After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 54 Goblin’S Wooden House

After Chen Bugu left, Ding Wenli's screams came from behind.

The voice went from loud to soft, from vicious to begging for mercy, from cursing to whispering, and finally became weak until it gradually disappeared.

Chen Bugu did not pity Ding Wenli. He should have thought of this day when he killed others.

This is the case in this world. Without the constraints of law and morality, the darkness of people's hearts continues to amplify. The law of survival of the jungle is the law of the jungle.

Since Ding Wenli wanted them to die, he had to be prepared to be killed by them.

What's more, in the Goblin Shaman's wooden house, there were many human bones. Judging from the size of the pelvis, they should all be female.

After goblins violated human women, they killed them, ate their flesh, and spit out their bones. Ding Wenli, Xue Ke and others had to bear at least half of these sins!

This is also the reason why Bai Ting became so angry after coming out of the wooden house and took Xue Ke's life with all his moves.

In Bai Ting's view, these goblins deserved to die, and Ding Wenli and Xue Ke, who personally sent these human women into the tiger's mouth, deserved to be chopped into pieces.

Bai Ting was still stunned in place until now, unable to recover for a long time. After all, it was his first time to kill someone with his own hands.

After reaching the fourth level of Black Iron, his [Thunder Spirit] awakened a new skill "Electric Blade", giving him powerful melee cutting capabilities.

Chen Bugu tried it, and Bai Ting's "Electric Blade" could even leave a small opening on his [Short Wind Blade], and the arc would be transmitted along the blade.

In other words, when fighting Bai Ting, you have to be prepared for the paralysis effect of the arc on yourself.

It was precisely with this move that Bai Ting killed Xue Ke with his own hands. When his right hand was taken out from Xue Ke's chest, it was covered with blood. The warm blood splashed all over Bai Ting, and the thing he had taken so much care of was covered with blood. The white suit was also stained red.

Looking at Xue Ke's body, Bai Ting stood there blankly, unable to recover for a long time.

Chen Bugu walked to Bai Ting, patted his shoulder and said.

"Such things will happen more and more in the future, so get used to it soon."

Chen Bugu was still not used to comforting people. After saying that, he walked straight to the big wooden house in the center of the Goblin tribe.

Earlier, the Goblin Shaman's first magic was interrupted by Chen Bugu.

Since leaving "Tiancheng City No. 1 Hospital", as long as he has sufficient mental strength, Chen Bugu will maintain [Crack] in his eyes and continue to crack the gene lock.

The higher the progress of the crack, the greater the difficulty.

In Chen Bugu's battle with "Teng Meng", the progress of cracking the eye gene lock has exceeded 50%.

But it took Chen Bugu two full days to complete the remaining half.

Just before meeting Ding Wenli and his team yesterday, Chen Bugu's progress in cracking the gene lock on his eyes reached 100%.

Eye Gene Lock 100% brings a new ability.

Mental shock!

Chen Bugu can release a spiritual shock by staring into his enemy's eyes.

Enemies attacked by the mental shock will feel a severe headache and nausea. If they are in a casting state, their casting will be interrupted.

The perfect unlocking of the eye gene lock brings three abilities: deduction, weakness detection, and mental impact.

These three abilities have greatly improved Chen Bugu's strength, and in the final analysis, this is brought about by [Crack].

And since there is a gene lock in his eyes, he must also have it in other parts of his body. What kind of abilities will he gain after cracking it?

Chen Bugu had a vague expectation.

However, this was all a thing for another day. Chen Bugu planned to go to the Goblin Shaman's wooden house first, take out the remains and bury them. This was the only thing he could do.

The moment the Goblin Shaman released "Sky Fire", Chen Bugu entered "Bullet Time". He held Bai Ting's cervical spine with his hand and pushed him to hide in the wooden house behind the Goblin Shaman. They gave the illusion that the two of them died due to their skills.

Ding Wenli and Xue Ke were indeed fooled. They mistakenly thought that Chen Bugu and Bai Ting had destroyed the Goblin Shaman's energy shield at the cost of their lives, so they hurriedly took action. After all, it would not be easy to find such competent thugs next time.

It was precisely because Chen Bugu hid in the wooden house that they saw the bones on the ground, mixed with some shabby clothes and a few pairs of dirty sneakers.

In the Goblin Shaman's wooden house, both the wooden walls and the floor were covered with traces scratched by human nails, as well as scattered hair.

Chen Bugu could imagine how much torture those women suffered before they died.

Chen Bugu hated monsters like Goblins from the bottom of his heart.

In the last life, the awakened humans had a consensus that if they encountered goblins in the wild, they would never let them go if they could kill them.

There is also a consensus among female awakeners, that is, if you fall into the hands of goblins and are unable to fight or be saved, then suicide is the best destination.

Ding Wenli's behavior is worthy of death ten thousand times!

Chen Bugu picked up the clothes scattered on the ground, the worn-out sneakers, and the randomly discarded bones one by one, held them in his arms, and then walked out of the wooden house slowly.

At this moment, in the open space of the Goblin tribe, Lin Xiaoxiao and Yan Kuan had controlled the three "monkeys".

Everyone in Guanzhou, except Han Badou, also slowly walked back and stood aside.

Many people had complicated expressions and different faces, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

The three "monkeys" were pressed down by Lin Xiaoxiao and knelt on the ground.

"Monkey" was already frightened to death when he saw what happened to Ding Wenli and Xue Ke.

"Uncles, I am blind and ignorant. Ding Wenli asked me to provoke everyone at that time. He asked me to make a fool of myself. I really didn't want to offend you. Please let me go. Let me go." I'm a horse."

As he spoke, he kept slapping himself in the face.

The other two people also had deathly expressions on their faces and fell to their knees without saying a word.

Lin Xiaoxiao and others turned a deaf ear and just looked at Chen Bugu quietly.

Chen Bugu gently placed the clothes and bones in his arms on the ground, and then slowly stepped away.

A few seconds later, a voice emerged from the originally silent crowd.

"These are my wife's shoes! Where is my wife? Where is my wife!"

Among the crowd in Guanzhou, a man with a gray face ran out. He ran to Chen Bugu, holding a pair of shoes, and then turned to look at the bones on the ground, as if he understood something instantly.

He lay on the ground and cried, calling himself a loser.

Then, two more people seemed to recognize something. They staggered out of the crowd and tremblingly picked up the familiar clothes.

Many people's cries evolved from whimpering at the beginning to heart-rending later on.

Chen Bugu looked at Han Badou, who was covered in blood, and came over at some point.

He expressionlessly picked up a tattered, grass-green women's coat, turned around and walked out of the crowd, muttering to himself.

"Sister, I have avenged you. Sister, don't worry..."

Chen Bugu followed Han Badou until he reached a corner where there was no one around.

Han Badou knelt on the ground, held his coat in his arms, turned his back to Chen Bugu, twitched all over and cried bitterly.

Chen Bugu did not come forward to comfort him. After seeing that Han Badou was fine, he silently retreated to a distance.

He thought again of the scene he saw in his hallucination, where the heavy rain of blood beat on him, and he knelt down in front of his parents' bodies...

Lin Xiaoxiao and others were silent. Old Liu clenched his fists and turned around, unable to bear to watch.

Yan Kuan and Wang Bin also turned around and left, leaving space for these grieving but incompetent relatives.

Lin Lin looked at the scene in front of her. People who had lost their spines were kneeling on the ground, holding the bones and relics, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

They obviously won, but they were so sad.

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