understands the importance of territory in the late apocalypse.

Once a magical beast like "Tengmeng" is successfully raised, Chen Bugu will have a way to make it break through and evolve, and it will also become a guardian beast in the territory.

After resting for a while, Chen Bugu got up and walked downstairs.

When she walked to the lobby on the first floor of the inpatient department, Lin Lin was already there.

Lin Xiaoxiao and others also gradually woke up from their coma. After some inspection, they found that basically no one was injured, but they were just in a coma caused by mental exhaustion.

Only Lin Ye, Lin Lin discovered that his weakness was not only due to the overdraft of mental power, but also other reasons, such as suffering huge mental trauma.

After everyone woke up, Chen Bugu explained to everyone what had just happened.

“So, what we’ve been eating were leaves?”

Wang Bin kept picking at his throat with his hands, trying to make himself spit it out.

Bai Ting listened to the whole process in silence, and finally said thank you to Chen Bugu.

After continuing to rest for a while, everyone started exploring again.

After all, the purpose of coming to this hospital in the first place was to find some supplies. I had been hallucinating before, and I am afraid that many places have been missed.

Later, I discovered that this was a secret realm, so logically speaking, there should be a treasure chest.

Different from the previous ones, everyone decided to act together this time and no longer split up the team.

The order of exploration is the inpatient department where everyone is currently, then the outpatient building, Ciyun Building and Changde Building.

Lin Ye uncharacteristically refused to continue exploring, saying he was waiting for everyone at the door.

Everyone saw him silently walking towards the guard room, and he walked in quietly alone.

Everyone asked Chen Bugu what happened to Lin Ye.

But Chen Bugu didn't know how to explain it.

After falling into the hallucination, Lin Ye was the most irritable among all the people. Chen Bugu guessed that this might be related to the hallucination he saw.

Dean Huang?

He seemed to have mentioned Dean Huang...

Chen Bugu was thoughtful and decided to pay more attention to the situation in the dean's office later.

In the inpatient department, Chen Bugu found a set of men's casual clothes in the wardrobe of the staff lounge. He took the opportunity to change out of his tattered clothes.

It was already an hour later when we arrived at the dean's office again.

A black treasure box was quietly placed in the corner of the dean's room.

It was the first time for Bai Ting, Yan Kuan and the Lin sisters to see the black iron treasure chest.

After the treasure chest is opened, there are three props in total, two green and one white.

Yan Kuan and others' eyes lit up. After all, Chen Bugu had already informed them about the classification of equipment levels.

And even if you don't know the strength of the equipment level, [Lianxin Crossbow] is also a green weapon, and everyone can still feel its most intuitive power.

The three props produced from the black iron treasure chest are [Storage Ring (Green)], [Short Wind Blade], and [Boots of the Earth].

[Storage Ring (Green)]: Built-in five cubic meters of space, the wearer can access items through thought, and living objects cannot be placed in the storage ring.

[Wind Short Blade]: White grade weapon, strength +5, speed +5, with the skill "Wind Stab".

"Blazing Wind Stab: The wearer of the Swift Wind Short Blade can transform into a gust of wind, cross a distance of 10 meters within 1 second, and complete a thrust. Required mental power: 5; Skill cooldown time: 1 minute."

[Boots of the Earth]: Green grade footwear, speed +15, health +15, and the wearer with earth element affinity >50 can activate the exclusive status "Earth Mother".

"Earth Mother": Inspires the favor of Mother Earth, increases the release speed of earth attribute skills by 20%, and reduces the own movement speed by 20%.

[Wind Short Blade] is mediocre in terms of attributes and skills. After all, it is just a white weapon, which is understandable.

But [Earth Boots] and [Storage Ring (Green)] are both good things!

Especially the [Storage Ring (Green)], with five cubic meters of space, can store a lot of things at this stage.

Everyone was excited when looking at the props and equipment in front of them, especially Yan Kuan.

The pair of [Earth Boots] seemed to have been prepared for him. The skill "Earth Mother" requires the wearer's earth element affinity to be >50%, and he was the only one present who could achieve this.

But no one, including Yan Kuan, took it. After all, Chen Bugu's strength lay there.

What's more, this battle was basically completed by Chen Bugu alone. Not only did they not help, they almost became a burden, so they were even more embarrassed to speak.

"Fat man, this suits you, take it~"

Yan Kuan was stunned for a moment, then quickly caught the [Boots of the Earth].

He didn't expect that Chen Bugu would just throw this green piece of equipment to him...

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