After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 6 Black Iron Treasure Chest

"Pap, tap..."

The driver, Lao Liu, was a little irritable.

He took out another cigarette from his pocket, but this time the lighter wouldn't light up.

He suddenly missed the boy who played with fire.

I don’t know if the kid ran away or not.

If he followed Lin Ye here, he wouldn't have to bother smoking.

"That's it, I met Master Liu in the Hengdong and hid in with you."

Lin Ye looked at Chen Bugu and told him everything that happened after he woke up and fell into coma.

Chen Bugu was a little frightened when he heard that. Those scarlet hounds were very strong. Lin Ye and Lao Liu were able to escape not only because of their superpowers, but also due to a certain amount of luck.

Of course, from this point of view, the person with the best luck may be Chen Bugu.

"I still want to thank you, Teacher Lin, for not leaving me behind."

Chen Bugu didn't speak again after he stood up. He lowered his head and silently digested the information from Lin Ye's mouth.

The driver, Lao Liu, finally lit the ignition and started smoking silently on one side again. He also listened carefully to Lin Ye's retelling just now.

After all, from the beginning, he was only focused on escaping and didn't have much energy to pay attention to what happened next.

The one-horned blue sheep had just turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared.

According to Lin Ye, he can only randomly summon sheep-type monsters for 5 minutes at a time, and it will consume 5 points of mental power.

After summoning the one-horned blue sheep, Lin Ye discovered that he could consume double the mental power to permanently summon the species he had already summoned.

For example, next time he can use 10 points of mental power to ensure that he can summon the one-horned blue sheep instead of other random creatures, although this is not necessary for the time being.

One is because [Sheep] should be able to summon other more powerful sheep monsters.

Lin Ye clearly remembered that the one-horned blue sheep was only a low-level black iron-level monster, which meant that there must be higher-level ones.

The second reason is that 10 points of mental power is a big burden for Lin Ye.

He already knew from Chen Bugu what would happen if his mental power was exhausted.

If you don't have teammates you can trust with your life, exhausting your mental energy on the battlefield is the same as committing suicide.

After a simple exchange of information, Chen Bugu probably had a simple understanding of the current situation.

It can be said to be a hellish start.

Chen Bugu was sweating profusely, and was far from as calm as he looked.

He remembered that the catastrophe in the previous life was not like this at all!

There is a scarlet hound, but there is only one!

From the descriptions of Lin Ye and driver Lao Liu, it was clear that there was more than one scarlet hound in this catastrophe.

The first born has four eyes and is completely black, so it is basically certain that the Scarlet Hound is the right one.

Currently, there are at least three Scarlet Hounds, if not more.

The Scarlet Hound is a top-notch monster among the lower Black Iron level. Even if there is only one, there is a risk of annihilation for this group of awakened ones who have just realized their superpowers.

If three of them appeared at once, Chen Bugu basically felt that he could lie down and wait for death.

what is this?

The difficulty this time was too high, and there was no intention of letting him, a reborn person, walk out of the Yutan Tunnel alive.

"Speaking of which, Master Liu, why don't you just fly out? You can fly out of this tunnel in one go?"

Lin Ye actually never thought about this.

Old Liu glanced at Lin Ye, and the sparks from the cigarette at the corner of his mouth became brighter.

"You think I haven't tried? There's no way to escape."

The total length of Yutan Tunnel does not exceed 10KM. Old Liu knows this very well.

But just now when he was drifting forward, the sign 2KM away from the exit appeared again.

Lao Liu was sure he saw it correctly. After awakening, his vision seemed to be better. From a distance, he saw the sign 2km away from the exit.

Although he didn't know the reason, he was sure that even if he continued to float forward, he would not be able to leave the tunnel.

Sooner or later, he will have to fall to the ground because his mental power is exhausted. So instead of landing and waiting to die, it is better to find a place to hide.

"So that's it."

After listening to driver Liu's explanation, Lin Ye smiled bitterly.

He did not doubt whether Lao Liu was wrong.

For a person who could hardly walk without wearing glasses, the improvement in his eyesight was so obvious that he had already felt it.

"Then this is a ghost beating a wall. It's so magical."

"Are there not enough magical things?"

Old Liu took a deep breath, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out.

Lin Ye smiled helplessly, yes, there are not many magical things?

He couldn't believe that he had even become the summoner that those students who loved playing games often mentioned.

"Hey, young man, what is your superpower?"

Hearing Lao Liu speak, Lin Ye also looked at Chen Bugu.

"My power is [Crack]."

Chen Bugu sat on the ground and remembered the description of [Crack] when he woke up.

"A thief stole the power of the gods and secretly created the fire of the virus. A unique superpower that cannot be upgraded."

However, not only did he not figure out how to use this power, he almost lost his life because of it.

The joy brought by rebirth has long been wiped out by the previous twists and turns. Now Chen Bugu is only worried about whether he can leave alive.

"[Cracked]? What's the use? You've already used it, right?"

"As you said yourself, your coma just now was entirely due to mental exhaustion, so you must have used supernatural powers."

Chen Bugu raised his head and glanced at the driver, Lao Liu. This man seemed to be far more attentive than he appeared on the surface.

"Yes, I have used it. I used [Crack] on the black space that awakened."

"It's a pity. Maybe it's because of my lack of ability. At least nothing happened until I ran out of mental energy."

Chen Bugu still panicked a little, and thinking about it carefully, in fact, nothing happened at that time.

Before Chen Bugu passed out, he vaguely remembered that there was a flash of silver light in his conscious world, and something flew towards him at the last moment.

But Chen Bugu didn't know what was going on. He even doubted whether he had confused this scene with the elemental awakening light that disappeared during his previous awakening.

But none of this matters anymore.

At least for now it doesn't matter.

If you can't survive the Yutan Tunnel, nothing will matter.

Lao Liu shook his head, only feeling disappointed.

"Then what's the use of your [crack]?"

"Maybe I can pick a lock or something."

Chen Bugu smiled to himself, although he was not entirely joking.

Just now, when Chen Bugu glanced at the door where debris was piled, he had a whim. He felt inexplicably that although the door was locked, he could open it.

He has also heard of this kind of whim. Some few awakened people suddenly had a whim during the battle and made new developments in the use of their own powers and realized new skills.

"Unlock? What about the box? Can it be opened too?"

"What box?"

When he heard the box, Chen Bugu's heartbeat seemed to suddenly skip a beat.

"It looks like a treasure chest."

There's a treasure chest here! ?

Chen Bugu quickly stood up.

As Lao Liu spoke, he walked towards the iron door of the storage room and moved away the debris in front of the door one by one.

When Chen Bugu saw this, he quickly went to help.

Underneath the pile of messy things was a dark treasure chest.

The overall shape of the treasure box is the same as the common treasure chests in games. The entire treasure box is about the same size as a desktop computer. A circle of metal white edges is inlaid at the mouth of the box, and the center of the white edge is a keyhole.

Black iron treasure chest!

There is actually a black iron treasure chest here!

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